Search results for query: Hypersonic

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  1. hesham

    This hypersonic,look like what ?

    Hi, I don't remember what was this hypersonic look like ?,may be General Dynamics design !.
  2. overscan (PaulMM)

    The Hypersonic Revolution: Case Studies in the History of Hypersonic Technology

    The Hypersonic Revolution Case Studies in the History of Hypersonic Technology Volume I: From Max Valier to Project PRIME, (1924-1967) Volume II: From Scramjet to the National Aero-Space Plan (1964-1986) Volume III: The Quest for the Orbital Jet: The National Aero-Space Plane Program...
  3. XP67_Moonbat

    Why and Whither Hypersonics Research...

    Report on Why and Whither Hypersonics Research in the US Air Force SAB-TR-00-03 December 2000 210 pages! Moonbat
  4. hesham

    Skreemr Hypersonic Transport Aircraft

    Hi, here is a Canadian aircraft,called Skreemr,it is a hypersonic transport aircraft,could carry passenger from London to New York in 30 minutes.
  5. D

    All Ahead Slow for Hypersonics at NASA

    ...All Ahead Slow for Hypersonics at NASA Posted by Graham Warwick at 2/15/2011 8:04 AM CST NASA plans to cut back on hypersonics research in its fiscal 2012 budget, transferring the funds to projects related to increasing airspace capacity and reducing environmental impacts for commercial...
  6. bobbymike

    Standard Missile for Hypersonic Strike

    Interesting concept of operations (from Aviation Week) - Eyes SM-3 For Hypersonic Strike
  7. hesham

    Japanese NAL hypersonic spaceplane

    Hi, the NAL designed in 1990 a hypersonic spaceplane,it was look like some USA hypersonic aircraft.
  8. D

    103 KN Thrust Rocket Engine - NASA Hypersonic Kholod FREE SHIPPING! :)
  9. R

    Air/Surface to air hypersonic weapons

    If we put radar seeker on hypersonic weapon, is it possible to use them against aircraft?
  10. hesham

    Bell Hypersonic Rocket Transport spacecraft

    Hi, The Bell project of 1960 was a hypersonic rocket transport designed, powered by six turbo-ramjets,the spacecraft would reach a maximum altitude of 64 km and estimated top speed 6700 km/h.
  11. GTX

    French Hypersonic Programs

    Hi folks, I'm looking for information on the French Hypersonic vehicles/concepts that may come under the ONERA Promethee or similar high mach research programs. I'm specifically looking for further information on the vehicle/concept depicted in the picture below: Somewhere here I have a...
  12. Forest Green

    Houthis claim to have hypersonic weapon

    If this is true then the MTCR is scrapped.
  13. rje71

    B-52 As Hypersonic & Parasite Launch Platform?

    I am considering a modeing project of a B-52 as launch platform for hypersonic strike or parasite aircraft in the early to mid 70's. I have seen a few 3 view drawings ( kind of small pics though ) of a G and or H buff carrying a hypersonic vehice and was woondering if there was any other info or...
  14. flateric

    NASA FRC Hypersonic Research Aircraft (1975)

    NASA Flight Research Center Hypersonic Research Aircraft (1975) Estimated TOW 72,582 lb Martin Marietta has built full-scale wing structure test article for this bird.
  15. hesham

    Rolls Royce old Hypersonic aircraft concept

    Hi, the Rolls Royce Hypersonic transport aircraft concept.
  16. Grey Havoc

    Spartan hypersonic launch system (University of Queensland, Austrialia)
  17. A

    China DF-17 hypersonic boost-glide missile carrier be somewhat clearer. This new thread is intended to be dedicated to China's DF-17, a ballistic missile specifically designed to carry hypersonic weapons, initially tested on November 1, 2017 and unveiled on October 1, 2019. As a hypersonic weapon vehicle carrier, the DF-17 can launch a...
  18. hesham

    Bell Mach 6 Hypersonic Transport Aircraft (report D-7305)

    Hi, we know the Bell 7000s series was assigned to Hypersonic aircraft,and here is the report D-7305,a Hypersonic Transport Aircraft project of Mach 6 speed and created in 1972.
  19. hesham

    Russian hypersonic and RPV aircraft

    Hi, of course we know that site,and I displayed many of its projects,but here is two sections about Russian hypersonic and RPV aircraft.
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