Search results for query: Orion

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  1. A


    which is why your presence here helps .. Otherwise blam! blam! . no Orion
  2. L

    Various Bell projects

    Breathtaking Orion.. Can jou give us more info of the book ? Thanks.
  3. Michel Van

    NASA Space Launch System (SLS) Mission to Pluto and Mars Sample return mission. But then the Upper stage engine for SLS Block 2 (130 tons payload) were canceled and Orion got ATV as Service module Bye bye manned Luna orbiter and manned Luna Lander, since Orion/ATV could only do lunar fly by... Ames proposal was in...
  4. sat_dxer

    UGLIEST Aircraft Built and Flown

    Ilyushin Il-38 (May) dressed up to look like a P-3 Orion
  5. jeffb

    The US Space Force

    LOL, if you say so Orion. Still think it'd be a baaad idea.
  6. Flyaway

    NASA Space Launch System (SLS)

    Can Orion Fly To The Moon Without SLS?
  7. Motocar

    Motocar's Cutaway drawings

    I search the cutaway drawing this project Orion G-801 big image, thanks
  8. Abraham Gubler

    Orionblamblam - Scott Lowther

    Orion: Blam-Blam-Blam-Blam-Blam... (repeat "blaming" until you reach escape velocity)
  9. P


    Re: "Beyond Tomorrow" 1964 Dandridge Cole ( unical scans ) & project Orion Nerva
  10. P


    Re: "Beyond Tomorrow" 1964 Dandridge Cole ( unical scans ) & project Orion Daedalus
  11. P


    Re: "Beyond Tomorrow" 1964 Dandridge Cole ( unical scans ) & project Orion [left]
  12. P


    Re: "Beyond Tomorrow" 1964 Dandridge Cole ( unical scans ) & project Orion [left]
  13. P


    Re: "Beyond Tomorrow" 1964 Dandridge Cole ( unical scans ) & project Orion [left]
  14. Antonio

    Nuclear Shuttle

    Are you asking about Project Orion?,6175.0/topicseen.html
  15. Antonio

    US Bomber Projects sequel: Include attack choppers?

    Orion, can we submit votes? Mine is for attack choppers to be included
  16. southwestforests

    Artemis Moon Program

    Orion capsule and service module have a number of cameras on them, is that what was being thought of?
  17. Triton

    Orion test flight

    Published on Dec 5, 2014 After years of design, fabrication and testing Orion completed a perfect launch into Earth's orbit. After returning to Earth NASA's Orion spacecraft is seen from an unpiloted aircraft descending under three massive red and white main parachutes and then shortly after...
  18. Flyaway

    Artemis Moon Program
  19. Orionblamblam

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

    No. The specific impulse of a chemical Orion would be truly awful compared to good chemical rockets. If you posit theretical explosives such as metallic hydrogen or metastable helium or C20, then perhaps... but even using HMX or RDX, a chemical Orion just won't come close to making it to orbit...
  20. FighterJock

    Artemis Moon Program

    I am surprised at the at as well NMaude, I thought that they should have shown the Orion CM separating from the SM too. Let's see if they do that for Artemis 2.
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