Search results for query: mustard

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  1. Orionblamblam

    APR Monthly Historical Documents Program

    2016-08 package includes: Document: "Space Shuttle Remarks" paper given in 1969 by Creasey and Smith of British Aerospace describing the MUSTARD launch vehicle concept(s) Document: "Study to define Structural Certification and Recertification Criteria for Hypersonic Vehicles," 1988 Boeing...
  2. SOC

    Hughes Falcon to GAR-X

    I think you would've seen something like the AIM-4H appear earlier once they realized that the in-service Falcons didn't quite cut the mustard against small, maneuvering targets like the MiG-21. Some of the AIM-4D's problems related to external carriage, so they'd have been mitigated, but a...
  3. Grey Havoc

    Navalised Field Deployable Hydrolysis System?
  4. F

    British Secret Projects 5: Britain's Space Shuttle by Dan Sharp

    I'm really looking forward to this, I remember the picture of MUSTARD by Wilf Hardy in Look and Learn many years ago, I used to have a copy of "An economic approach to space transportation" the paper by Tom Smith either in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society or the Royal...
  5. Michel Van

    French TSTO studies of the 60's

    the European Aerospace Transporter is one of most unknown Space Program ! because lack of Information British (Hawker Siddeley and RAE) "MUSTARD" ? French (CNES, Dassault, Sud, Nord) "Le transporteur aerospatial" French Germand study (ERNO, Nord-Aviation, SNECMA) "MISTRAL" German (Junkers )...
  6. T

    A WW2 fighter design for rugged areas

    If the fuel is no better than 87 octane, Western engines (bar the R-2800 with lower boost?) will not cut the mustard.
  7. Nik

    V-2 with Chemical Warheads plans ? to fool them by reporting the V2s were landing long / short of Central London... -- With regard to any V2 CBW payload, the 'Back Channels' promise of RAF deliveries of Mustard or worse to a dozen German cities the following day must have instilled caution in all but the most rabid...
  8. DarkLord

    British 1960 manned Lunar Project

    I have neither the time or the will to finish the book, I have other projects that I am pursuing. I now live in Los Angeles and I can't access the research needed to complete the book.
  9. Michel Van

    British Secret Projects 5: Britain's Space Shuttle by Dan Sharp

    ...clearly written, rich Illustrated It not only feature, earlier Hypersonic carrier/Lifting Body but also the Complete overview of MUSTARD project ! and it not stops there, it show us also the 1960s Eurospace proposals and British collaboration with NASA on Space Shuttle. OMG, THAT IS BEST...
  10. newsdeskdan

    British Secret Projects 5: Britain's Space Shuttle by Dan Sharp

    Yes, Space Voyager editor Wendy Graham's Tom Smith interview still makes interesting reading. It was quoted extensively in his obituary in the Telegraph.
  11. T

    SpaceX Falcon Heavy

    ...Probably most immediately relevant part: Also interesting: ULA CEO stopped by to promise that Vulcan would fly before 2020, to which Elon answered by promising to eat his hat with a side order of mustard if "that rocket flies national security payload before 2023".
  12. Geist

    British Secret Projects 5: Britain's Space Shuttle by Dan Sharp

    ...another look in the messages I read yours comment about my work (sorry for not reading and answering it before). Once again, thank you very much for your words. ;) :D By the way! I posted a wallpaper (I did it) related to the Mustard - I hope you enjoy (free to download)...
  13. S

    BAC Multi-Unit Space Transport and Recovery Device (MUSTARD)

    Thanks Hesham, that's the BAC MUSTARD - Multi-Unit Space Transport and Recovery Device. One of my favourite space projects. More info can be found at and Sadly, not much...
  14. S

    V-2 with Chemical Warheads plans ?

    Not to mention Hitler's own rabid hatred of chemical weapons...
  15. A

    General Dynamics Triamese (1968)

    Bottom line: symmetrical bimese or trimese - MUSTARD, Triamese - only works in Hazegrayart stupendous CGI. In the real world, doesn't works very well. What works is - trimese with a second stage (Delta IV is an expendable variant, F9 is reusable, minus the second stage). - "slightly asymetrical...
  16. Foo Fighter

    What's Mustard Plaster?

    I hear some pilots get a little problem with that from survival suits but a 'mustard plaster' there could be an issue. While assigned as unit medic I had a member (apparent why I used this word soon) of my regiment complain of a 'groin strain'. I gave him some 'deep heat' cream to apply to...
  17. A

    SpaceX Falcon Heavy

    ROTFLMAO Oh boy, a childhood dream come true: a millionaire eating his hat, just like Scrooge McDuck rivals, either Glomgold or Rockerduck.
  18. P

    Johhny Walker anyone?

    I remember seeing footage of an anti tank system proposal in the 80's that did something like that, the idea was it would bounce around in a WP tank formation until it hit something hard then explode, I think it was part of the Assault Breaker idea.
  19. F

    BAC Multi-Unit Space Transport and Recovery Device (MUSTARD)

    ...US Space Shuttle before the Challenger disaster put paid to our plans. Towards the end of the programme, there was a segment about the BAC Mustard and this included an interesting interview with Tom Smith (the documentary also contained an interview with Geoffrey Pardoe about Blue Streak). I...
  20. F

    British Secret Projects 5: Britain's Space Shuttle by Dan Sharp

    ...over the years but now have this book that has more information than I thought could have possibly survived over the years. I hadn't realised that there so many versions of Mustard let alone all the other Aerospace Transporters studied by BAC. Hope Dan Sharp is proud of his book, he ought to be!
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