
  1. GTX

    NOMADS Armored Short Range Air Defense System
  2. Grey Havoc

    French and other proposals for Canadian nuclear icebreaker (Polar 10) project, late 1970s / early 1980s

    Does anyone have any information on the French design at least? The program was a precursor to the equally ill-fated (non-nuclear) Polar 8 icebreaker program of the 1980s. The only hard info I have on the French proposal at the moment is that the reactor was a CAS (Advanced Series Boiler)...
  3. covert_shores

    Canada's Theseus AUV - cold war mega-UUV project

    More info: Article Bruce Butler's site: Podcast Bruce Butler did with SUT...
  4. Triton

    Boeing Arctic Surface Effects Vehicle

    Artist's impression of Boeing Arctic Surface Effects Vehicle concept circa 1974. Source:
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