Search results for query: Aermacchi

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  1. Cy-27

    Alenia Aermacchi M-345

    This one passed me by last year - the Alenia Aermacchi M-311 was last year re-designated the M-345. Still a turbofan military trainer aircraft, it's a development of the earlier SIAI Marchetti S.211/Aermacchi S-211 with structural and internal equipment improvements.
  2. Maveric

    Aermacchi project

    Hi all, at Ali d'Italia No.13 Aermacchi M.B.326 I have found this picture, but I don´t understand italian. Was this a projected version of the M.B.326? Thanks Maveric
  3. TinWing

    Aermacchi Projects

    The below artwork came from an early 90s Aermacchi advertisement in AW&ST. What is it? It appears to be a supersonic advanced trainer. The advertisement featured similar illustrations of the MB-339 and AMX, and there was a reference to a "international military program" referred to as "PTS...
  4. flateric

    Leonardo M-346 Thread

    DATE:13/01/11 SOURCE:Flight International Alenia Aermacchi tests low radar cross-section kit for M-346 By Luca Peruzzi Alenia Aermacchi has completed a low radar cross-section research project on its M-346 Master advanced jet trainer and light combat aircraft, the company says. A series of...
  5. Stargazer

    Aermacchi MB.326

    Taking the opportunity of this nice Aermacchi brochure from May 1957 to start a thread for the MB.326 trainer, which was an important aircraft and deserves a topic of its own. The brochure was in Italian, but contained pages with the translation in French, English, German and Spanish. As I'm...
  6. N

    Alenia Aermacchi T-100 Master

    ...Mr. Giuseppe Giordo, former CEO of Alenia North America and recently promoted chairman of Alenia Aeronautica, stated that: "...the (Alenia Aermacchi) M-346, that now in America is called T-100...". Naturally, T-100 should be a commercial designation of the M-346 Master, in view of a...
  7. N

    An unidentified Aermacchi seaplane

    Every now and then, in the last thirty years, I came thru some pictures of the unfinished Macchi (or Aermacchi) C.206 fighter, that someone call Tuono (thunder) - but I think the name is an invention of a model maker. The C.206 was a fascinating aircraft but with this mail I'm referring to...
  8. Caravellarella

    Aermacchi MB-326C jet trainer project......

    Dear Boys and Girls, here is an article in French about the Aermacchi MB-326C jet trainer "project" which would have featured the nose-cone, radar and systems/equipment of the F-104G Starfighter...... The article comes from the 3rd November 1961 issue of Les Ailes...... Terry (Caravellarella)
  9. C

    Morane Saulnier MS.700 Petrel and Aermacchi MB.320

    Does anyone can post here a three-view drawing of two postwar light civil twin-engined aircraft: 1) the french Morane Saulnier MS.700 Petrel 2) the italian Aermacchi MB.320 I searched extensively in the web, but with no results. Thank you to all :)
  10. F.L.

    Alenia-Aermacchi-Embraer AMX.

    This thread is dedicated to the AMX and its various projects, prototypes and unproduced variants.
  11. N

    Aermacchi MB.339 for U.S. Navy VTXTS competition USAF colours for the EFSA Enhanced Flight Screener Aircraf) requirement, I had some vague memories of something analogous regarding an Aermacchi MB.339A in US Navy colours, as an answer to the 1977 VTX-TS requirement, later won by Hawk/Goshawk. Ever more vaguely I remember an artist's...
  12. archipeppe

    Alenia Aermacchi M-345 HET "Frecce Tricolori"

    ...choose by Italian Air Force for its acrobatic demonstration team the well known "Frecce Tricolori" (Tri-colours Arrows). The Alenia Aermacchi Aeronautica (a Finmenccanica company) M-345 HET (High Efficency Trainer), ordered in 15 units to replace the old MB-339A. The M-345 is essentially the...
  13. Cy-27

    Macchi Designations (Aermacchi / Alenia-Aermacchi)

    Aermacchi M.B.326 - Bristol Siddeley Viper turbofan engined trainer and light attack aircraft. Production included two prototypes and 125 production training aircraft for the Italian Air Force. (1961) Aermacchi M.B.326A - Proposed armed version for weapons training, not built. Project only...
  14. Skybolt

    Aermacchi 1972 COIN projects (AKA "little A10")

    This aircraft was briefly referenced to by our Elmayerle in another topic. I am finally able to post drawings. Aermacchi received in 1972 a request by a foreign country (South Africa, but Portugal was interested too, and probably other non-European customers already operating the MB-326 in CAS...
  15. JAZZ

    Aermacchi Projects

    Re: Aermacchi Supersonic Trainer? PTS 2000? Before the M-346 and Mako? Drawing from another Aermacchi Ad
  16. A

    Aermacchi MB.326

    Quick search "Aermacchi" on this forum. Maybe some threads could be consolidated ?
  17. boxkite

    Aermacchi Projects

  18. hesham

    Italian contenders to the NMBR-1 contest

    Hi, the Aermacchi MB.327 was a further development of MB.324 fighter,intended also for NATO requirement. Sorry for bad quality.
  19. Deino

    Unidentified Chinese projects

    PS: Just an idea ... the only other aircraft with a similar configuration was the Aermacchi MB-341B as posted by boxcite in the Aermacchi-tread. (maybe a connection ???? ) Deino ???
  20. Skybolt

    Italy's AX - The Predecessor Of the Collaborative AMX

    Yes, so thought Aermacchi. Problem was cost. Accepting one engine, Aermacchi proposed to use the RB-199 without afterburber, but again too costly... so the AMX was only barely useful a few years after introduction.
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