Search results for query: Orion

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  1. chimeric oncogene

    Where could we launch Orion? Hypothetical launch sites for Nuclear Pulse Propulsion Spacecraft.

    While most proposals for Orion ground launches have included chemical first stages of some from, the most efficient way to launch an Orion appears to be from the ground. This is obviously impracticable under current political climates and cost-effectiveness calculi, but a man can dream... A...
  2. E

    Orion, nukes, shotguns and the Cold War

    ...way and concentrating on perfecting the worker's paradise at home. The policies that led to "MAD" were purely American and at the time Orion was being contemplated, said policies weren't in place yet. The Orion battleship would've been the ultimate deterrent, it is completely unpremptable...
  3. Michel Van

    My latest hare-brained notion

    for me : orion, pluto, and X-20, please ! you got also Gemini Spacecraft, I take it for Orion in issue 4 of APR has it some info about Sowjet Version of Orion ? or it only US Orion...
  4. M

    Military Orions (nuclear pulse propulsion)

    Hi everybody THANKS ! Thanks a lot for answering my questions ! Michel and Orionblamblam Great ! Super ! Here are some USAF Orion designs Are these designs realistic ? (for a Space-Battleship)
  5. B

    Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) initiative

    LM would be managing an Orion Lite
  6. B

    Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) initiative

    The Bigelow Boeing spacecraft is not Orion lite
  7. M

    Military Orions (nuclear pulse propulsion)

    Hi everybody THANKS for the very GREAT drawing ! Orionblamblam Is there an existing drawing of the Orion "Battleship" or was it only a wood model ? Was this Orion "Battleship" also a 4000-ton vehicle ? (? Any dimensions of the Orion-Battleship known ?) What was the task of the...
  8. P


    Re: "Beyond Tomorrow" 1964 Dandridge Cole ( unical scans ) & project Orion Orion
  9. oluen

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

    Interesting page with links to several reports related to Orion
  10. Grey Havoc

    Orion test flight
  11. M

    IL Aerospace Technologies suborbital RLV

    Not the Orion, but the Aries 1B lunar shuttle. The Orion III was the winged RLV. Martin
  12. Orionblamblam

    The World Ends in approximately 24-28 months.

    Sea Dragon and Orion are great if you already have them, or have the time to develop them. Two years? We might be bending metal on the first prototype Sea Dragon, we'd be nowhere on the Orion.
  13. B

    NASA Space Launch System (SLS)

    Orion flew on Delta IV and SLS can fly and will without Orion.
  14. archipeppe

    My latest hare-brained notion

    A Soviet Orion??? I suppose it was only American stuff, brainchild of Freeman Dyson. Or did Russians had a their own Freeman Dyson too?
  15. FutureSpaceTourist

    Lockheed Martin "Plymouth Rock"

    There's a 40-odd page whitepaper that I believe provides more detail behind the briefing charts:
  16. shadowcat48li

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

    I am looking for information on Project Orion/Daedalus[British name for roughly the same thing] this was an early nuclear powered spacecraft that used focused nuclear explosions for thrust.
  17. Orionblamblam

    Astrorocket, Saturn-derived & Apollo documents +sale

    Sadly, no. The "Corvette-sized" Orion remains deeply buried in the same warehlouse that holds the Lost Ark.
  18. Michel Van

    Where could we launch Orion? Hypothetical launch sites for Nuclear Pulse Propulsion Spacecraft.

    General Atomic consider the "Jackass Flats" as Launch site for a ground Start Orion Ironic later AEC tested there NERVA engines here. Also consider General Atomic Orion launch from swimming platforms For most Lofter proposal (USAF) and Orbital assembly Orion (NASA) consider existing launch...
  19. fightingirish

    Orion test flight

    Awesome HD video (GoPro) of the NASA Orion Space Capsule recovery. B)
  20. H

    Joint US-Euro ATV follow on?

    The announcement in the original post led to an ESA-NASA agreement where ESA supplies an ATV-derived service module for the Orion capsule. Orion is being developed for long-duration trips, while the Commercial Crew (CCtCap) contracts are for short-duration ISS ferry flights. It is unlikely...
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