Late 80s (88-90) US Navy Program to replace the E-3C, S-3B and EA-6B carrier-based AEW, ASW and EW aircraft. I believe it evolved into the E-X program to replace the E-2, this is why i’m attaching the image of the Boeing E-X proposal, which is seen here in ASW markings. (VS-24 scouts was an S-3...
anti-submarine warfare
carrier based
cold war
early 1990s
electronic warfare
late 1980s
naval aviation
tanker aircraft
u.s. navy
united states navy
The USN acquired 142 Lockheed EC121s in the early 50s to mount long-range early warning barrier patrols in the Atlantic and Pacific. The main strength was 5 sqns for each ocean with various cats and dogs supporting units. The barrier patrol lasted until 1965 and afterwards the USN transferred 30...
alternate history
central intelligence agency
cold war
great britain
imperial iranian air force
imperial state of iran
japan air self-defense force
late 1960s
north atlantic treaty organisation
republic of china air force
royal air force
royal australian air force
united states
united states air force
united states navy
Been trying to find out more on this subject, but there seems to be frustratingly little. I'm interested in finding out data on 1970s-1980s soviet and american radar processors to form an idea about the oft-mentioned gap between the two in this domain. i'm not a computer man so anything detailed...
Length 10m, wingspan 22m, MTOW 13t, cruise at 13km / 0.6Ma, Vmax 0.75Ma.
Positioning: Strategic recognition and strikes high value targets. First flight 2019, serial production 2022.
close air support
cold war ii
electronic warfare
late 2010s
people's liberation army
people's liberation army air force
people's republic of china
strategic reconnaissance
This was a program, possibly inspired by the B-1C and related proposals, to procure a number of P-3C based variants equipped with the AWG-9 Radar and the Phoenix missile (likely the AIM-54C ECCM/Sealed version), for the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force. The program began as a TRDI program in...
air defence
cold war
hughes aircraft company
hughes missile systems group
japan defense agency
japan maritime self-defense force
kawasaki heavy industries
mitsubishi heavy industries
strategic defence
Raytheon Systems Company, Elta Division of Israeli Aircraft Industries, and Airbus Industries A130-based submission for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Project Wedgetail Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&C) system. The team also included Hawker de Havilland, Honeywell...
cold war ii
commonwealth of australia
north atlantic treaty organisation
post-cold war
royal air force
royal australian air force
united states air force
Dear Boys and Girls, here is an article describing the BAC X-Eleven "project" for a (then) new technology short-medium range jet airliner with CFM-56 engines. This "project" has a wider fuselage cross-section than the standard BAC 1-11. I believe this was the final attempt to make a stand-alone...
british aircraft corporation
cfm international
civil aviation
cold war
great britain
întreprinderea de avioane bucurești
japan air self-defense force
japan maritime self-defense force
maritime patrol aircraft
royal air force
socialist republic of romania
Back in the 80s it was finally realised that the Avro Shackleton AEW was obsolete and later that the Nimrod AEW.3 project was very unlikely to work correctly. The UK Government and MoD went looking for a replacement and settled on the E-3D Sentry which entered RAF service in 1990.
What were the...
air defence
cold war
great britain
late 1980s
north atlantic treaty organisation
raf strike command
royal air force
uk air defence region
Hi Everyone!
My apologies if this has been posted before here.
Has any more information come out on the AVIC-1 transport aircraft design from the PRC?
cold war ii
no. 603 aircraft design institute
people's liberation army air force
people's republic of china
transport aircraft
xac (prc)
xi'an aircraft company limited
xi'an aircraft industrial corporation
Airship Industries (UK) Ltd teamed up with Westinghouse Electric Corporation to develop the civilian SkyShip 5000 and the United States Navy YEZ-2A Sentinel 5000 Airborne Early Warning (AEW) airship in the mid-1980s. In 1990, Airship Industries collapsed and the company became Westinghouse...
The preferred UK AEW for the RAF was always the Nimrod as it was big and in production. In 1966 studies looked at various radar options, but lack of money delayed it.
All of the above comes from 'Airborne Early Warning, design, development and operations' by Mike Hirst, Osprey, 1983.
air defence
british aerospace plc
cold war
gec-marconi electronics ltd
great britain
hawker siddeley aviation ltd
north atlantic treaty organisation
raf fighter command
raf strike command
royal air force
uk air defence region
Hi, it's my first day at the forum. So I want to ask for a very ordinary subject. Besides the later winner of the AWACS competition, the Boeing EC-137D (early_awacs_2.jpg shows an early configuration with radome mounted on the tip of the tail), there was another competitor, a DC-8 development...
aerospace defense command
cold war
early 1970s
late 1960s
north atlantic treaty organisation
united states
united states air force
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