Search results for query: isinglass

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  1. Orionblamblam

    McDonnell IGV rocket plane

    That was my thought, but the odd "boat hull" fuselage in the front is certainly different (as is the planform). I'm left to wonder if this might be an ISINGLASS design or some such.
  2. Dynoman

    Air Launched Reconnaissance Satellites

    The rest of the document describes the ISINGLASS program. I'll post more later on this, however it looks as if S-103 and S-104 were studies used to compare manned versus unmanned systems.
  3. Dynoman

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    An NRO memo to DRNO from Brig. Gen. Jack Ledford, USAF, as of 1965, indicates that the proposed propulsion system for ISINGLASS is the "RL-20 A-1." He also wrote that "P&W has also indicated a growth potential for this engine of about 10 seconds in Isp beyond the values attainable at the time of...
  4. XP67_Moonbat

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY's like old "telephone" game where a message starts out one way and gets completely changed by the end of the game. So this mixup of ISINGLASS's maker has become very widespread. In fact, I was just going back through Bill Rose's still outstanding SECRET PROJECTS book on military space...
  5. G

    B-58 question

    Noted at the time. From the Isinglass FOIA file on
  6. A

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    For what it's worth: R. LYNCH, GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP., GENERAL DYNAMICS/CONVAIR, SAN DIEGO, CALIF. "The first manned lifting entry vehicle configuration", 3rd Annual Meeting, Annual Meeting, 29 November 1966 - 02 December 1966
  7. quellish

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    It would be interesting to know if ISINGLASS has GRM-29's water cooling.
  8. sferrin

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    Any thoughts on McDonnell Douglas's GRM-29A?
  9. S

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    Moonbat, remember Paul was talking about MOL not ISINGLASS. C-5 didn't first fly until the late 1960's, from what I recall.
  10. Dynoman

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    ...The planform and basic configuration is similar to the GRM-29A (according to the ANSER document). This ties the planform back to the ISINGLASS development time frame. The ISINGLASS vehicle proposal was delivered in 1965 by McAir. My thought is that this is the Model 192 or a close variant of...
  11. N

    Aurora - a Famous Speculative Project

    So pretty much Aurora's predecessor? Also pretty cool find from the people here, each day I learn something new here.
  12. A

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    ...SUCCESSOR of the A-12 to try and slain it - and get some kind of revenge against Lockheed ? Note that the (technical) distinction between ISINGLASS and RHEINBERRY was ISINGLASS: Mach 4.5, airbreathing > ramjets - HYPERSONIC RHEINBERRY: XLR-129 with 450 seconds isp and 0.80 mass fraction...
  13. Mr London 24/7

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    I was a big fan of this article Dwayne, might you be considering an update now that the Isinglass configuration is known??
  14. Tuomasn

    McDonnell Douglas hypersonic designs

    The Model 192 game/simulator I teased above is now available for testing. I started a separate thread in the bar, please take a look!
  15. XP67_Moonbat

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    You know....I'm lookin back at the Mach 12 Demo. It's a completely different beast than ISINGLASS. Different purpose, different weight, different engine count. One thing that did occur to me are it's dimensions. They're roughly similar to MODEL 192.
  16. Dynoman

    Aurora - a Famous Speculative Project on Mitre Corporations evaluation of a CIA/NRO 1969 Advanced Aerodynamic Reconnaissance System aircraft concept to be fielded in FY1971 if developed. This concept was considered after ISINGLASS and would have used similar technologies. Configuration was also being developed by McDonnell.
  17. LowObservable

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    We may know the same guy. But ISINGLASS cancellation is also close to the point where it was decided to put the A-12s in mothballs and hand the mission to the CIA, which (according to the CIA's history) the agency resisted.
  18. R

    Various US Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLV) Projects

    No, the actual 'testing' was never more than cold flow (essentially water) being run through some mocked up components made from other engines (mostly the J2) and never got to combustion or even actual propellant flow testing. The XLR-129 was a pretty much totally 'paper' engine that...
  19. A

    Dark Moon Rising: Archibald space TL

    ...OF AIR-LAUNCH CRISIS RECONNAISSANCE SYSTEMS CONFIDENTIAL From a C-130 or B-52 wing pylon: DRONES: -------Lockheed D-21 (cancelled) -------Ryan AQM-91 COMPASS ARROW SPACE VEHICLES -------unmanned: HIGH TOWN MK.1 -------manned: ISINGLASS/RHEINBERRY - DYNASOAR - GEMINI-B
  20. A

    General Dynamics Convair Division Boost-Glide Vehicle (BGV) There was an early program, called BGRV and using an Atlas F as booster; derived from Alfa Draco in the mid-1960's. Are they related, even loosely ?
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