air force systems command

  1. XP67_Moonbat

    Hill Genie- Genie missiles as CBU's

    The story of Genies repurposed as CBU's for Vietnam.
  2. bobbymike

    October 1987 Air Force Monthly

    Boost-Glide Vehicles DARPA and NASA have been in­volved in the NASP program since its inception. Now the Air Force is pursuing a joint program with DAR­PA to develop hypersonic boost-glide vehicles and build a prototype. These would be quite different from the runway-takeoff aircraft/...
  3. hesham

    Lockheed XST Evolution

  4. hesham

    Northrop XST

    The Northrop XST;
  5. flateric

    Lockheed/General Dynamics/Boeing YF-22A

    Screen capture with rare view of YF-22NX (second, PW F-119 equipped prototype) with nose cone removed, towed from hangar after cosmetiс restoration of airframe, damaged by PIO crash in April 1992.
  6. Matej

    Northrop / McDonnell Douglas ATF - YF-23 and EMD F-23

    Image removed - modified drawing in the next posts.
  7. flateric

    Secret Stealth VTOL Transport - "Senior Citizen"

    I have found that murky image in one of zillion AFRL ppt presentations, that serves for me a source of very interesting stuff for several years that proves to be real metall knowledge of what the hell X-41 or X-42 would be three or four years ago. "Aeronautics at AFRL" Provided...
  8. F

    Rockwell pre-ATF and ATF studies

    Thread to discuss Rockwell pre-ATF and ATF Projects. Merged with existing Rockwell ATF threads by Overscan If I knew how to add a pic, I'd attach it, but in a 1981 issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology, there was a page of sketches of ATF designs. One that's had me intrigued is a Rockwell...
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