Search results for query: isinglass

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  1. A

    Isinglass model

    First time I’ve really posted on the forum. I’ve enjoyed reading and learning a lot though for a few years..The Isinglass thread here really inspired me and now my CAD skills are reasonable-ish I thought I’d have a go at modelling and printing this enigmatic design. I’ve basically tried to...
  2. Tuomasn

    Model 192 ISINGLASS simulator/game

    ...some 3D modeling of hypersonic airplane designs over the years, but recently I've also been working on a simple simulator/game of Model 192 ISINGLASS. Though I'm calling it the Advanced Aerodynamic Reconnaissance System here, referring to the ISINGLASS follow-on studies from around 1969-1970...
  3. Arjen

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY <edit>Hm. Apparently it depends on which side of the pond you're on. As its concerns a US project...</edit>
  4. Stargazer

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    A brand new online article on ALPHA DRACO and ISINGLASS:
  5. flateric

    US Lifting Bodies Studies - START (ASSET/PRIME), FDL, X-24, etc.

    Was Isinglass designed to be *so* fast?
  6. Dynoman

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    ...::) The only vehicles that we know of that uses the XLR-129 engines are the two below. CIA U-2/OXCART history document says that the ISINGLASS project by MAC evolved into RHEINBERRY. Both of these vehicles are MAC XLR-129 powered vehicles (the first is a BGV). The CIA documents posted by...
  7. B

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    I think that JANE and ISINGLASS were different time periods. This document dates from 1959. ISINGLASS was mid-1960s.
  8. M

    Aurora - a Famous Speculative Project
  9. flateric

    Convair KINGFISH - Secret Zone

    More on projects ISINGLASS (GD) and RHEINBERRY (MDC) here,382.0.html ISINGLASS was Mach 17, and RHEINBERRY even ...Mach 20
  10. Dynoman

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    Here is the ISINGLASS project aircraft, via the CIA Project ISINGLASS Review document date 1965. Released via FOIA. Included is a reconnaissance version of the Model 122. The ISINGLASS vehicle was being developed as a manned and unmanned aircraft with the CIA favoring a manned version that would...
  11. A

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    ...F from Vandenberg it made a rocket-glide flight as far as Johnston & Wake islands in the Pacific. That's 5000 miles, which evenly matches ISINGLASS planned range. The date is also a perfect match. McDonnell ISINGLASS proposals started in March 1965 and died in March 1967 (see "ISINGLASS...
  12. H

    US Lifting Bodies Studies - START (ASSET/PRIME), FDL, X-24, etc.

    Some years ago it was a federal offense just to speak or write Isinglass! Absolutely. One was a rocket boosted boost glide with circumferential glide range (about 22,500 ft/sec) and the other a Mach 12 cruiser. A model out of the past.
  13. flateric

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    Anyone anything about this stuff? More than this: Isinglass: Mach 17, rocket powered, air-launched reconnaissance aircraft? part of RS-129 (Staged combustion hydrogen-oxygen rocket component development program)? wide usage of lightweight structures (diffusion bonded titanium honeycomb) "CIA...
  14. A

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    109 documents found browsing ISINGLASS there. Much less for RHEINBERRY
  15. Dynoman

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    Quellish, I don't know if Isinglass has the same cooling, but a document that has been circulated mentions GRM-29A as a water wick design (reducing weight of the TPS by 50% over a proposed "Advanced RSI"). Interesting to note that the chart representing ISINGLASS vehicle evolution titled...
  16. A

    US Lifting Bodies Studies - START (ASSET/PRIME), FDL, X-24, etc.

    Very interesting... XLR-129 was SSME ancestor and even early contender, plus ISINGLASS engine. So these two were related ? does this mean that ISINGLASS and FDL-5MA were related, too ? ISINGLASS also produced some hardware rather than paperware, since some kind of test article was build. Any...
  17. B

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    I think Schriever's involvement in pushing ISINGLASS was more direct (i.e. not simply working on Forecast). I first learned about ISINGLASS and RHEINBERRY when I had lunch with a former senior CIA official in 1996 and he mentioned both names. He said that CIA was only moderately interested in...
  18. A

    US Lifting Bodies Studies - START (ASSET/PRIME), FDL, X-24, etc.

    Bouncing back on Low Observable's comments (ISINGLASS stuff) In the mid-late 1960s, Lockheed completed for the AFRPL a small shuttle study based on the FDL-5 configuration. Much was advertised, and the whole thing became known as MRS. These shots come from a confidential report issued in 1970...
  19. dannydale

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    Whose butt do we kick for vengeance? >:(
  20. sferrin

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    Does your source know if there's any relation between Isinglass and the GRM-29A?
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