
  1. GTX

    NOMADS Armored Short Range Air Defense System
  2. M

    Canadian Patrol Submarine Project (CPSP, Victoria-class replacement)

    Since the only Canadian submarine related thread is in the alternative history section (, I've decided to make a new dedicated thread for the actual, very real program.
  3. Hood

    Arctic Drift Barge

    I came across this project in a 1968 United States Atomic Energy Commission booklet, The ATOM and the OCEAN, by E. W. Seabrook Hull (can be found on Project Gutenberg here). The National Science Foundation had proposed an Arctic Drift Barge for Arctic research, which would have a nuclear plant...
  4. Grey Havoc

    French and other proposals for Canadian nuclear icebreaker (Polar 10) project, late 1970s / early 1980s

    Does anyone have any information on the French design at least? The program was a precursor to the equally ill-fated (non-nuclear) Polar 8 icebreaker program of the 1980s. The only hard info I have on the French proposal at the moment is that the reactor was a CAS (Advanced Series Boiler)...
  5. tequilashooter

    Antarctic/Arctic Rush

    Surprised that this wasn't being discussed or have its own thread but it regards militarization, icebreaker projects, living in cold conditions, transporting fuel, possibly another area of conflict later. Examples of starting off thread to get the general idea...
  6. hesham

    Russia Unveils Plans For Sleek High-Speed Arctic Rescue Chopper With Jet Thruster In Its Tail

    Hi, Russia’s Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, also known by its Russian acronym TsAGI, says it is exploring concepts for a high-speed compound helicopter for rescue and light utility roles in the increasingly strategic Arctic region. The announcement also comes as the Kremlin is in the midst...
  7. covert_shores

    Canada's Theseus AUV - cold war mega-UUV project

    More info: Article Bruce Butler's site: Podcast Bruce Butler did with SUT...
  8. Triton

    Boeing Arctic Surface Effects Vehicle

    Artist's impression of Boeing Arctic Surface Effects Vehicle concept circa 1974. Source:
  9. Triton

    Boeing Model 759-159

    From Boeing Images: Source: EDIT: Attachment removed. See large image below.
  10. Triton

    Boeing RC-1 "Brute Lifter"

    The Boeing RC-1, for Resource Carrier 1, was a joint development project of Boeing and the Great Plains Project, a think tank created by the Canadian government under Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau to develop the country's Far North. Of particular interest was extracting oil, natural gas...
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