
  1. YourChair

    Eendracht-class cruiser (as designed pre-war)

    Does anyone have: - general plans and armor scheme of the Eendrachts. For the armor, the correct figures seems to be 100mm belt of unknown height and length closed by 60mm traverses at the end barbettes, with 75mm armor extending beyond the citadel on the sides for an unknown distance, topped by...
  2. uk 75

    Alt 30s Europe

    I am going to tread carefully with this one but I think it is worth a look. Instead of the Hitler regime from 1933 Germany is run by a conventional centrist party. The Weimar Republic survives. But its strong willed Chancellors still seek to overturn the restrictions of the Versailles Treaty on...
  3. Dronescapes

    The Invention Of The Jet Engine: Hans Von Ohain. The lost interviews.

    The Invention Of The Jet Engine: Hans Von Ohain, One Of The Fathers Of the Turbojet
  4. Apophenia

    Dyle et Bacalan & SAB Designations

    Société Dyle et Bacalan - 1924-1929 In 1924, shipbuilders Société de Travaux Dyle et Bacalan of Bordeaux established an aeronautical division to design and build aircraft of all-metal construction. This shipbuilding firm went bankrupt in 1928 and was bought by the Ateliers et Chantiers...
  5. athpilot

    Johannes Winkler in den Junkers-Werken und die Dessauer Raketen

    This book is written by the german Winkler-Researcher Reinhard Sagner. He focuses on the technical asprects of Winkler´s work in and for the Junkers Company in Dessau in the time between 1929 and 1939, when Winkler left Junkers for the Luftfahrtforschungsanstalt Braunschweig. The author has used...
  6. Dynoman

    Goddard's Experimental Rocket Plane of 1930 and the US Pre-War Rocket Revolution

    This is an alternative history of Goddard's historical liquid rocket launch of 1926 and the succeeding development of a fictional experimental rocket airplane based on Goddard's designs. The advent of the design and its governmental support ultimately leads to a change in the course of the US...
  7. Grey Havoc

    The Maine lake full of sunken steamboats (BBC)

  8. Regg

    Unknown ship designs for the Basque Country

    Hi all! In one work dedicated to the Spanish Civil War (Euzkadiko Gudontzidia. La Marina de Guerra Auxiliar de Euzkadi (1936-39), Juan Pardo San Gil), information was found regarding the plans of the Basque government to strengthen its armed forces, including the navy. Two interesting projects...
  9. Orionblamblam


    Video might be of interest. Can't speak to its accuracy, but at least it doesn't seem too insane. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfio0VHXUmw
  10. Tzoli

    Espana class Modernization proposal

    I've just read this in the Battleships Axis and Neutral Battleships in World War II book by William H. Garzke and Robert O. Dulin about a proposed modernization of the 2x Espana class battleships. Does anybody know anything more about this project? also
  11. klem

    Soviet experiments of various guided and unguided devices before 1945

    Since the end of the First World War, bold attempts were made in the Soviet Union in the field of rockets and various types of weapons, although timid, but existing and somewhat significant for the hard period that the Union was going through at that time, sometimes typically handcrafted and...
  12. Schneiderman

    Air Ministry specification R.2/33 - Short Sunderland

    I'm on the scrounge. Does anyone have a copy , or just the key text, of specification R.2/33 that they would be willing to share? Failing that does anyone know whether the text of the specification has been included in any article or book, most likely one about the Sunderland. Thanks
  13. hesham

    Polikarpov U-2 Drawings

    From, Поликарпов У-2, here is a drawings to Polikarpov U-2 and its variants.
  14. Graham1973

    The Sherman Minutia Homepage

    A website devoted to tracking as many of the various iterations of the M4 Sherman as can be determined from surviving documentation. http://the.shadock.free.fr/sherman_minutia/index.html
  15. Flyaway

    The Last Zeppelin Raid 1939

    Actually an early example of a signals intelligence mission: View: https://youtu.be/tfTkgT_XvCc
  16. Grey Havoc

    Geddes Liner, aka the Whale Ocean Liner

    Yes, that Norman Bel Geddes. The yacht mentioned in the reddit post is the Wenner-Gren Yacht design of 1934, with a both a naval yacht and a naval patrol vessel derived from it proposed for the United States Navy in 1939 at the outset of WWII (see JaySea article). View...
  17. Grey Havoc


    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjxaJgxXavc Note that this video was made before the current Covid-19 related model making renaissance had really gotten underway.
  18. Grey Havoc

    A14 Medium Tank

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5G7GbaLkyo I'm not sure if I agree with his conclusions here, especially given that the A13 Covenanter was such a huge disaster.
  19. Grey Havoc

    IJN Type 93 Long Lance torpedo

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb5F5s2F3mA
  20. J

    Svenska Aero AB Prototypes & Projects

    Hi, "Superhansa" Project SA-15 (S8), an interesting swedish development, from http://flygplanshistorik.se/index.htm?s=s2345/s2345_flyget.htm
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