Search results for query: Aermacchi

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  1. Triton

    The F-35 Discussion Topic (No Holds Barred II)

    "Italy’s F-35A Flies Inaugural European Flight" Cameri, Italy // September 07, 2015 Source:
  2. GTX

    Leonardo M-346 Thread

    I am sure that will upset some... ;D
  3. N

    Aermacchi Projects

    As I understand it Aermacchi became involved in the Advanced European Jet Pilot Training (AEJPT) program when it started in 1996. I wonder where that fits into the ATX > PTS-2000 > M-346 chronology especially since they eventually submitted the M-346 for that program before it died in 2012. Was...
  4. Stargazer

    U.S. Navy VTXTS advanced jet trainer proposals

    Other VTXTS-related topics can be found here: Lockheed/Dornier « Alpha Jet » VTXTS advanced trainer proposal Northrop/Vought VTXTS Jet Trainer projects and derivatives North American Rockwell VTXTS proposal (" T-2X ") Aermacchi MB.339 for U.S. Navy VTXTS competition
  5. Hood

    Aermacchi Projects

    In Chris Chant's 'Air Forces of the World' 1990 he mentions that Aermacchi in 1988 was studying a variant of the MB.339 with twin Pratt & Whitney Canada JT15D turbofans mounted over the wings, the designation may have been MB.339D. I'm assuming tha the fuselage would have been very different aft...
  6. Triton

    Alenia MC-27J

    Farnborough, July 9 2012 Alenia Aermacchi introduces the new MC-27J, multi-mission version of the Spartan Alenia Aermacchi is pleased to introduce a new version of the C-27J battlefield airlifter, the MC-27J. The MC-27J is a multi-mission, armed, Roll On/Roll Off (RO/RO) derivative of the...
  7. R

    DART modular trainer

    ...Jet via the Contact page." This says it all. Another aircraft designer on a shoeshine and a smile. If anyone was that interested, they'd probably buy the Aermacchi 345 off the shelf. Sorry for the snark, but I've dozens of these projects come and go producing nothing more than brochures.
  8. Kiltonge

    Italy's AX - The Predecessor Of the Collaborative AMX

    An interesting could-have-been from Flight in 1978 Edit: aha, already mentioned in the B3LA thread.
  9. Woody

    Downturned outer wings on supersonic aircraft a simpler/lighter solution, so there must be something else going on high Mach-wise in addition I think. Any potential advantages/disadvantages at high AoA? I've noted that winglets have gone out of vogue since HiMAT on agile fast(ish) jets like the Yak-130/Aermacchi. Any thoughts? Cheers...
  10. thunderwarrior

    Leonardo M-346 Thread

    But at Alenia Aermacchi they keep their lips sealed ..... Which, loosely translated, sounds more or less like this ..... Source ..... ..... (page 9) .....
  11. orko_8

    Turkish THK Prototypes & Projects

    ...a jet trainer / light attack aircraft in mid 1970's, shortly after the establishment of governmet owned aircraft company TUSAS. Aermacchi MB339 and Hawker Siddeley Hawk were short listed (the other two contenders were Alpha Jet and F-5F). TUSAS selected MB339, while the Air Force insisted on...
  12. alejandrogrossi

    Alternative fighter for Argentine AF & Navy during Falklands war.

    uk 75: The A-4 and Dagger in her runs before drops her bomb use her 20mm (A-4 Colt - i think-) and 30mm on the Dagger. The the only attack on ships of the MB339 (Crippa) use UZI rockets an her gun
  13. T


    You can find earlier claims of up to 40 degrees for both siblings, but here's a fairly recent one (2016) that quotes the horse's mouth on the M-346: The Yak-130 limit is the...
  14. A

    CAC Postwar Projects

    ...this prolific family of engines ;)) Mach 1.5, the aim was to train RAAF pilots to the Mirage IIIO. In the end the role was filled by both Aermacchi MB-326 and twin-seat Mirage III. I have the air Enthusiast article on Australian designs, but I'm deseperately seeking a 3-view of this...
  15. Skybolt

    Aermacchi Projects

    ...the anti-chopper role... Every light CAS, with their low stall speed and agility, can naturally be used as a SABA, even A-10 are... Bur Aermacchi wasn't so fool to design such a specialized aircraft back then, and there was no requirement by the Aeronautica Militare for that matter. Think...
  16. hesham

    Contest: what project is this ? (Ermanno Bazzocchi's wartime EB-9) the Milan Polytechnic in 1938, and for most of his life he linked his name to that of the most famous aeronautical company in Varese, Aermacchi, of which he became Technical Director 1945 he left in 1989 after having been its Chief Executive Officer until the previous year. During the...
  17. GTX

    Northrop F-5G / F-20 Tigershark

    ...which are after burning versions of the Honeywell/ITEC F124 engine which is itself derived from the civilian Honeywell TFE731 of which there are more than 11,000 produced and used in multiple platforms. The F124 itself is also used in the Aero L-159 Alca and Alenia Aermacchi M-346 Master.
  18. Skybolt

    Italy supersonic jet fighter projects

    You mean in 1955? By then had actualy flown jet arplanes FIAT (the G-80 series), Aerfer and Caproni-Trento (the Frati's F.5). The MB-324 was just a project, like the SIAI-Marchetti SM-10X of 1950 (and the SM-110 Chimera II of 1950, a four-jet liner...). The first Macchi's jet-airplane to fly...
  19. F.L.

    Alenia-Aermacchi-Embraer AMX.

    Venezuela selects MB-339FD and AMX ATA combination Andrea Spinelli / GENOA / 15 July 1998 Venezuela has chosen a mix of the Aermacchi MB339FD jet trainer and the new ATA version of the Alenia-Aermacchi-Embraer AMX trainer/attack aircraft to meet its advanced jet trainer and light strike fighter...
  20. K

    Japanese next generation fighter studies pre GCAP (aka i3, F-3)

    ...Japan. Japan has been looking to replace the T-4 and T-7 since at least July of last year. Maybe Kawasaki license producing the M-345 or Aermacchi and Kawasaki teaming up to jointly develop a new trainer specifically for Japan. Regardless I do see things coming out of this partnership even...
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