Les Echoes seem to have run a feature 'Airbus breaks the secret and announces the arrival of a new civilian helicopter', and then took it down again.
There was...
Project Musher
Airbus Helicopters and its partners have conducted a full scale demonstration of a manned-unmanned teaming (MUM-T) system developed as part of a project funded by the European Union and code-named MUSHER. The demonstration took place in France and Italy from 30 September to 9...
cold war ii
direction générale de l'armement
european defence industrial development programme
european union
french fifth republic
italian republic
kingdom of spain
manned-unmanned teaming
unmanned aerial system
unmanned aerial vehicle
unmanned air system
I am wondering if anyone has any information on a proposed Super Puma/ Cougar alternative to the NH90. I read somewhere that when the NH90 programme was in its early stages and experiencing the inevitable problems, Airbus briefly considered an updated version of its Super Puma as an alternative...
cold war ii
leonardo s.p.a.
medium lift helicopter
medium multi-role rotorcraft
north atlantic treaty organisation
LifeRCraft = Low Impact, Fast & Efficient RotorCraft
The next step after X³
Refer to page 332 (8.7 Compound Rotorcraft Demonstration (LifeRCraft)) for further information:
so i have some questions it seams that there is no topic about the Tiger in here
yes there are some topics about the Tiger for instance :
PAH-2: alternatives to and evolution of the Tiger attack helicopterhttp://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,207.0/all.htmlFrench Attack...
NH90 has been sized and conceived to be able to operate from any type of prepared or unprepared surfaces and to satisfy already in its basic design the entire specific feature requested by tactical transport requirements. Sharing common basis, only the on-board mission system differentiates the...
anti-submarine warfare
cold war
cold war ii
late 1980s
nato helicopter management agency
nh industires
north atlantic treaty organisation
post-cold war
war on terror
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