Search results for query: Hypersonic

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  1. hesham

    Ajax (Ayaks) hypersonic vehicles with MHD propulsion

    Re: Ajax hypersonic vehicles with MHD propulsion Hi,
  2. Hood

    US Hypersonics - Prompt Global Strike Capability

    The US Air Force Research Laboratory is searching for suitable leading edge materials for reusable and expendable hypersonic vehicles.
  3. Flyaway

    Lockheed Martin SR-72?

    Related article. USAF searching for hypersonic vehicle materials
  4. S

    Current US hypersonic weapons projects. (General)

    USA. Hypersonic Weapon Component Tests. Army: Three Successful Attempts October 21, 2021 The US Army conducted prototype testing of hypersonic weapons components on Wednesday, the Pentagon said. As added, three attempts were successful. A few days ago, the British Financial Times reported that...
  5. hesham

    Various US Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLV) Projects

  6. bobbymike

    Current US hypersonic weapons projects. (General)
  7. sublight_

    New Super Hornet UAP video from 2015

    No hypersonic wake, no hypersonic boom. Hell of a spoofer though. Must have been VERY expensive.
  8. Flyaway


    Stratolaunch Reveals Hypersonic Testbed Concepts
  9. flateric

    Current Russian hypersonic experimental/strike platforms configurations

    LII/TzIAM GLL-31 Hypersonic Flying Testbed LII/TzIAM GLL-31 Hypersonic Flying Testbed ca.2003
  10. bobbymike

    Current US hypersonic weapons projects. (General)

    Published same day Inside Defense pay site Marine Corps eyeing DARPA-developed hypersonic weapon The Marine Corps is exploring adopting a hypersonic weapon, a move that would extend plans for fielding the new class of ultra-fast, maneuvering systems beyond the Army, Navy and Air Force Marine...
  11. Michel Van

    US Space Launching System

    thats lift-to-drag ratio USAF Dyna Soar L/D Hypersonic: 1.50 PRIME L/D Hypersonic: 1.0 NASA Apollo R-3 L/D Hypersonic: 0.70...
  12. J

    AIM-120 AMRAAM development projects

    Hypersonic vs hypersonic systems need to compete for cost performance etc . A call such a analysis is pretty straight forward. The smaller the projectile the less drag especially in hypersonics.
  13. D

    AF Chief Scientist: Air Force Working on New Hypersonic Air Vehicle

    No I disagree read the line ALONGSIDE an Air Force hypersonic weapons program, it mean in parallel of a hypersonic weapon, if it was AF chief scientist will say HSSW. At the end of the article they speak about hypersonic flight impossible for human body.
  14. C

    US Army - Lockheed Martin Long Range Precision Fires (LRPF)

    Congressional Budget Office 68 page report on "U.S. Hypersonic Weapons and Alternatives" Four main conclusions:- • Technological challenges must still be overcome to field hypersonic missiles • Both hypersonic and ballistic missiles are well-suited to operate outside potential adversaries’ •...
  15. Forest Green

    Early Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle studies

    Well that was an air-breathing hypersonic missiles. Fairly sure hypersonic missiles in general have existed for a long time. Almost any ballistic missile with a range of 500km or more... Pershing I/II... AIM-54... Sprint.... etc. And technically the hypersonic ASALM flight was 1970s, if...
  16. marauder2048

    AF Chief Scientist: Air Force Working on New Hypersonic Air Vehicle

    Quellish is right as usual (per his idiom). HSSW is an umbrella program for two air launched hypersonic weapon concepts: Hypersonic Air-Breathing Weapon Concept (HAWC) : Mach 6 air-breather (hydrocarbon powered scramjet) with a 500 mile range. Tactical Boost Glide (TBG): Mach 9+ with a...
  17. I

    AFRL - HSSW (High Speed Strike Weapon)

    I do not know if this is HSSW-related or Prompt Global Strike related, but Raytheon seems to suddenly need a lot of hypersonic experts.
  18. bobbymike

    Current US hypersonic weapons projects. (General)

    Martin: Army developing command and control structures for hypersonics REDSTONE ARSENAL, AL -- The Army is evaluating how hypersonic missiles will fit within the military's command and control structures, as the service prepares to field its first battery of the Long Range Hypersonic Weapon in...
  19. bobbymike

    Current US hypersonic weapons projects. (General)

    Air Force plans more ARRW testing while building air-breathing hypersonics portfolio The Air Force's armament directorate is planning more tests of its boost-glide hypersonic Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon while also looking to establish new industry partnerships to support development of...
  20. B

    Mikoyan MiG-31 FOXHOUND

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