armada de la república argentina

  1. PreMars

    Why Argentina A-4Qs didn't attack British carrier when they found British fleet on May 1st, 1982?

    Is it because the A-4Q has a shorter combat radius and the British aircraft carrier has not yet entered the strike range? Or is it because there has been no wind on the sea since the afternoon of May 1st? Or is it because the time is in the afternoon and close to evening, so it is difficult to...
  2. PreMars

    Some questions about the modification of Argentine aircraft carrier ARA Veinticinco de Mayo

    Why Argentine aircraft carriers were unable to carry Super Etendard during the Falklands War? Some information claims that the ship only underwent relevant modifications after the war, including upgrading the catapult and inertial navigation system. The stern lift was welded. There is also...
  3. F.L.

    Alternative fighter for Argentine AF & Navy during Falklands war.

    What would have been the impact on the dogfights FAA vs Sea Harriers FRS.1 if Argentina had disposed MiG-21MF/bis & MiG-23MS/MF with R-13M/R-60 during the air war over Falklands. Shar vs MiG-21/ Shar vs MiG-23/ And also with other fighters. The purpose of this thread is not to engage in...
  4. uk 75

    How capable was the Argentine aircraft carrier in 1982?

    I have always assumed from the various books that I have read that the Argentine 25 DeMayo carrier would have had difficulty launching and recovering fully loaded A4 Skyhawks let alone the bigger and beavier Etendard. Even though the RN did not sink the carrier its SSN barrier ensured that she...
  5. Tzoli

    Argentinian Never-Were Warship Designs and Proposals

    Do you guys know any other never-weres or proposed warships for the Argentinian Navy? I know only these so far: TR-1400 class Submarines from the 1980's San Luis class Destroyers of 1910 (British built, finished as Aetos class for Greece) Mendoza class Destroyers of 1910 (Finished as...
  6. Grey Havoc

    AX-04: Last Torpedo Bomber development of the 20th Century?

    Could the IA-58 Pucará be classified as the last Torpedo Bomber, at least developmental wise, of the 20th Century? For those of you who are not familiar with it, AX-04 was a prototype of the IA 58 Pucará, modified during the Falklands War as part of a joint Air Force/Navy project hoping to...
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