aircraft cannon/guns

  1. P

    Aircraft guns and their positions

    When did aircraft guns become reliable enough to be able to consider mounting them in the wings?
  2. E

    Experimental Missile packs for Hawker Hunters

    Hello, Recently me and @Jason Dykstra (Wyvern) have come across a few interesting pictures regarding Missile packs for the Hawker Hunter that could be fitted in place of the ADEN armament, I was wondering if anyone had any more info than what we have, so far we have found images for; A...
  3. J

    New book - Sonderwaffen - Experimental guns, rockets and missiles used by the Luftwaffe during World War Two.

    CONTENTS GUNS Ikaria MG FF (20-mm) Mauser MG 151 Series (15/20-mm) Rheinmetall-Borsig MK 103 (30-mm) Rheinmetall-Borsig MK 108 (30-mm) Mauser MG 81 (7.92-mm) Rheinmetall-Borsig MG 131 (13-mm) Mauser MG/MK 213 C Rheinmetall-Borsig BK 3.7 (37-mm) Rheinmetall-Borsig BK 5 (50-mm) Mauser...
  4. R

    Soviet 57mm Aircraft cannons (N-57/OKB-16-57)

    Very little info seems to exist on these weapons. If anyone has any additional info this weapon (or weapons, maybe they are different from each other?) that would be great, such as ammunition types used, rate of fire, etc. Below is the info I've compiled so far, There seems to be a small...
  5. I

    GAU-7 : Gun for the F-15

    Has any-one pictures or drawings of the proposed GAU-7 caseless ammo gun for the F-15? I can't find any :'(
  6. RyanC

    Development of Airborne Armament 1910-1961

    I finally got the microfilm in the mail of all four volumes of this study; and had them scanned by a local company. First up, the magnificient maidien known as the Valkyrie: Reading further; North American was very dead set against Active Defense in any form for the B-70; which isn't that...
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