Search results for query: Orion

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  1. Matej

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

    Nice article with the screenshots from the video of a (very) scaled down Orion model:
  2. Lauge

    Nuclear Shuttle

    Try searching for "Orion" + "nuclear" or "Orion" + "pulse" on this site ;) Regards & all, and enjoy the incoming weekend, Thomas L. Nielsen Denmark
  3. Orionblamblam

    My latest hare-brained notion

    But of course. Currently a toss up between X-20 and 10-meter Orion as to which one comes first. likely Orion, since I need to make Orion drawings form issue 4 of APR. Might as well use that opportunity as a test case.
  4. FighterJock

    Artemis Moon Program

    So what will NASA do to make Orion more stable in subsonic TomcatVIP? Clearly NASA has more work to do with Orion before it is cleared for launch.
  5. Flyaway

    Artemis Moon Program

    NASA Awards Orion Main Engine Contract for Future Artemis Missions:
  6. Grey Havoc

    Orion test flight
  7. Springtime

    BAe Systems Nimrod MRA.4 (Nimrod 2000)

    From what I've read the USN wasn't interested in the Orion 2000 and Later Orion 21 proposal for the P-8 Program after the P-7 can't blame them
  8. A

    For All Mankind - Apple TV Series

    Let me throw my 2 cts into this - I fully concur, that Orion NPP would be completely awesome. Or even better: Orion NPP brought into orbit by ROMBUS. :p
  9. A

    A three way space race - with a twist (NASA vs AEC vs USAF)

    Yesterday I was reading George Dyson fantastic book about Project Orion, the nuclear pulse space battleship. One of the most fascinating part is that peculiar moment in history when Apollo, NERVA and Orion somewhat collided, around 1963. They mention how, inside NASA, Harold Finger opposed...
  10. Orionblamblam

    Orion: Open question

    It woudl be off of a platform of some kind. Orion, unlike Sea Dragon, was extremely dense. It'd sink. Errr... no. A great deal of Orion work was doen for the USAF. The Orioneers *actual* *goal* was ships of exploration, but they had to go to the military for funding, and thus did design work...
  11. Orionblamblam

    Who wants to make some Project Orion artwork???

    Could be. It was always my plan that an Orion *book* would dealve into fictional Orions, b ut let's face it, most of those are crap. I might or might not include such fictional designs in the article series. I've always tried to keep fiction out of APR as much as possible... it's easy to blow a...
  12. Orionblamblam

    Lockheed Martin "Plymouth Rock"

    All things considered, two Orions would be fair volume for only two astronauts. Presumably the "mission module" Orion would have some basic equipment. The presentation suggests using the mission-Orion for that.
  13. overscan (PaulMM)

    I just cleaned up these pictures, I wonder what this is (I do not know) - it's Convair

    Related : Convair Outpost Lifeboat topic Related: Project Orion Landing Boat topic
  14. Michel Van

    Orion nuclear pulse - weird question

    Most of those Nuke are unusable for Orion there high Bomb yield (up to 4 Mega Tons) would vaporise a Orion the the optimal Bomb yield is 0.15 Kilo Tons
  15. robunos

    Astrorocket, Saturn-derived & Apollo documents +sale

    order placed, :), can i ask, is the Orion model in the photoset, the fabled Orion 'space battleship' model, purportedly shown to to JFK, and then which subsequently disappeared? cheers, Robin.
  16. B

    Lockheed Martin "Plymouth Rock"

    The software won't let me post the stuff here (%$#@!!!). So here are the links:
  17. V

    scalloped leading edge

    The Orion III (aka Pan Am Space Clipper) is a fictional spaceplane and not a real spaceplane project. The leading edges of the Orion III's wings do not appear scalloped (see I'm not sure about the...
  18. overscan (PaulMM)

    Sukhoi Su-24 Avionics

    Deleted these when we ran out of space years ago. Neba documentary on Youtube:
  19. A

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

    Stunning ! I've heard of the successful TNT tests of subscale Orions, but never saw the video before. Seeing that little shell climbing higher and higher, explosion after explosion (and in slow motion) is amazing. Makes me an Orion believer. Some questions. Is there no way to build a small...
  20. A

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

    Nope indeed. What a lot fails to appreciate is that Orion nukes not only would screw the biosphere with radiations: they would also play havoc with the van Allen belts. So the only safe place to start an Orion drive would be the Earth-Moon Libration points, either EML-1 or EML-2. But go...
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