Search results for query: Orion

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  1. Flyaway

    Artemis Moon Program

    Earth in the rear view mirror of Orion so to speak: View: Also views from inside the Orion.
  2. M

    Military Orions (nuclear pulse propulsion)

    Orions But I still have not found a picture or drawing of the "Continent Buster". Who can help ? Many Thanks in advance
  3. TheKutKu

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

    1 kt of yield pulse unit for the small 10m Orion! That’s a lot! What was the mass of the 10m Orion?
  4. S

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

    About 880 tons.
  5. P

    Where could we launch Orion? Hypothetical launch sites for Nuclear Pulse Propulsion Spacecraft.

    I have this vision of a Mars-based Orion…looking pretty much like the US Capitol dome…with low inflatables to either side. The Orion has a reactor…waste in the two other buildings.
  6. southwestforests

    Artemis Moon Program

    Well, NASA was aware of it at least since 1967 for Apollo and 2011 for Orion - it is a fundamental function of the shape. You can either have the blunt end required for efficient aerodynamic braking and the even more important heat distribution OR have a shape giving stable sub-mach flight...
  7. overscan (PaulMM)

    Sukhoi Su-24 Avionics

    Main points about Orion-A: Different mapping modes available. RPO-B 25, 75 and 150km; standard mapping modes, metric or centimetric, coverage was 80 degrees. Large ships could be detected at 150km. Less accurate than RPO-A but longer range. RPO-A 10km: MPO mode 5km: MPP mode It appears that...
  8. M

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

  9. K

    Aerodis America/CRSS Orion, Rigel and Theta Projects

    searching on the net i have come across the AA200 Orion. but who is the actual designer of this aircraft? Jean Grinvalds or Dave Thurston? Jean Grinvalds is said to have designed the G801 and G802 models, and then (the G802?) was adapted for the US market as the AA200 Orion - Wikipedia...
  10. JFC Fuller

    Bristol Orion

    And 1940s Orion piston engine at that, there was one in 1926 as well, a turbocharged Jupiter variant; the name does not seem to have been lucky for Bristol!
  11. Jemiba

    Water Piercing Missile Operational Concept

    Is the depth mentioned anywhere, from which the missile should be launched ? Judging the sketch it's just about 2 meters... And the "Orion Starcruiser" took off just the other way round : Someone pulled the plug in the ocean .... ;D...
  12. Abraham Gubler

    Project Orion: APR V1N5 released

    This edition of APR is fantastic. There I was thinking after the last one, “I wish he’d included more on the <10 seat Orion?” This edition and the previous are a great visual and data rich companion to George Dyson’s “Project Orion: The True Story of the Atomic Spaceship”...
  13. Michel Van

    Military Orions (nuclear pulse propulsion)

    in the BBC Doku about Orion they talk of a USAF "Doomsday" Orion proposal unmanned launch in to orbit with a one H-bomb in weight of a Orion Payload !!! something of 1500 tons or 3306933 lb. a Teller–Ulam design would make 3000 mega ton Real or Fake ? more on Teller–Ulam design and biggest...
  14. N

    NASA Space Launch System (SLS)

    Now I want to know if the OTA simulator and Orion mass-simulator have been destacked in preparation for the stacking of the OTA and Orion spacecraft
  15. Antonio

    Astrorocket, Saturn-derived & Apollo documents +sale

    Thanks for the link Scott Received my "Project Orion" by George Dyson today from abebooks. Regards, Antonio
  16. FighterJock

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

    Nice find galot, that is the first time that I have seen the internal workings of Project Orion, is there any information available about the type of reactor that would be used to power Project Orion?
  17. Orionblamblam

    a Sovjet nuclear puls engine ?

    That is a "design" supposedly attributed to Sakharov (sic?), a Soviet response to Orion. Unlike Orion, which was a big program, this was a one-man effort, that clearly did not include any real engineering study.
  18. TheKutKu

    What kind of disaster would get the Space force culturally converted from Air Force to Navy?

    Do we have any idea how these discussions about "Orion" happened in the USSR?
  19. robunos

    Bristol Orion

    Fascinating and excellent stuff....... Would it be possible to amend the topic's title to make clear that it refers to the Orion piston engine, and thus avoid confusion with the later Orion turboprop? cheers. Robin.
  20. C

    RSC Energia - Zarya Manned Spacecraft

    The idea has plenty of concepts that Ares & Orion might be wise to borrow. When it was announced that Orion would be reusable, I thought about a lot of the reusability features on Zarya (braking rockets around the circumference of the spacecraft, ceramic tile TPS, etc.) But now it looks like...
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