
  1. J

    Messerschmitt Jet Fighters

    CONTENTS Compressibility buffeting The research sites of the Luftwaffe Messerschmitt Me 262 Interzeptor Messerschmitt Me 262 Heimatschützer BMW 109-003 R (TLR) rocket/turbojet BMW 109-718 rocket Rocket propellants composition Messerschmitt Me 262 Hochgeschwindigkeits Rennkabine...
  2. Mark Nankivil

    McDonnell Model T196-4

    Good Day All - From last week's visit to Gerry Balzer to pick up the remainder of his personal library and collection, we came across a sealed box of small rolled drawings out in the garage. Covered in dust and grime, sure glad it was sealed. This drawing was in the box and is a new design to...
  3. R

    WI 'Dogfight' Red Top and/or Matra R530?

    In response to the demands of the Vietnam War RoE forcing 'dogfights' the US developed the AIM9E version of the Sidewinder and the AIM7E-2 version of the Sparrow, while the AIM9D had started production in 1965. WI if the British and/or French found themselves in a similar situation as the US in...
  4. B

    Bölkow BORAS

    Space Transporter concept "BORAS" – Bolkow Raum Transporter. Bolkow Developments KG Two stage space transporter with horizontal take-off. First stage uses 8 high – pressure ejector rocket engines. Each engine has 248 kN thrust. Upper stage has 2 rocket engines and a payload of 3 t. Launcher mass...
  5. M

    1950s - 1960s U.S. NAVY FUTURE WEAPONS

    Hi! ALL HANDS MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 1961 PAGE: 39 "OPERATION CRYSTAL BALL" In 1961 RADM Roy S. Benson asked everyone in the sub force to submit ideas for "future" submarine weapons etc. Some ideas - "depth charging" surface craft - underwater submarine tender - sailless submarines - addition of...
  6. hesham

    FAA DC-3 Replacement Competition of 1960s

    From FAA Aviation News 1964, this competition was intended to replace Douglas DC-3,the main tenders were; Learjet Model-? Hughes M-? or Model-? Culver City Type-? Republic AP-? Farmingdale Type-? Jerome Type-? Parkville Type-? Fairchild Stratos M-? Hagerstown Type-? ACME may A-3 ...
  7. L

    spain and china 1960s toy maker sst designs

    i found 2 sst designs , one made by spanish toy company Hojalata and one by an unknown chinese toy maker callet "st-1 rocket plane" heres the chinese one. And heres the spanish one.
  8. gollevainen

    Finnish Turunmaa class Export proposals

    Althought intrestingly unique vessels and pride of our naval building capacities, the Turunmaa class Gunboat (or corvette in more international sense) never attracted any foreing sales, as didn't anything else we tried to market. Some proposals do have appeared, mostly just with different...
  9. Grey Havoc

    HMS Alliance (P417 / S76)

    HMS Alliance was modified for SIGINT/ELINT work during a yard period in the late 1950s (1958-1960), in particular for monitoring the Soviet Northern Fleet, at least according to the Daily Telegraph obituary of Rear Admiral Martin Wemyss linked below...
  10. M

    French heavy anti-tank missile of the 1960s

    I am cleaning up the wiki articles on Swingfire and TOW. One source mentions that in the early 1960s when the US decided to move ahead with TOW, after promising the British they wouldn't, they argued there was no point continuing Swingfire because the French were replacing ENTAC with a...
  11. M

    Orange William to Swingfire?

    A previous thread suggested that Orange William fed into Swingfire. I am not sure how this might be. OW was a command-guided weapon using a complex two-sight system, a computer, and IR links to the missile to control its flight through rear-mounted control surfaces. The rest of the system was...
  12. H

    Bristol Britannia AEW: BEWARE

    In the 1960s, the RAF started to examine options for land-based AEW aircraft. NASR.6166 was a joint RAF/RN requirement issued in 1962, for a carrier-borne AEW aircraft that would also be used from land bases. This requirement specified an FMICW radar. That didn't stop companies from offering...
  13. trajan

    British School of Tank Technology (STT) and other bureau designs 1950-1970

    My friend said that during the first two decades of the early Cold War. The British STT has designed a series of very distinctive blueprint tanks and a small number of prototype vehicles actually built. These new tanks used to meet the needs of the new era of warfare and against the Soviets...
  14. B

    "Improved F-5" and STOL F-5, from 1964

    I have come across an article from Air Force Magazine (link below) about the F-5 dated December 1964 that briefly talks about two variants of the F-5 apparently being offered at the time. First, an improved F-5A with slightly higher thrust ("J85-13/J5", 4300 lbf, 220 lbf higher than the...
  15. Grey Havoc

    Ford 'Big Red'

    Meant to create a topic on this after creating the one on the Kenworth-Boeing gas-powered turbine truck earlier in the year. Like that program this one had its origins in an USN requirement, albeit a later one. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tODsl0-oW0Q View...
  16. A Tentative Fleet Plan

    Construction of the Dounreay Fast Reactor

    View: https://youtu.be/JIkYOFxcqRg
  17. Grey Havoc

    Luna 4

  18. Grey Havoc

    The Aurora, Revell, Monogram Models Story

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBgCRQ2wIvw
  19. Grey Havoc

    G.S.O.R. 1008.

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LRdmSgUDaQ Looks like the requirement was for a heavily protected defence orientated tank, employing ambush tactics (similar in a number of respects to the S-Tank), for use by the British Army On the Rhine (BAOR). IIRC, default NATO strategy in the event...
  20. A Tentative Fleet Plan

    Royal Navy 1960s Depot Ship Design for East of Suez

    As a result of a December 1964 request from the Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shustri in London for a joint US-Soviet nuclear guarantee, the UK Foreign Office drew up a discussion paper with the Ministry of Defence on British nuclear forces outside of the NATO area. A follow-up Foreign...
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