
  1. Grey Havoc

    3/4-Ton 4x4 Cargo-Personnel Carrier, XM443E1 (U.S. Army)

    I don't think I have come across this one before:
  2. M

    Flying SAM site

    Maybe it was the kind of beverage I had but was thinking of this way of covering large swathes of country with decent SAM coverage. What about fitting transport planes with batteries of surface to air missiles and radars ? Mostly directed upward like a regular SAM site but can move from place to...
  3. Forest Green

    Cannon Based Air Defence

    View: Appears to be using XM913, 50mmx228mm
  4. TomTom

    Secret Projects of the French Armoured Forces

    I don't know if you have more info about this. The French magazine RAIDS, dedicated its special issue N°73 to the "Secret Projects of the French Armoured Forces" published during winter 2019-2020. I haven't managed to get hold of the magazine yet, but it mentions the AMX-APX ALLARM project with...
  5. R

    Design challenge: next generation heavy-lift cargo plane?

    Given the recent destruction of the only Antonov 225 super heavy lift cargo plane ... what will the next generation of heavy lift planes look like? What is the biggest cargo they will carry? What is the widest cargo? Tallest cargo? Longest cargo? Heaviest cargo? How heavy? How fast? How long...
  6. GTX

    ARES XM274 75mm automatic cannon

    Interesting development/proposal I just came across:
  7. M

    The German Wiesel AWC replacement project, the airborne weapon carrier (GSD LuWa)

    Translated form German. CGI of the demonstrator.
  8. Grey Havoc

    Waffenträger Wiesel 1 development

    One of Porsche KG's (from 1972 onwards Porsche AG) interesting Cold War military projects. View:
  9. Grey Havoc

    Jaguar EBRC (Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance et de Combat) [EMBR program] It's supposed to operate alongside the Panhard CRAB and the Griffon...
  10. Grey Havoc

    Shaanxi Aircraft (AVIC) Y-30 airlifter
  11. Triton

    A Look Back at the Black Hawk

    Published on Oct 30, 2014 BLACK HAWK helicopters continue to be the work horse for the U.S. Army. Forty military and civil organizations around the world use this helicopter or one of its derivative models. View:
  12. eshelon

    Predecessor of FCS from late 80s?

    From "In the late 1980s, Army experiments with high-tech but lightly armored "motorized" forces proved uniformly unsuccessful." ?
  13. Grey Havoc

    Panhard CRAB [Combat Recce Armored Buggy]
  14. bobbymike

    Army Wants 'Air Droppable' Light Tank & Ultra-Light Vehicles

    Army Still Wants Mobile Protected Firepower From An Air-Droppable Tank Army officials gathered at Ft. Benning, GA, last week to discuss the future of the service's maneuver forces and consistently brought up a lingering capability gap for mobile protected firepower they say must be...
  15. goose

    AMX ELC light tank

    I have just discovered a tank I did not know existed. It is the AMX ELC, a light tank intended for airborne forces. It is very small but well armed, I can not find much information about it. I can't see where the drivers seat is-in the turret? If you know any more then please let me know. I...
  16. jzichek

    General Airborne Transport XCG-16 Combat Glider

    Check out this article at on the General Airborne Transport XCG-16, an American flying wing type combat glider with twin booms and a single rudder dating from 1944: The article reproduces an Army Air Force preliminary evaluation report on the type, which features 21 high...
  17. P

    Soviet 2S2 Airborne SPH?

    G'day gents I stumbled across this Soviet prototype 2S2 (122mm I assume!) airborne SPH design, which looks like it is based on the BMD-1 chassis Does anyone have any more info (specifications/drawings/pics) on this design? Also does anyone know why it didn't it enter service? Looking...
  18. Triton

    UK MoD Future Protected Vehicle

    From theworacle via YouTube:
  19. J

    Rotorcycles for USMC

    Rotorcycles In the early 1950s the US Marine Corps was considering a single seat portable ultra light helicopter which could be airdropped. The programme was conducted by the US Navy’s Office of Naval Research and included the following designs: Hiller 1033 Rotorcycle: Two prototypes...
  20. cluttonfred

    M29 Weasel video, variants?

    I came across this neat OSS briefing film referenced in the Wikipedia article on the M29 Weasel. The 10 minute video--worth the wait, I promise--includes some discussion of the various alternative approaches to travel across ice and snow that were evaluated as well as a lot of footage of the...
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