1. TinWing

    Boeing “High Speed” Cruise Missile Patent

  2. Grey Havoc

    Dead Spacecraft on Mars Spotted in New Photos (Space.com)

  3. XP67_Moonbat

    Centurion HLV Concept

    Another one from the lasses and lads at GA Tech: https://smartech.gatech.edu/bitstream/1853/8382/1/aiaa_2004-3735_paper.pdf
  4. TinWing

    Schelde Combatant 12717: Stealthy Dutch Frigate?

    This image was was posted by Neptune in the Merchant Shipping thread: This proposal was also depicted in the Thales brocure for an integrated mast, which houses a Smart S Mk2 radar in a "stealthy" enclosure. Here is the link...
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