
  1. Flyaway

    "Destabilising" Russian Space Threat

    The headline is a bit misleading as the article talks in terms of anti-satellite weapon not a weapon to drop onto the planet.
  2. T

    USA ASAT merging Sparrow and Polaris

    In the document below, at page 23 there is the following sentence: "During the early 1960s, the U.S. Navy was also researching possible ASAT capabilities. Early efforts focused on matching a Navy Sparrow anti-aircraft missile with a Polaris Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM) but these...
  3. M

    France to develop anti satellite lasers and "defensive" mini babysitting satellites
  4. Grey Havoc

    Commandement des Opérations Espace

    This thread is for the new High Command (or grand operations command in the French air force's parlance) for Space Operations of the Armée de l'Air Française that President Macron has just announced. A Space Force in other words. Apparently Macron intends to eventually rename the air force as...
  5. bobbymike

    Atlantic Council - Future Warfare in Space

    Fighting For the Final Frontier? Conflict in Space During the Late 21st Century Monday 1pm eastern link to watch event live.
  6. bobbymike

    Chinese Say Space Weapons Inevitable

    From China commander says space weapons inevitable: state media Beijing (AFP) Nov 2, 2009 A top China air force commander has called the militarisation of space an "historical inevitability", state media said Monday, marking an apparent shift in Beijing's opposition to...
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