aerospace industry

  1. N

    UK Industry Rationalisation 1945

    In the thread "Could the UK have done a better job of maintaining carrier based air power?" I've suggested that doing a better job of managing the British aerospace industry is closely related to the UK doing a better job of maintaining carrier based air power. The first step to that is...
  2. TheKutKu

    WI: Dassault-Aerospatiale Merger in 1997?

    In the second half of the 20th century, successive French governments had repeatedly tried to acquire control of Dassault. Notably, in 1981, following Mitterand's election, the socialist government attempted it, but effective lobbying, fears of disrupting the company's effectiveness and Marcel...
  3. GTX

    World's first propeller with 11 blades completes first test flight
  4. Mike Pryce

    Ralph Hooper RIP

    I've just heard that Harrier and P1216 designer Ralph Hooper passed away yesterday. He was 96, and in my view, Britain's greatest ever aircraft designer. Ralph explained his achievements modestly but clearly to the many who asked. Glad we asked him to do so for a video a few years back...
  5. Orionblamblam

    RIP Robert Bradley

    Not sure this is the right place for this, but: I've just been informed that aerospace historian/author Robert Bradley ("Convair Advanced Designs") passed away Friday. :(
  6. Grey Havoc

    Last Boeing C-17 built in Long Beach
  7. Boxman

    Gizmodo Showcase of Aerospace Artists -Hejja, Fjeld, McCall, Meltzer

    As per this item today (10-Nov-2014), Gizmodo is starting a series of posts "showcasing the work of some of the most noted aerospace artists." They start today with Attila Héjja (Hejja): The Hungarian-Born Painter Who Immortalized America's Space Program by Atilla Nagy, Gizmodo - 10-Nov-2014 **...
  8. Triton

    Boeing’s Strategy: Holistic, Enduring and Innovating

    "Boeing’s Strategy: Holistic, Enduring and Innovating" By Andrew Drwiega, International Bureau Chief, reporting from St. Louis, Mesa and Seattle August 5, 2014 Source:
  9. A

    Inertial Navigators in UK

    Who can flesh this lot out? 1954: Sperry/UK, licence from Sperry/US: intended for (to be) Blue Streak. Bracknell clean room. Abandoned for: 3/57: Elliott licence from Bosch Arma (ATLAS kit). Rochester clean room. B Streak died 13/4/60 but INS work continued for Blue Steel. 1957: Ferranti...
  10. Triton

    Fairchild ESV (Experimental Safety Vehicle)

    Photographs of Fairchild ESV (Experimental Safety Vehicle). Source: From the Archives at Grumman Memorial Park Calverton, Long Island, New York or The Cradle of Aviation Museum, Garden City, Long Island via Warbird Information Exchange forum...
  11. Z

    The other UK

    Abraham makes a valid point on another thread about what the UK OrBat would look like if things had been different from the end of WWII. SO I think rather than hijacking an existing thread perhaps it would be better to start afresh. Now Abe makes the case that the UK could have left the nuclear...
  12. Michel Van

    What became of this Aerospace Company ?

    a littel series of, who is who in Aerospace Company and Wat became of them if you wanted, you can correct my errors or missing information, Douglas Aircraft Company founded in 1921 by Donald Wills Douglas, Sr. in California Ed Heinemann start work there in 1926 as draftsman in WW II they...
  13. P

    Early British gas turbine development

    Got this form Groggy on the TGP site “The L.R.1 bomber project was first submitted to the Ministry of Aircraft Production late in 1944” and “In May, 1945 a project was prepared for a transatlantic civil transport powered by four...
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