
  1. P

    Spitfire alternative history: what happens if everything "goes to plan"?

    As any deeply invested Spitfire fan knows, the intended major developments never eventuated and the history of the Spitfire was one of interim variants that did very well. The dead ends are as follows: SPITFIRE III: Merlin 20 development with four cannon and major airframe revisions; abandoned...
  2. Grey Havoc

    80th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden (2024)
  3. blockhaj

    Lieutenant Norman Samuels' "super-heavy tank"

    So a dude on the War Thunder forums, "Whelmy", found some docs on this Canadian "super heavy tank" a number of years back, designed by a Canadian dude named (lieutenant) Norman Samuels. Unfortunately i only saved one of the documents from his posts, but he did publish a number of them back in...
  4. R

    Pinnacle of Piston fighter: Last US piston fighters vs Spiteful Mk XVI?

    Due to the jet age, various super props never go to production despite their high performance. Among those, it can be said that XP-72 and Spiteful F.16 were the most high capable design. So let say if these prototype got to production stage, which would be the ultimate piston fighter? XP-72...
  5. M

    Tufi airfield in New Guinea?

    I am reading an article on the LW/AW radar set designed in Australia. It states the first production unit went into full operation at Tufi in November 1942. When I google Tufi airfield, all I find is this web page, which claims it was built in the 1960s...
  6. W

    Belyayev pusher fighter?

    A German report on Allied aircraft discovered by Gregory D. Heuer at NARA and published at the Luft46 Facebook public group,, showing what I believe is a Soviet Belyayev design, sharing many "EOI" or "PBI" features. Comments are...
  7. A

    WW2 War-Winning Kit.

    Himself a crucial Allied asset (imposing Jointery, heedless of uniform colour) SACEUR Ike's Memoir (Crusade in Europe) gave 5 “pieces of eqpt (we) came to regard as among the most vital (to) success” (in his ETO: doubtless a Macarthur Pacific list would differ). Published in 1948 he disclosed no...
  8. Grey Havoc

    The Met Office in WW1
  9. S

    British hybrid battleships: projects and proposals

    the richelieu hybrid: (in french)
  10. E

    Général Keller's 1939 French tank program vehicles

    Hi everyone, This thread is about the French tanks designed or contemplated for the new tank program drawn up by the French Inspector of Tanks in December 1939-February 1940, Général Keller. This wartime program was intended to organize development of tanks in control of the infantry branch...
  11. A

    American Experimental Fighters of WWII by Tony Buttler

    American Experimental Fighters of WWII The Pursuit of Excellence Author: Tony Buttler
  12. T

    Engine ratings during late WWII

    Is the water-alcohol injection R-2800 on the P-47s, so they can make 2300-2600-2800 HP instead of 2000-2100 HP, also cheating? Engineer in ww2: we've managed to make our engines do extra 15-20-30% HP more, with reasonable reliability. 21st century enthusiast: cheater! Three things: - there...
  13. Grey Havoc

    D-Day 80th Anniversary
  14. U

    What's the situation of the Royal Navy if the WW2 broke out in 1944, not 1939?

    When I was surfing the Internet, I saw a post on the World of Warship Forum( that an article assuming World War II would have broken out in 1944. And after reading that, I wondered what would...
  15. J

    Edgar Brandt & Company 1940 80mm HEAT projector-grenade

    In 1939, France's Edgar Brandt & Company offered the French Army a series of three HEAT grenades...a 50mm-diameter design to be fired from standard infantry rifles, a 60mm design to be fired from the rifle-caliber medium machine gun in single shot mode, and an 80mm design to be fired from the...
  16. Boxman

    Film: "Job 99 - 'PLUTO' - The Development and Production of the 'HAMEL' Pipelines by Stewarts & Lloyds, Ltd."

    I think it is fair to say that most of those participating in this forum are aware of "Operation PLUTO" ("Pipeline Under the Ocean" or "Pipeline Underwater Transportation of Oil"), the creation and laying down of pipelines under the English Channel to transport fuel to the Allies on the...
  17. B

    Prospective WW2 lightweight multi-role single seat fighter

    I got this idea from some discussions I've had elsewhere and something that was brought up in a thread about making a "Spitfire into a baby Tempest". I sort of don't think that the Spitfire IX as built would be 100% suitable for what was mentioned in that thread for a "multi-role" fighter...
  18. V

    US built Lend Lease Matilda II

    Reading up on the GM 6046 diesel several years ago I was surprised to see the concept was sketched up by the British purchasing commission as a power option for a proposed US built version of the Matilda II. The very limited information I have read indicated that the US was not interested in...
  19. klem

    GMC T68 - 40mm Gun Motor Carriage.1942

    Designed in 1942 by the American Ordnance Company, an old-established gun-making concern of Bridgeport, Connecticut, the M3 half-track carrier, known as the 40mm Gun Motor Carriage T68 (GMC T68) and featured unusual gun layout. The guns were placed, one above the other, a configuration with an...
  20. N

    Havoc Pandora/Havoc III

    About 6 months ago I came across mention of a Havoc variant known as the Havoc Pandora, or Havoc III It was built upon RAF Havoc Is but featured a 2000ft cable with an aerial mine attached. 20 units were converted and used by No.240 Flight (redesignated No.93 Sqn). Eventually they were converted...
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