1. TomS

    Recent Leonardo Canon Concepts (X-Gun, Gatling 20, Blaze30)

    Leonardo seems to be on a streak developing new automatic canons Announced in 2023, the X-Gun is an electrically powered single-barrel 30x173 gun for both land and naval applications: https://www.edrmagazine.eu/leonardo-unveils-new-30x173-mm-x-gun-weapon-system More technical details...
  2. E

    41 States Sue Meta Over the Social Media Giant’s Impact on Kids

  3. Richard N

    Long-lost Star Wars X-Wing model to be auctioned, bids starting at $400,000

    https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/sep/11/star-wars-x-wing-model-rare-found-auction-heritage-auctions "A long-lost model of an X-Wing Fighter that was used in the climactic battle in the original Star Wars film has been put up for auction, with bids starting at US$400,000 (£320,000...
  4. E

    2001: A Space Odyssey library book returned 53 years late

    Oh dear. I'm glad that shop owner took it off my hands. :) https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-humber-66405711
  5. E


    I'm taking my dog off my account immediately. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-65126056
  6. N

    US Munitions production

    The United States and her allies are sending significant quanties of munitions to Ukraine. This is in response to what Russia calls its "special operation" and most others call the Russian Invasion which escalated in February 2022. Here is a link to the Wikipedia page of military aid to...
  7. uk 75

    Royal Navy Orbat February 2023

    This month's Navy News magazine contains a chart showing the Royal Navy''s equipment and its usual monthly maps of where ships are. The Queen Elizabeth is being refitted in Portsmouth while Prince of Wales is being repaired in Scotland. Of the six T45s based in Portsmouth only Dauntless, Duncan...
  8. E

    Boeing to hire 10,000 workers in 2023 as it ramps up production

  9. E

    Amazon Job Cuts Mean the End of Stores, Maybe Alexa/Echo

  10. Grey Havoc

    Routine (Horror game)

    On a very topical note, a horror game that, appropriately enough, has recently returned from the dead. Not to be confused with the 2020 game of the same name. https://www.pcgamer.com/sorry-routine-is-back/ https://kotaku.com/routine-raw-fury-indie-horror-space-alien-isolation-pc-1849043193...
  11. E

    King Charles III's coronation date announced by Buckingham Palace

  12. E

    Hoverbike anyone?

  13. Grey Havoc

    FS Perle

    https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/uss-bonhomme-richard.30940/post-402978 Some good news: https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2021/04/naval-group-started-transplanting-a-damaged-ssn-with-a-decomissioned-submarine/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_submarine_Perle_(S606)
  14. Grey Havoc

    Hanwha Systems 2,000-Satellite LEO Constellation

    https://spacenews.com/hanwha-systems-to-launch-2000-leo-communications-satellites-by-2030/ https://www.satellitetoday.com/mobility/2021/03/31/hanwha-systems-plans-2000-satellite-leo-constellation-for-mobility-applications/
  15. Grey Havoc

    Grand Theft Auto VI?

  16. Grey Havoc

    National Security Multi-Mission Vessels (NSMV)

    https://www.defensenews.com/naval/2020/04/14/philadelphia-shipyard-tapped-to-build-new-merchant-marine-training-ships/ https://gcaptain.com/tote-selected-as-construction-manager-for-new-multi-mission-training-ship/...
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