
  1. ThePolishAviator

    Questions regarding an experimental airfoil from the 70s.

    Hello, recently I read a study titled "Design of high lift airfoils with a Stratford distribution by the Eppler method" by Mr. W. G. Thompson. This study uses a special program to design an airfoil with a peculiar pressure distribution. This is one of the results of that study: I was very...
  2. ThePolishAviator

    Questions regarding the shape of the Me 262 and Focke-Wulf 187 fuselage.

    The Me 262 and the FW 187 are 2 German WW2 designs that are both known for their exceptional speed and agility compared to other aircraft in their weight-class. They also share a weird quirk which is their fuselage cross-section. It's a triangle with rounded edges and walls that are somewhat...
  3. A

    Enhancing Field Coherency for Magnetic Propulsion

    Hello, I’m seeking any materials on alternative propulsion methods involving electro magnetism. I’ve been looking for papers that are field theory based and although there’s some interesting stuff on here, the virtual photon and quantum speak is tiring for me to equate with my own terms. Not to...
  4. A

    Aerodynamics Question for the Wing Experts: Ugrinsky or Revolving-Wing?

    Hi, I am undergraduate engineering student. I asked this question on 2 different engineering forums but got very strange and unhelpful replies. So I thought I would try the AIRCRAFT experts here. = ) There are 2 mysterious VAWT wind turbine designs floating on the Internet. The Ugrinsky...
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