Hi everyone,
I am currently finishing to upload my early 2025 research in the French archives to my Google Drive repertories. Yesterday, I completed the upload of archive number GR 9 N 281, which contains notices of various developments between 1933 and 1938 (mid 1938 tops); including the...
Hello, I have some files from NARA to share. These are a selection of sketches and tables taken mostly during the conference itself in 1930, which were kept in a miscellaneous folder at NARA. There were also battleship and aircraft carrier sketches mixed in the "light cruiser" papers which I...
Recently found this 203mm/96 gun from 1939. Likely a long range siege or test gun.
Pressure curve for a 203/96 gun. Massa proietto (shell mass: 102 Kg), Massa carica (charge mass: 100 Kg (NAC idk what it means)). Velocita’ iniziale...
coastal battery
coastal defences
gio. ansaldo & c.
interwar period
kingdom of italy
railway artillery
railway gun
regio esercito
royal italian army
siege artillery
siege gun
In the 30s, the French Air Ministry never launched official competition for High altitude planes.
This is mainly due to the fact that the purpose of technical programs was to allocate funding for research, studies, prototypes in some cases, but above all to put manufacturers in competition to...
Hello everyone!
Despite being a prototype fighter, the Northrop 3A was not successful, and I didn't find much material about it. I think it would be interesting to have a topic about it.
The Northrop 3A was powered by an air-cooled, supercharged, 1,535.387-cubic-inch displacement (25.160...
imperial japanese navy air service
interwar period
pursuit aircraft
united states
united states army air corps
united states navy
vought aircraft
Stefano Sappino's blog has information on these battleship studies:
In the post, he says:
In his posts, he only provides information about 4 of the Group 3 designs. Does anyone...
aerowerke gustav otto
arado flugzeugwerke
bayerische flugzeugwerke
focke-wulf flugzeugbau ag
heavy fighter
henschel und sohn
nazi germany
pre-world war ii
third reich
Hi everyone,
Just like my previous threads in the same section, talking about French antitank weapon projects in development in the interwar period or up to 1940 that didn't get to enter service, based on my archive findings. I'm gonna start with the ones that caught me completetely off-guard...
Does anyone have:
- general plans and armor scheme of the Eendrachts. For the armor, the correct figures seems to be 100mm belt of unknown height and length closed by 60mm traverses at the end barbettes, with 75mm armor extending beyond the citadel on the sides for an unknown distance, topped by...
Hi everyone,
This thread is about the French tanks designed or contemplated for the new tank program drawn up by the French Inspector of Tanks in December 1939-February 1940, Général Keller.
This wartime program was intended to organize development of tanks in control of the infantry branch...
I am going to tread carefully with this one but I think it is worth a look.
Instead of the Hitler regime from 1933 Germany is run by a conventional centrist party. The Weimar Republic survives. But its strong willed Chancellors still seek to overturn the restrictions of the Versailles Treaty on...
air force aeronautical research laboratory
cold war
futuristic engineering designs
hans von ohain
heinkel flugzeugwerke
interwar period
late 20th century
nazi germany
pre-world war ii
united states
von ohain
weimar republic
world war ii
Société Dyle et Bacalan - 1924-1929
In 1924, shipbuilders Société de Travaux Dyle et Bacalan of Bordeaux established an aeronautical division to design and build aircraft of all-metal construction. This shipbuilding firm went bankrupt in 1928 and was bought by the Ateliers et Chantiers...
SPF contributor Motocar posted to his website this cutaway of the CLW Curlew. The post referenced his source, an archival version of the German magazine Flugsport for 1937. I couldn't find a thread for CLW here at SPF, so I started this one as this airplane contains some structural details...
Something about Super-A Cruisers before Maru-5 Project.
Source: 早川幸夫,スーパー・クルーザー「超甲巡」覇王伝説,月刊《丸》,2013年5月号 (Monthly "Maru", May 2013).
The author stated that in a 1934 document named "Required National Defense Force from Treaty-Break to 1940" (条約決裂後ノ昭和十五年度ニオケル国防所要兵力表), that IJN's original plan...
3rd naval armaments supplement programme
early 1940s
empire of japan
heavy cruiser
hunter-killer cruiser
imperial japanese navy
imperial japanese navy technical department
interwar period
maru 3 keikaku
ministry of the navy (japan)
world war ii
This book is written by the german Winkler-Researcher Reinhard Sagner. He focuses on the technical asprects of Winkler´s work in and for the Junkers Company in Dessau in the time between 1929 and 1939, when Winkler left Junkers for the Luftfahrtforschungsanstalt Braunschweig. The author has used...
interwar period
junkers flugzeugwerke a.g.
late 1920s
luftfahrtforschungsanstalt braunschweig
nazi germany
third reich
weimar republic
world war ii
This is an alternative history of Goddard's historical liquid rocket launch of 1926 and the succeeding development of a fictional experimental rocket airplane based on Goddard's designs. The advent of the design and its governmental support ultimately leads to a change in the course of the US...
Hi all!
In one work dedicated to the Spanish Civil War (Euzkadiko Gudontzidia. La Marina de Guerra Auxiliar de Euzkadi (1936-39), Juan Pardo San Gil), information was found regarding the plans of the Basque government to strengthen its armed forces, including the navy.
Two interesting projects...
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