Search results for query: Sikorsky tilt

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  1. R

    Late War M4 Sherman Redesign

    I disagree. A common problem with airplane radial engines is too much oil pooling in the lower cylinders. If you try to start a cold radial engine, you risk hydraulic lock, bent piston rods, etc. That is why bush pilots typically hand pull their radial engines through a dozen blades before...
  2. Sundog

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    I understand what you're saying, but that's literally not what he said. He said we wouldn't see an advanced helicopter flying around 230 knots for some time. Also, while Sikorsky may not have government backing, I am willing to bet they have customers in mind, such as special forces, and that...
  3. F-14D

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    It will depend on how fast it goes, how high and whether AF will feel it impinges on "their" role. Don't forget, they almost went ballistic over Cheyenne which was clearly a helicopter. And dare we mention C-27J?
  4. _Del_

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    From only reading the report you posted, it looks like it was pretty straight forward, honestly. It's not really technical speak, but I suppose it helps to be familiar with it. From the section right below the scoring graphic you posted: [i[The SSEB found that Sikorsky “did not provide...
  5. Triton

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    "VIDEO: Boeing confident in SB-1 design for Pentagon's FVL" By: James Drew Philadelphia Source: 18:44 22 May 2015 Source:
  6. yasotay

    Bell Helicopter Hybrid Tandem Rotor - The DEW Line

    Mole, I suspect that Bell is fishing. Trying to find out what their government customer is thinking. Thus the point "no hardware unless there is a government program". Tilting the wing slightly is a lot less complex than a full tilt rotor conversion and probably a lot lighter too, although...
  7. GWrecks

    Boeing-Sikorsky SB>1 Defiant (Model S-100)

    I thought the propulsor only went one way (Well, two ways technically...). Though the coaxial rotors might give more of a push when input is provided. Actually, wasn't the entire reason why Kamov used coaxials because they needed to fit a helicopter on a ship with minimal space? Specifically...
  8. flateric

    Sikorsky Advanced Cargo Aircraft (ACA)

    bit more on Sikorsky Advanced Cargo Aircraft (ACA) ca.1990
  9. yasotay

    LHX Program

    While I see your point regarding complexity (look at an F-111 or a Sea King), loss of one of the wing tips ability to transition back to rotor-borne flight would mean the aircraft would have to remain in fixed wing mode and land as a CTOL aircraft vice VTOL
  10. F-14D

    Sikorsky X-Wing Projects

    X-wing was a dead end. Originally the story was that it would enable a supersonic rotary winged vehicle, then that was scaled back to a high transonic, then jet speeds, then a concept that would have a dash speed higher than that of a Tilt-Rotor. but would have to cruise slower (although...
  11. yasotay

    Bell V-280 Valor

    Army pursuing family of Osprey-like aircraft The Bell V280 Valor - which looks like a mini-version of the Osprey - is designed to be flown by pilot but could be produced as an unmanned vehicle. It will be able to cruise at 280 knots with a range of 500 to 800 nautical miles. Courtesy of Bell...
  12. yasotay

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    A good question. One of the admirable traits of a tilt rotor is that it does not require an anti-torque device at the end of a long tail boom. Other than the (ill) famed “Blackhawk Down” incidents in Somalia, there have been a number of helicopters downed due to debris going into the tail...
  13. yasotay

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    Good assessment I think. Hard to argue with flying things.
  14. flateric

    Boeing/Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche

    Highly recommend for all RAH-66 Comanche nuts. Tons of rare flight tests footage, including Fantail prototype, test articles and simulators, interviews with test pilots and Sikorsky fligh tests team. Awesome. Can be bought separately, or better as a part of Test Pilots 5-DVD pack, first three...
  15. e-Graphite

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    The protest for FLRAA is settled and Sikorsky-Boeing lost. They've already stated they're not going to the federal claims court to pursue that possible avenue. Defiant and Defiant-X are dead. I would hope a major defense OEM wouldn't be throwing good money after bad, but I suspect it has just...
  16. sferrin

    Boeing-Sikorsky SB>1 Defiant (Model S-100)

    You're right on the Kamov design. The Sikorsky design uses counter rotating rotors to prevent roll off at high speed. With helicopters you lose more lift the faster you go on the retreating blade side. That's also why they're using rigid rotors (so they can keep the height reasonable without...
  17. yasotay

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    @HaveVoid - I agree with your assessment. As someone who has done low level and nap-of-the-earth (NOE) flying extensively it is rarely done at higher speeds. So I doubt that a tilt rotor aircraft would attempt to fly there with the rotors in horizontal flight mode. Most likely they would be...
  18. HaveVoid

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    As someone who has enjoyed this thread for years, and watched this program going back a long time, I don't know that I find his editorial to be particularly devoid of an obvious agenda in all honesty. He trots out an argument that has been the center of most of the pro-Sikorsky-Boeing pieces...
  19. yasotay

    LHX Program

    Ah the memories. In 1984 a shiny new Army Cobra lieutenant went to his first Army Aviation Association of America annual meeting in Fort Worth Texas. Aside from the copious amounts of alcohol, there was a convention center chalk full of LHX models and mockups. Bell tactical tilt rotor...
  20. yasotay

    Boeing-Sikorsky SB>1 Defiant (Model S-100)

    @ Sundog - to your point on V-280, I suspect that Bell will start on the "operational" issues, since the air vehicle seems not to have any issues with flying. Things like: "our aircraft has only six rotor blades, all of which can fit in the back of a small tactical vehicle. We can work on the...
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