Search results for query: Hypersonic

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  1. D

    Hypersonic Design Reduces Drag -AVWeek blog entry

    Northrop Grumman has been awarded a US patent (number 7828243) for a hypersonic aircraft configuration with combined-cycle propulsion that promises reduced drag and weight for increased performance...
  2. Antonio

    McDonnell Douglas MD-2001 "Orient Express" Hypersonic Transport

    In the 90's exoatmosferic hypersonic airliners seemed near to enter production. 15 years before nobody talks about it. All that technology has been vanished after the NASP demonstrator program was cancelled?
  3. D

    The OTHER X-15-A-2 Hypersonic Ramjet - Tony Ferri's Thermal Compression Engine

    HYPERSONIC RAMJET RESEARCH ENGINE PROJECT VOLUME I : MA-165 DESIGN DESCRIPTION Title: Preliminary Design Report - Hypersonic Ramjet Research Engine Project Online Source: Click to View PDF File [PDF Size: 9.0 MB] Add'l Title Information: Volume 1; MA-165 Design Description Author: Bendot, J...
  4. FutureSpaceTourist

    EADS Zehst Hypersonic Passenger Transport

    EADS has a design for a Zero Emission Hypersonic Transportation (Zehst) rocketplane. Of course there's an animation too: I really don't get what EADS think they'll achieve publicising such designs that no one (not even the EU) will ever fund ...
  5. Tuomasn

    Ajax (Ayaks) hypersonic vehicles with MHD propulsion

    Development of the "Ajax" and "Neva" hypersonic flight vehicles with MHD (Magneto-Hydrodynamic) propulsion was initiated at the Leninets design bureau in late 1980s. There were apparently several configurations, some for hypersonic atmospheric flight, some for space launch. I have found some...
  6. A

    DARPA - Integrated Hypersonics (IH) / HX concept (Falcon HTV follow-on?)

    Hi there, and hello back again... Just found an interesting bunch of illustrated material popping out of DARPA's IH (Integrated Hypersonics) program Proposer's days presentations. We have: (1) a notional HX boost-glide vehicle concept, clearly building upon the HTV-1 and HTV-2 experience...
  7. sferrin

    Defense against Hypersonic Glide Vehicles

    ...has proposed a full range of new interceptors, including a space-based system, an air-launched missile and the “Valkyrie” for terminal hypersonic defense. " Anybody know anything...
  8. X-39

    Space Engine Systems"SEXBOMB" Hypersonic Demonstrator

    ...away from getting a bit creative with the naming scheme, because of course a drone that proudly displays a "SEXBOMB" livery traveling at hypersonic speeds while the surface temperature of its skin raises sounds sexy :D...
  9. Forest Green

    Kh-45 Hypersonic missile

    This was apparently being developed for the Soviet T-4 and DSB-LK hypersonic bomber and were also planned for the Tu-160. View:
  10. flateric

    GD/Lockheed INCAAPS Mach 5 hypersonic strike aircraft

    AlAA 93-0401 'Design of a Hypersonic Waverider-Derived Airplane' Robert J. Pegg, James L. Hunt, and Dennis H. Petley NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia Leo Burkardt NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio Daniel R. Stevens, Paul L. Moses, S. Zane Pinckney, Hanee Z. Kabis, Kevin...
  11. bobbymike

    University of Virginia Students to Unveil Hypersonic Engine This Monday

    U.Va. Aerospace Engineers to Unveil Hypersonic Jet Engine Prototype on Monday Posted: March 10th, 2011 11:16 AM CDT University of Virginia March 10, 2011 - Aerospace engineering researchers and students at the University of Virginia are helping to create a hypersonic "scramjet" engine that...
  12. Y

    Fattah-1 Hypersonic MRBM

    The Fattah-1 hypersonic missile was again showed during the military ceremony in Iran two days ago. IRNA photo from a military exhibition in Iran from last year: Technical details are still only in the sphere of suppositions:
  13. Triton

    EADS Hypersonic Transport

    Drawing of EADS Innovation Works and Astrium Space Transportation zero emission hypersonic transport. Source: Warwick, Graham. "Transpacific in Two Hours, With No Emissions" Leading Edge 5/28/2010...
  14. uk 75

    Basic repro desk model of 50s BOAC Hypersonic airliner (really Bristol 198 SST)

    Not particularly scale or a model but I had to have this. Described by the seller as a 1/144 BOAC Hypersonic Airliner. It is a pretty basic homemade job but it captures the look and feel of the models that sat on Travel Agents counters in the 50s and vaguely resembles some of the planes seen...
  15. Mike Pryce

    British Secret Projects: Hypersonics, Ramjets and Missiles Released!

    ...and has answered many questions I have had for a long time regarding missile developments. It has also opened my eyes to the world of UK hypersonics, and I love the way it closes by hinting that this work may have passed to the US, and may be flying! It also illustrates a number of aircraft...
  16. A

    Russian Strategic Weapon Modernization Plans

    A brief write-up on Avangard program and Hypersonic vehicle by me AVANGARD HYPERSONIC GLIDE VEHICLEr
  17. bobbymike

    US Hypersonics - Prompt Global Strike Capability

    ...Laboratory (AFRL) Funding in NDAA Chairman Turner included language in the NDAA to allow AFRL to assume oversight and management of the Hypersonic Airbreathing Weapons Concept. AFRL will be tasked with: Developing a reusable hypersonics test bed to further probe the high speed flight...
  18. Deino

    China's hypersonic BGV >>> Wu-14 / DF-ZF / DF-17

    OMG, what a gain a BS-report. If China reveals a hypersonic-concept it's immediately some sort of "hypersonic-strike-aircraft". If such models appear anywhere else it is for civil hypersonic studies.
  19. D

    Current US hypersonic weapons projects. (General)

    Hypersonic Weapons Summit Enabling Hypersonic Overmatch for US Multi-Domain Superiority The age of Hypersonic Weapons is upon us. In light of the rapidly growing capabilities of this game changing munitions technology which enable and allow for...
  20. F

    US Lifting Bodies Studies - START (ASSET/PRIME), FDL, X-24, etc.

    From Bill Sweetman- Aurora: the Pentagon's secret hypersonic spyplane Second pick: described as being the Lockheed FDL 5 fitted with conformal collar tanks. To be airlaunched by B52. This was to be a hypersonic research aircraft. Third pick shows all the shaped considered in the FDL hypersonic...
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