anti-ship missile

  1. F

    About the Harpoon Block 1D

    White there is information about the missile itself: There are mentions that, one of the reason it wasn't produced, was that the missiles were too big for...
  2. V

    Willys-Overland P/A-I shipborne anti-ship missile project

    The Retromechanix website contains PDFs of Willys-Overland company documents regarding the P/A-1 ship-launched anti-ship missile at these links:
  3. S

    Sea Dragon anti-ship missile

    Of particular concern is information related to the Sea Dragon anti-ship missile program, a project of the Pentagon’s Strategic Capabilities Office that was being developed by submarine builder General Dynamics Electric Boat...
  4. Triton

    MBDA Future Cruise / Anti-Ship Weapon (FC / ASW)

    "France & UK Launch Next-Gen Missile Project with MBDA to Replace Harpoon/Scalp/Exocet by 2030" Published: Tuesday, 28 March 2017 15:21 Source...
  5. Triton

    Harpoon missile

    "Harpoon missile meets 40-year milestone" video by Boeing Uploaded: Oct 5, 2011
  6. Stargazer

    TRDI/Mitsubishi XSSM-1 surface-to-ship missile

    XSSM-1 PROVING EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE IN U.S. Tokyo AEROSPACE JAPAN-WEEKLY in English 3 Aug 87 pp 4, 5 For a missile that was "highly evaluated" by the U.S., I find it to be particularly elusive. Has anyone seen a picture of it? Could anyone share more data about its career? Thanks!
  7. uk 75

    1969 plans to fit Exocet: Details of Ships

    In his excellent Royal Navy Destroyers and Frigates, Norman Friedman gives details of original plans for fitting Excocets to the Royal Navy surface fleet. Shipbucket enthusiasts may already have seen this, but if not it may be of interest. In 1969 the RN decided to buy 300 Exocets to fit 37...
  8. batigol

    Brazilian missile/rocket projects

    While searching for information about the ASTROS artillery system, I came across a series of articles on Brazil's rocket and missile programs on the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora website ( There's quite a bit of info on a series of obscure projects...
  9. uk 75

    UK naval missiles instead of Exocet in the late 60s

    When the UK aircraft carrier CVA 01 was cancelled in 1966 one of the ways of replacing its capabilities was to be the development of long range surface to surface missiles for both anti-ship and shore bombardment roles. Indeed even before the cancellation of CVA 01 a study had been done on a...
  10. sferrin

    ANS French/German supersonic antiship missile.

    A picture from an 80's military advertisement lead to these other two images. Interesting similiarities between the 25 year old ANS test vehicle and Taiwan's recent supersonic cruise missile. ;) (The ad is aerospatiale.)
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