apollo program

  1. G

    William Anders dead; killed in plane crash; was 90

    News just came over the transom to me. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/obituaries/bill-anders-apollo-8-astronaut-took-earthrise-photo-dies-plane-crash-w-rcna156149
  2. Graham1973

    Lost Apollo - The LEM Optical Rendezvous System

    During the development of the Apollo Spacecraft, one key aspect of the mission was how to ensure the LEM and CSM met up at the end of the period of lunar exploration. Two systems started developing, Radar Rendezvous, which was the system picked. The other system was known as the Optical...
  3. Graham1973

    The Apollo Guidance Computer's last stand, NASA's 1970s Fly By Wire Program

    I stumbled across a video covering the final use of the Apollo Guidance Computer by NASA, the 'proof of concept' program that led to the successful development of fly-by-wire control systems for aircraft. Definitely worth watching as this was one of the unsung parts of NASA history. View...
  4. Graham1973

    Virtual AGC Project

    The home page of a project that has done great work in gathering together surviving documentation around the Apollo Guidance Computer in a (Successful) attempt to create virtual machine versions of the computers. Some of the people involved in this project were also involved with the Apollo AGC...
  5. Flyaway

    Apollo 17 50th Anniversary

    New video from NASA to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the mission. View: https://youtu.be/XhvliTtzQXY
  6. Graham1973

    Recreating Apollo Communications in the Lab

    The team that revived an Apollo AGC is now attempting the same feat with Apollo communications equipment... Parts 1 - 5 View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v49ucdZcx9s View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laYpGB1pWAc View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8gND82t6G4 View...
  7. P

    1963 Apollo

  8. P

    1962 lunar lander

  9. E

    NASA and Apollo items coming to auction

  10. A

    Mike Collins has passed away... :(

    As said in the tin. Now Buzz Aldrin is all alone as the last Apollo 11 crew still standing. The way things go, no Apollo crew veteran will be left by 2024 to see a tentative return to the Moon...
  11. P

    1963 Grumman LEM

  12. Grey Havoc

    Non-carrier uses of Essex class carriers in their later years

  13. Graham1973

    The forgotten Apollo related film

    With 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing fast approaching, I thought it only appropriate to link to the trailer of the film that covered just who it was that ensured that the pictures got to Earth... It's a wonderful, gentle Australian film, that has a wonderful sense of humor... ;)
  14. Grey Havoc

    Apollo 11 - 50th Anniversary thread

    To start off with: https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/A-363-foot-projection-of-a-rocket-will-be-flashed-14088032.php Here's a few threads, old and otherwise, on subjects related to Apollo 11: https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/astrorocket-saturn-derived-apollo-documents-sale.2991/...
  15. Graham1973

    The Apollo AGC Restoration Project

    A video series covering the effort to restore a surviving Apollo LEM AGC (Believed to be the one used in the LTA-8 prototype LEM) in time for it to be used to simulate the Apollo 11 landing on the 50th anniversary of the first lunar landing. Episode 15 is of especial note as it features a piece...
  16. C

    New information Vought's project MALLAR and Apollo missions

  17. Triton

    Grumman Horizontal Landing Logistics Spacecraft proposals

    Grumman Horizontal Landing Logistics Spacecraft proposals found on eBay. Source: http://www.ebay.com/itm/GRUMMAN-PROPOSALS-HORIZONTAL-LANDING-LOGISTICS-SPACECRAFT-REENTRY-VEHICLE-DESIGN-/132212492362?hash=item1ec87a884a:g:FUUAAOSwcB5ZMDzz
  18. Grey Havoc

    Edgar Mitchell, last surviving member of Apollo 14 mission, passes away

    http://gizmodo.com/rip-apollo-14-astronaut-edgar-mitchell-the-sixth-man-t-1757382904 http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35506000 http://edition.cnn.com/2016/02/05/us/edgar-mitchell-moon-astronaut-dies-obit-feat/index.html...
  19. O

    Song video using Apollo footage

    Discovered this today.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaIS-tY57Zg Chris Staples "Dark Side of the Moon".. First, its not the Pink Floyd song, so don't be surprised. Second, great set decoration making the ultimate late 60's apartment. Third, I'm curious about the clip at 3:15 showing the...
  20. Grey Havoc

    Skylab savior Jack A. Kinzler RIP

    Via Slashdot: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/15/us/jack-kinzler-skylabs-savior-dies-at-94.html Jack Kinzler in 1973 with a photo of the thermal shield he created for the Skylab station. Credit United Press International Godspeed.
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