Search results for query: isinglass

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  1. X

    Air Launched Reconnaissance Satellites

    ...Dynoman! I'm pretty sure that the document does not refer to any sort of satellite system, but we may have discovered another piece of the ISINGLASS/RHEINBERRY puzzle. I wonder if the "BG" designation refers to a boost glide vehicle? And could these be the aircraft redacted from the timeline...
  2. A

    Alternative Shuttle Development Universe

    And, big irony related to Ares 1, XLR-129 was air-startable... unlike SSME. Because ISINGLASS RHEINBERRY origins.
  3. newsdeskdan

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    But would it really have penetrated Hen House/Galosh?
  4. dannydale

    Amateur aerospace artist

    Excellent! She picked a good subject and rendered it beautifully. If she takes requests, can she do Isinglass?
  5. Dynoman

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY a replacement high altitude reconnaissance aircraft with a speed of Mach 4-5. It was identified for the FY64 under the program name ISINGLASS. This work appears to be a precursor to the McDonnell Douglas effort to develop a Mach 20 vehicle, according to the timeline. Unfortunately, no...
  6. B

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    Note that this document is not ISINGLASS. ISINGLASS was canceled by that time. On page 2 it states that this study should take into account earlier work, including work done on ISINGLASS. There are several words deleted at the bottom of page 1 and the top of page 2. It is possible that the...
  7. sublight_

    China Successfully Completed Hypersonic Engine Test

    ISINGLASS. Jesus people, stop being obtuse. Yes, I am well aware this will trigger the famous Orionblamblam Shawshank meme.....
  8. G

    What item of Secret Projects memorabilia would you most like to own

    I wouldn't mind having that Isinglass/HGV/HAVE SPACE/whatever it is model, and the associated RL20/XLR129 mockup.
  9. XP67_Moonbat

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    Thanks to you both! Now, and I'm just wondering here, would ISINGLASS have used fuel cells for onboard power?
  10. Dynoman

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    ...i.e. McDonnell Douglas (now a part of Boeing). I noticed when I sent a FOIA request to the CIA they omitted the "manned drawings" of ISINGLASS, leading me to believe that their interest in boost-glide vehicles surpassed the stillborn ISINGLASS project. The other data I have is from NRO and...
  11. LowObservable

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    ...B-52 launch? I don't remember. If not, is our only source for B-52 launch that CIA Oxcart history, with its rather confused Rheinberry/Isinglass reference? It still seems to me that an XLR-129-powered vehicle is just too big for a B-52 and that Isinglass more likely took off vertically...
  12. J

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    did isinglass take off from the drawing board or was it only a proposed aircraft sorry if I sound dumb
  13. Dynoman

    US Lifting Bodies Studies - START (ASSET/PRIME), FDL, X-24, etc.

    Awesome information on the Alpha Draco! The Model 122B was considered as a comparative vehicle in the ISINGLASS BGRV studies.
  14. XP67_Moonbat

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    Could it be that Impeccable's source confused the Toss-Back Booster for ISINGLASS? They're both from the McDonnell hypersonic stable.
  15. LowObservable

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    Belay that last message. Impeccable source says that Isinglass was VTHL in all its forms. Launched vertically with external tanks.
  16. SOC

    Convair KINGFISH - Secret Zone

    Interesting theory. I'll see what I can dig up on ISINGLASS and see if it represented the Mach 6 KINGFISH design.
  17. SOC

    Secret U.S. Proposals of the Cold War - Jim Keeshen

    Major bonus points if he dug up anything more on the Northrop XST, Lockheed's ATB, or any of the post-ISINGLASS designs.
  18. Dynoman

    Aurora - a Famous Speculative Project

    ...conducted a study for a boost-glide vehicle, known as the Advanced Aerodynamic Reconnaissance System, that followed the cancellation of the ISINGLASS project. Additional documentation shows meetings with McDonnell Aircraft Co., concerning this new reconnaissance study. Money was sought for...
  19. Dynoman

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    ...looks like they have applied 1980's and 90's stealth techonologies (e.g. faceting and leading-edge-alignment) to the what may have been the ISINGLASS configuration (if as you say they were inspired by the ISINGLASS vehicle). The distinctive BWB fuselage with 'bulbus' aft section, twin...
  20. XP67_Moonbat

    McDonnell-Douglas Advanced Design Proposals - Name That Design Game

    Could this be tied to Isinglass or Rhineberry?
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