
  1. J

    New book - Sonderwaffen - Experimental guns, rockets and missiles used by the Luftwaffe during World War Two.

    CONTENTS GUNS Ikaria MG FF (20-mm) Mauser MG 151 Series (15/20-mm) Rheinmetall-Borsig MK 103 (30-mm) Rheinmetall-Borsig MK 108 (30-mm) Mauser MG 81 (7.92-mm) Rheinmetall-Borsig MG 131 (13-mm) Mauser MG/MK 213 C Rheinmetall-Borsig BK 3.7 (37-mm) Rheinmetall-Borsig BK 5 (50-mm) Mauser...
  2. A

    Bo-105 weapons

    I've been looking for some trialled weapons on the bo-105 helicopter and I just can't seem to find any images of the stinger pods mounted on the chopper. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. J

    Ruhrstahl 8-347 (X4)

    By mid-1942 the shortage of tungsten needed for production of anti-tank artillery shells was so critical that the Heereswaffenamt issued a specification calling for a Panzerabwehrrakete (anti-tank missile) fitted with hollow charge warhead. Early in 1943, Dr. Otto Kramer began the development...
  4. F

    BAe CABER air-launched anti-armour weapon

    While I was at the National Archives I stumbled across a 1986 presentation setting out BAe's proposal for their CABER air-launched anti-armour weapon. It seems to have been proposed by BAe as a cheaper alternative to an SR(A) 1238 compliant weapon. I've never heard of this weapon before, and...
  5. E

    French antitank weapon projects before June 1940

    Hi everyone, Just like my previous threads in the same section, talking about French antitank weapon projects in development in the interwar period or up to 1940 that didn't get to enter service, based on my archive findings. I'm gonna start with the ones that caught me completetely off-guard...
  6. uk 75

    NATO helicopter gunship for the 70s

    Although the excellent AH1 Cobra was deployed to Europe in the 1970s and received TOW missiles to help it kill Soviet armour, noone else in NATO could afford it. That left W Germany sticking six HOT missile launchers on its Bo 105 light observation helicopter and the British Army SS11 missiles...
  7. robunos

    Wehrmacht Anti-tank Gun Towing Vehicles

    Looking through a book about Wehrmacht Field Artillery, I came across a list of which type of vehicle was supposed to tow each type of artillery piece. I'm looking for a similar list for Wehrmacht towed Anti-Tank Guns. Can anyone help ? cheers, Robin.
  8. Dronescapes

    A-10 THUNDERBOLT II "Warthog" The Untold Story And Things You Might Not Know, Part 1: Origins

    A-10 THUNDERBOLT II "Warthog" The Untold Story And Things You Might Not Know, Part 1: Origins
  9. uk 75

    NATO Cobras

    The US Huey Cobra was a formidable gunship helicopter. Unlike the later Apache which has found widespread use.with NATO, the Cobra did not get much NATO use. West Germany should have been a major user. TOW equipped Cobras would have added much to Bundeswehr units. Instead the Boelkow B105...
  10. uk 75

    Design a Close Air Support aircraft

    Not sure where to post this one, but it was prompted by the heated discussion on whether to keep/ditch or replace the A10 in the USAF. Apart from the A10 the other main CAS purpose built aircraft in service is the Su25 Frogfoot. The UK and France use fighter/bombers in this role. The RAF set up...
  11. 3

    12.8 cm K.44 Selbstfahrlafette mit gerichtetem Fahrzeug und Feinrichtmaschine

    While looking through a seemingly random search result, I found a particular drawing that stood out to me as it does not seem to be discussed much outside of this VK thread where I found it... Here are the details found in said article: There is also a blueprint and a recreation of said...
  12. TomTom

    Komatsu B78 & Komatsu 105GSR

    Here's a consolidation of the information I've found so far. Komatsu B78 IFV Built by Komatsu, the JSDF in the late ’70s started a project to design an Infantry Fighting Vehicle that would aid troops in the field while also providing armored fire support. Mitsubishi and Komatsu both built...
  13. J

    Edgar Brandt & Company 1940 80mm HEAT projector-grenade

    In 1939, France's Edgar Brandt & Company offered the French Army a series of three HEAT grenades...a 50mm-diameter design to be fired from standard infantry rifles, a 60mm design to be fired from the rifle-caliber medium machine gun in single shot mode, and an 80mm design to be fired from the...
  14. Voltzz

    MBB Anti-Armour Projects

    I just found a very interesting picture on wikipedia, and i dont know where else to post it. All information i have for now is from wikipedia so take it with a grain of salt. i found it on the LRAC F1 article so maybe it was an alternative proposal for that program. In the image the rocket...
  15. RavenOne

    Poland Attack Helicopter competition between Bell and Boeing

    Battle begins between Bell and Boeing for Polish attack helicopter requirement. Cheers
  16. W

    krupp/ardelt waffenträger 105mm lefh-18

    Hi this is my first post - I'm intersting in German technology, specially in armour. Some times ago I saw this pictu were any photos of this vehicle? or any informations?
  17. AN/AWW-14(V)

    TDW's anti-tank mine PARM seeks comeback

    TDW GmbH, a subsidiary of MBDA Germany, publicly displayed its Automated Anti-Tank Weapon (PARM) for the first time at the DSEI show in London on 14–17 September, marking a de facto relaunch for a system that was developed in the 1980s. The company displayed a PARM 1 with a mock-up infrared...
  18. uk 75

    How useless were the Luftwaffe's Alpha Jets?

    One of the things that always puzzled me in the 70s was how the West German Air Force replaced its NATO light fighter bomber competition winning Fiat G91 with the Dornier Dassault Breguet Alpha Jet. The Germans had the money to buy a raft of different planes for this role ranging from Jaguars...
  19. mackeebryanee13

    Bigger 10.5cm Panzerschreck “Panzertod” Jawohl

  20. CJGibson

    Impact on the Iran-Iraq War if Iran had bought A-10s

    If Iran had bought the A-10 in sufficient numbers, they had been delivered and entered service, what, if any, impact would they have had on the course of the Iran-Iraq war? Chris
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