
  1. Grey Havoc

    NB57 / RD09 ASW/ASuW unmanned surface vehicle family (Turkey)
  2. Grey Havoc

    Ground-based Anti-ship Missile / Remotely Operated Ground Unit Expeditionary Fires Vehicle
  3. uk 75

    British long range shipborne anti ship and surface missiles 1962-70

    In the 60s the RN looked at using missiles possibly derived from Blue Water or similar as a replacement for carrier aircraft. Nothing came of it and Exocet was bought in 1970. Was any serious work ever done?
  4. D

    Iranian ASBM? I pray this turns out to be a hoax. As while China is likely to not use their ASBM, Iran surely will if they possess this type of missile.
  5. bobbymike

    DARPA Long Range Anti-ship Missile (LRASM)

    Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) Program Manager: Mr. Rob McHenry In response to emerging threats, DARPA is building on the technology advances developed under the Hypersonics Flight (HyFly) program to develop and demonstrate standoff anti-ship strike technologies to reverse the...
  6. sferrin

    ANS French/German supersonic antiship missile.

    A picture from an 80's military advertisement lead to these other two images. Interesting similiarities between the 25 year old ANS test vehicle and Taiwan's recent supersonic cruise missile. ;) (The ad is aerospatiale.)
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