Search results for query: Aermacchi

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  1. N

    Aermacchi 1972 COIN projects (AKA "little A10")

    Aermacchi MB.342, MB.343 & MB.344 Hi boys: My son Alberto, dealing with an article about the fifty years since the delivery to Italian Air Force of the first Aermacchi MB.326 trainers, found an interesting family of projects by Eng. Ermanno Bazzocchi of 1972. These preliminary projects were...
  2. uk 75

    Alternative fighter for Argentine AF & Navy during Falklands war.

    I always wondered why the Argentines didnt use cannon equipped aircraft to strafe the thinly armoured ships and their fragile sensors. Pucaras and Aermacchis could have done a lot of damage this way.
  3. Antonio

    Options in case of an EFA breakdown

    CASA AX compared to Italy-Brazilian AMX and Aermacchi M346 in its different iterations. Not an option to replace a failed EFA so, for Spain, the choice would be between Super Hornet and Rafale.
  4. boxkite

    Aermacchi Projects

    Re: Aermacchi Supersonic Trainer? PTS 2000? Before the M-346 and Mako? M.B.341, also from "Gente dell'aria" volume 3 (Caption: "Disegno dell'MB-341, in cui sono evidenziati gli impianti di bordo.")
  5. E

    Alternative fighter for Argentine AF & Navy during Falklands war.

    Re parking the Aermacchis on the grass, this from "Wings over the Malvinas" with my emphasis:- "In April the possibilty of operations from Estacion Aeronavale Malvinas, at Puerto Argentino/Stanley Airport, was analysed. Since the apron was being used by transport aircraft, the possibility of...
  6. boxkite

    Aermacchi Projects

    Re: Aermacchi Supersonic Trainer? PTS 2000? Before the M-346 and Mako? Model picture of M.B.341B (Source: "Gente dell'aria" volume 3/caption: "Modello del bireattore canard per l'addestramento avanzato MB-341 B del 1982.")
  7. T


    Really? M-346?! I would like very much to see some sources. I posted an aermacchi sponsored article from AFM (or AI) back in the days when T-X competition was running. It is still on the web and it doesn't say such.
  8. Skybolt

    Aermacchi 1972 COIN projects (AKA "little A10")

    Yes, but eventually Aermacchi didn't follow suit. They designed a couple of small VIP-transport derivatives of the MB-339 instead, around 1984. They looked at replacing the PD-808 in Aeronautica Militare service, but Piaggio won the day with the Avanti.
  9. hesham

    Aermacchi Projects

    Hi, here is a small Info about Aermacchi MB.321,a two seat primary trainer Project, which was abandoned in favour of Fokker S.11.
  10. E

    Aermacchi MB-326C jet trainer project......

    From a picture seen in the AerMacchi engineering office some 40 years ago, I'd say they at least mocked up this on a standard MB.326 trainer. If memory serves me correctly, the Candair CL-41R was produced to this same, or a similar, requirement.
  11. Bailey

    Aermacchi MB.320

    Not the best quality, but all I could find on the MB.320. From The Aircraft of the World, Green & Pollinger, Macdonald, 1953. Regards Bailey.
  12. fightingirish

    Leonardo M-346 Thread

    The Israeli air force is to name its Alenia Aermacchi M-346 advanced jet trainer the 'Lavi', re-using the name previously carried by the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) fighter developed in the 1980s. Source:
  13. Skybolt

    Multi-purpose STOL transports

    A couple of Aermacchi proposals. MB-331 (piston engines) and MB-331T (turboprop). Both were intended for both passenger and cargo roles. Very simplified desgn, with fixed undercarriage. 1968. Dimension for the -T version were lenght 13,4 m, span 18,00 m. The basic version was smaller.
  14. Skybolt

    Aermacchi Projects

    Re: Aermacchi Supersonic Trainer? PTS 2000? Before the M-346 and Mako? The MB-338 was high-wing, and produced a series of derivative (or so) designs, like the ligjht CAS MB-341, an ancestor of the AMX. As for the engine of the ATX, I'll find.
  15. F.L.

    Alenia-Aermacchi-Embraer AMX.

    Distribution of work on the AMX programme. The AMX programme work was distributed as follows : EMBRAER carried out 29.7% of the work (wing, air intakes, pylons and ATB); Aeritalia - 46.7% (central part of the fuselage, tailplane); Aermacchi - 23.6% (nose and tail parts of the fuselage).
  16. E

    The designations of Fiat and related companies

    G-91T/4 sounds like it was developed to the same specification that the MB-326C was aimed at, a trainer for F-104 systems. I know the Aermacchi design never got beyond a mock-up on an early MB-326 airframe, how far did the G-91T/4 get?
  17. T

    Dassault Rafale NEWS ONLY

    ...point: the French politicians were strongly pro Serbian at that time... Until that M2K-N went down. 2nd point: the Adriatic is not that vast that such precautions would prevail. The Italian AF have used single engined fighters for decades without littering the sea with F-104, G-91 or...
  18. TomS

    Alternative fighter for Argentine AF & Navy during Falklands war.

    I know at least some Skyhawks did use their cannon as well as bombs.
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