anti-submarine warfare

  1. A Tentative Fleet Plan

    US Mid-1960s Ocean Reconnaissance Ship

    From Norman Friedman's US Small Combatants, pages 319-323 (most of those pages are pictures of PBRs, a Coast Guard 82-footer and a 57-ft Minesweeper Boat) Table 12-5. Schemes for Ocean Reconnaissance Ships, 31 March 1966 A B C D E May 1967 LBP (ft) 317.5 311 311 315 — 374 LOA...
  2. Grey Havoc

    Advanced Technology Frigate (Great Britain, early 1990s)
  3. DWG

    Project CABOT

    See TLDR: Project Cabot proposes as Phase 1 "Atlantic NET" coverage of GIUK gap using a COCONO (contractor owned, contractor operated, naval oversight)...
  4. R

    Alternative RAAF fleets.

    A comment in another thread abut how Australia should have transferred RAN A4s to the RAAF instead of selling them to New Zealand reminded me of a bunch of other Australian decisions. Meteor for Korean War service when we were building Nene-Vampires. Authorising 30 F104s in early 57, cancelling...
  5. D

    Advanced Tactical Support Aircraft (ATSA) US Navy

    Late 80s (88-90) US Navy Program to replace the E-3C, S-3B and EA-6B carrier-based AEW, ASW and EW aircraft. I believe it evolved into the E-X program to replace the E-2, this is why i’m attaching the image of the Boeing E-X proposal, which is seen here in ASW markings. (VS-24 scouts was an S-3...
  6. Grey Havoc

    R/P FLIP (FLoating Instrument Platform)

    Some good news, along with a bit of background: View:
  7. P


    Since there aren't any large threads for FREMM already, I figured I would create one specifically to discuss the background and development of the FREMM-EVO, a pair of interim frigates ordered for the Marina Militare Italiana. Background: Before we talk about the FREMM-EVO, we should talk...
  8. A Tentative Fleet Plan

    SCB 198 Escort Research Ship

    Source: Source:
  9. uk 75

    Tiger class cruisers opinions

    The three Tiger class cruisers arouse strong opinions. As the only major non-carrier RN warships built after WW2 they mark the transition of the RN from a force built round its battleships' big guns to a missile dominated navy. The 6" and 3" guns fitted to them were supposed to be a new approach...
  10. W

    Kriegsmarine Kleinluftschiffe (Airships)

    Those who tought, like me, that all the German engineering expertise on hardware airships ended with the Hindenburg, are wrong. The BA/MA in Freiburg has a file (included in RM 7/2382), dated 12.2.1938,and stemming from the Kriegsmarine, refering to a proposal, serious enough to the point of...
  11. uk 75

    Royal Navy frigates in the 70s

    The saga of the Royal Navy's carriers after 1966 has been the main focus of interest here, but the workhorse of the RN then as now was the frigate. By the 1970s the RN had plans to replace its Type 12 Leander class frigates with the larger all missile armed Type 22. Leanders were designed...
  12. Moose

    Norwegian AAW/ASW Frigate 20XX

    The Norwegian Navy seems to be circling in on a few options for their new multirole frigates to replace the Nansen class. View:
  13. flateric

    McDonnell Aircraft Model 73

  14. B

    Feasibility Study For A Maritime Reconnaissance Aircraft - Hawker Siddeley Aviation Advanced Projects Group - 1962

    What it says on the tin...
  15. uk 75

    Could NATO Frigate 90 have been made to work?

    Perhaps the most ambitious NATO programme of the 1980s was an attempt to design a common escort ship platform for NATO navies: NATO Frigate 90. The project foundered as it became too expensive and failed to...
  16. J

    Modern submarine chaser

    An article about the Irish having to call the RN to scare a Russian sub away from its territorial waters last summer, and thought a sub chaser would be able to solve that problem…but sensors and weapons for ASW have come a long way, and can a ship be built small and cheap enough to really mimic...
  17. A Tentative Fleet Plan

    Anglo-US Crusader/Hammerhead Sea Mine

    Briefly mentioned here, I remember stumbling across this system on another, now defunct, website covering US sea mines. If I remember, the project dated from the 1970s, and included two variants of rising mine, one based upon a small torpedo, the other rocket-propelled.
  18. C

    SCB.100 class CVs

    I was curious to see if there had been any drawings of this paper ship plan. Basically a anti sub/ trade lane protector ship for th usn, 20 s-3 in 2 squadrons plus 4-8 small anti snuper aircraft (presumably a-4 but no design specified) and 16 sea kings, to be biult in the 70's to replace the...
  19. L

    Soviet vs US radar processors comparison

    Been trying to find out more on this subject, but there seems to be frustratingly little. I'm interested in finding out data on 1970s-1980s soviet and american radar processors to form an idea about the oft-mentioned gap between the two in this domain. i'm not a computer man so anything detailed...
  20. TomS

    PXM -- A modern subchaser for the USN

    A few months ago, I posted a thread on a briefing with several more or less obscure frigate concepts for the USN. One of the designs included in that brief is the PXM, which I described at the time as a rabbit hole. This thread is my attempt to chase that rabbit as far as I can go, starting from...
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