Search results for query: Hypersonic

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  1. S

    MDA outfits INDOPACOM with Defense Against Hypersonic Weapons in Pacific

    MDA outfits INDOPACOM with Defense Against Hypersonic Weapons in Pacific By Jason Sherman / May 4, 2021 at 12:19 PM Share The U.S. military has quietly developed and deployed a new operational capability in the Indo-Pacific region to detect and track hypersonic weapons, repurposing existing...
  2. Bill S

    P&W Metacomet

    Basically a tease article about further development of a J58 successor Successor to the J58
  3. flateric

    NASA-Langley hypersonic research airplane design from ca.1976

    NASA-Langley hypersonic research airplane design from ca.1976
  4. La-Fuente Technologies

    Santa's Whitestar Hypersonic Sleigh

    Why go around the world in a out-of-fashion sleigh driven by Reindeer, when you can do it in an extremely advanced hypersonic aircraft the likes of which not even the CIA with all their secret tech had ever seen View:
  5. flateric

    Rockwell International hypersonic research vehicle (HRV) - 1993

    ...International's very own HALO study. Interesting how vehicle shape would be close to factual RI X-30 NASP proposal. "...a concept for a hypersonic research vehicle using waveriding aerodynamics. Both hydrogen and hydrocarbon fuels are considered. Tradeoffs are made on acceleration approaches...
  6. hesham

    Douglas DC-2000 hypersonic transport aircraft

    Hi, the Douglas DC-2000 was hypersonic transport aircraft project,it had a cruising speed of 6 Mach.
  7. Tuomasn

    Threat warning systems for hypersonic aircraft?

    I'm looking for information on how radar and missile launch warning would be handled for hypersonic aircraft? For example the ISINGLASS survivability study shows a simple missile avoidance maneuver, but how does the pilot know he's been locked on / shot at in the first place? Since at hypersonic...
  8. flateric

    ONERA Espadon hypersonic combat aircraft concept

    ... View: View...
  9. hesham

    Fairchild-Hiller-Republic Hypersonic (FHR-4000)

    Hi, here is the NASA report about Fairchild-Hiller-Republic Hypersonic project of early 1970s,the document called FHR-4000.
  10. bobbymike

    NPOMash 3M22 Tsirkon Hypersonic Missile Russia has apparently started testing a new hypersonic cruise missile called the 3M-22 Zircon. The new weapon will equip Moscow’s modernized Project 11442 Kirov-class nuclear-powered...
  11. bobbymike

    New Hypersonic Configuration - Chinese Academy of Science

    From Space Daily; How to design a hypersonic airplane that travel from Beijing to New York in only two hours? Dr. Cui Kai and his group from State Key Laboratory of High Temperature Gas Dynamics, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences set out to tackle this problem. After three...
  12. sferrin

    Current US hypersonic weapons projects. (General)

    ...- Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW). "The ARRW, like many of the emerging threats, is an air-launched, rocket-boosted unpowered hypersonic glider. To be developed under a $480 million initial contract, potentially worth $780 million including early production through 2023, the ARRW...
  13. E

    Hypersonic Titan II Wind Tunnel Model C.1960's
  14. A

    China AVIC hypersonic aircraft/UAV?

    Hi. As always, this material comes form the [Elixir] organization, which has associated it to an hypersonic aircraft, although it looks a bit more like a supersonic stealth UAV to me… Source file unchanged, said to originate from an AVIC brochure. What is this? A.
  15. D

    HIFEX - Hypersonic International Flight Experimentation

    HIFEX is a joint effort of AFRL and the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) to advance the maturity of enabling technologies for the realization of a next generation hypersonic aerospace system.
  16. D

    Hypersonic Ground Electric AB Engine by Alexander Bolonkin

    Hypersonic Ground Electric AB Engine by Alexander Bolonkin Abstract At the present time, rocket launch systems, flight passenger-transport and ground passenger systems have reached their peak of development. In the last 30 years there has been no increase in speed or reductions in trip costs...
  17. Richard N

    Hypersonics Before the Shuttle: A Concise History of the X-15 Research Airplane

    Hypersonics Before the Shuttle: A Concise History of the X-15 Research Airplane by Dennis Jenkins Link to a downloadable pdf:
  18. L

    China hypersonic cruise missile development

    ...for their contribution in achieving stable transient combustion of scramjet engine during change (speed, altitude, direction,) in flight conditions. 3 years ago, ground test China’s hypersonic cruise missile sees technological breakthrough: reports Source:Global Times Published: 2020/6/8
  19. hesham

    Wright State Univ. Recce Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle

    Hi, here is a 6 Mach recce hypersonic cruise vehicle,developed by Wright State University, Dayton,Ohio USA.
  20. hesham

    NACA Five-Stage Hypersonic Rocket of 1957

    From Air Pictorial 6/1957, here is a small Info about NACA five-stage hypersonic rocket,intended to achieve speed more than 5.0 Mach,up to 8,000 mph;
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