Search results for query: Aermacchi

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  1. boxkite

    Aermacchi Projects

    ...Flieger“ 11/1964 (page 278) M.B.330B.gif => ”The MB.330B business jet, one of several [is this a reference to the M.B.328 and M.B.329?] Aermacchi studies in this area.“ / “AIR Enthusiast” No. 51 (page 35) / COPYRIGHT: Aermacchi via Roy Braybrook Can anybody help with illustrations of the...
  2. E

    Postwar Hispano Aviación projects

    I do wonder a bit about the Ha500 as it definitely resembles what little I've seen in print of Aermacchi's MB.340.
  3. hesham

    Aermacchi Projects

    Also from Aerei magazine, here is the two variants to Aermacchi M.311 (side-by-side and tandem two-seat) aircraft.
  4. hesham

    Aermacchi Projects

    From Air Pictorial 1963.
  5. Triton

    T-X Trainer - Boeing T-7A Red Hawk

    Model of Alenia Aermacchi/General Dynamics T-100 Source:
  6. Apophenia

    Aeritalia Post-War Projects

    Interesting. So the name Impala was applied to two different Aermacchi designs?
  7. Skybolt

    Aermacchi 1972 COIN projects (AKA "little A10")

    As for now, no. But I have an insider in the workings of Aermacchi at that time... If he can speak, I'll post here.
  8. F.L.

    What-If profile page updated

    And a fictional variant intended for anti-ship missions with different radar :
  9. dan_inbox

    Macchi Designations (Aermacchi / Alenia-Aermacchi)

    ...for easier reference. Here is a copy for whoever might find it useful. With kudos and thanks to Cy-27 and the other contributors. Macchi Aermacchi Alenia-Aermacchi Designations Aermacchi was an Italian aircraft manufacturer. Established originally in 1912 as the Nieuport-Macchi S.A. by...
  10. Bill S

    JPATS competition

    ...few of the slides that might be of interest to this discussion. First was a list of the Competitive Systems and there were general arrangements of the various systems aircraft. Here is the list, Grumman/SIAI S.211, Lockheed/Aermacchi MB-339C, Lockheed/Aermacchi MB-339D and the LTV/FMA IA63...
  11. CiTrus90

    CiTrus90's 3D Drawings of Unbuilt Aircraft

    I'm having way less time than in the previous months, and, unfortunately, way less inspiration; still, here is a couple of new models. Aermacchi MB-324:
  12. A

    UTS trainer competition: Yak-130, MiG-AT, Sukhoi S-54, Myasishchev M-200

    Yak-130 : - linked with the Aermacchi M-346 (at the beginning). - I think I saw the derivatives you mention in air&cosmos... I have to check!
  13. E

    What is going on with the Italian Secret Projects Book?

    Most excellent news as I am eagerly awaiting this title. I've been very interested in Italian aircraft since interning at AerMacchi "way back when" (summer of 1972).
  14. Matej

    EADS AT2000 / Mako jet trainer concepts

    Dassault/SAAB Eurotrainer SES identified as EADS MAKO TET identified as Aermacchi M346 SET identified as CASA ATX But did anybody hear about Dassault/SAAB proposal?
  15. G

    Aermacchi Projects

    Is any friend in possession of any picture of the Aermacchi MB-340 proposed strike fighter ( probably early 70s'...) Thanks in advance and... Regards from Giorgio (Turin-Italy)
  16. F.L.

    What-If profile page updated

    Embraer AMX-N of Brazilian Naval Aviation operated from Minas Gerais (A11) from 1995, and later from Sao Paulo.
  17. Moose

    T-X Trainer - Boeing T-7A Red Hawk

    It's a subscriber article but AvWeek says Alenia is getting back in with a new US production partner.
  18. TinWing

    Aermacchi Projects

    Re: Aermacchi Supersonic Trainer? PTS 2000? Before the M-346 and Mako? Here's a chronology from a French language website: " Aermacchi AT-X2 : 1ere variante (1985), non supersonique. Jamais construit. Aermacchi AT-X2A : 2e variante (1986), supersonique. Jamais construite...
  19. Stargazer

    Aermacchi MB.326

    Not necessarily. I'm no longer a moderator these days, but a quick look at your search results (a search which I did myself before starting this topic) shows we're dealing with either projects or different built types. I believe there is little justification in grouping the MB.326 with other...
  20. K

    Aermacchi MB-326C jet trainer project......

    This is the only picture I have. Not sure of its providence, nor it's reality. Georgio Apostolo in his book "Aermacchi MB-326" says only that the MB-326C reached the mockup stage, due to the availability of the TF-104G. This could of course mean a flying mockup without the avionics.
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