air material command

  1. Grey Havoc

    MX-767 Banshee

    Has anyone come across any info on this project? This is what I have from the Missile Scrapbook over in
  2. XP67_Moonbat

    Project Brass Ring

    On the subject of US flying bomb projects, from Splendid Vision, Unswerving Purpose:Developing Air Power For The United States Air Force During The First Century Of Powered Flight, I learned about another flying bomb project, Project Brass Ring. I did a Google search and, well, here you go...
  3. XP67_Moonbat

    ASD Preliminary Designs in Splendid Vision, Unswerving Purpose

    Splendid Vision, Unswerving Purpose: Developing Air Power For The United States Air Force During The First Century Of Powered Flight History Office Aeronautical Systems Center Air Force Materiel Command Air Force History and Museums Program United States Air Force Wright-Patterson Air Force...
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