Search results for query: Sikorsky tilt

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  1. Grey Havoc

    Sikorsky Advancing Blade Concept (ABC) projects

    Actually, I think it was Sikorsky's proposal for the USN's Type A V/STOL requirement (1976-1982?), possibly from around early 1977. However, for some reason, Sikorsky never formally submitted it. This was perhaps because later on in 1977, the Type A program lost a lot of momentum and Sikorsky...
  2. VTOLicious

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    But it's hard to imagine that the Army replaces its entire Blackhawk fleet with tilt rotors
  3. Triton

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    Though I need to ask how committed is the United States Army to the Future Vertical Lift (FVL) program to replace the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk, Boeing AH-64 Apache, and the Boeing CH-47 Chinook in light of budget cuts? Does it consider the FVL compound rotorcraft to be essential for the...
  4. T

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    I don't think anyone anywhere will want it. It's neither a well-proven traditional helicopter, nor does it have the significant advantages that a tilt-rotor has. And very soon, the V280 will be significantly more proven (as if it wasn't that already...) than it will ever be. Given this, no-one...
  5. F-14D

    Next C-130 will be a Vertical Lift Cargo plane

    A C-130-sized replacement has been a further down the road part of Army's plan for some time. It was known as JMR-Ultra earlier and now is FVL CS (Capability Set) 5. Given the requirement for sustained hover, the consensus seemed to be (even from Sikorsky!) that at this size it would have to...
  6. yasotay

    Sikorsky X2 family

    Politics and money override logic every time.
  7. S

    LHX Program

    IIRC, Fenestrons actually take a bit more horsepower than a conventional tail rotor.
  8. F-14D

    Bell V-280 Valor

    I believe Boeing is covering the bases as a big company is wont to do. They already have access to Tilt-Rotor technology and data from V-22 and their original LHX design effort. This move, win or lose, gets them access to X2 technology so for them it's business diversification. Maybe in 10...
  9. Triton

    Sikorsky X2 family

    I know this has been mentioned previously in this topic, but I thought that I would post the comments of Scott Starrett, Sikorsky's vice president for government business development. "X-2 Maxes Out in Medium-Sized Role: Sikorsky Executive" Sep. 14, 2011 - 03:45AM | By DAVE MAJUMDAR...
  10. H

    Next-Generation Rotorcraft Capability (NGRC)

    Anyone else find it ironic that LM has been tapped for the Open Systems Architecture study when this was their biggest weakness in Sikorsky’s FLRAA bid and ultimately caused their loss to Bell’s V-280? Or is this a different team from Sikorsky’s Defiant team? Perhaps an opportunity for Airbus...
  11. yasotay

    Bell-Boeing Tactical Tilt-rotor

    The concept in question is indeed a Sikorsky tilt-wing effort called "CLVA". I am going to guess that CLVA is "Carrier Launched Vertical Aircraft" It was developed during the 1990's when Sikorsky was considering all sorts of VTOL platforms. It was designed to have both a two seat attack version...
  12. Triton

    Sikorsky X2 family

    I guess it depends on whether the United States Army and United States Operations Command is willing, or able, to pay a premium for speed in the FVL-Heavy and FVL-Ultra class of vehicle. Is the performance of the Sikorsky CH-53K or the Boeing/Eurocopter Future Transport Helicopter (FTH) good...
  13. Triton

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    The Army made the news official last Friday: "U.S. Army Selects Bell and Sikorsky/Boeing to Build Prototypes for Next Generation Helicopter Program" By: Dave Majumdar Published: October 3, 2014 5:27 PM Updated: October 3, 2014 5:33 PM Source...
  14. yasotay

    CiTrus90's 3D Drawings of Unbuilt Aircraft

    Indeed thank you so much! The concept was done by Sikorsky, I believe, for the US Army as part of the Army After Next effort in the late 90's. I found the original three view drawing in a report from that project. I have always wanted to see the concept in more than that one three view...
  15. A

    Westland VTOL convertiplane projects

    So, obvious Q: why no Westland Convertiplane...yet USMC/USAF now deploy Bell/Sikorsky V-22 as an operational asset? The A will be in some obscure techno field. See, for example, Messerschmitt building a VG in 1945, yet first operational machine, F-111A, 3/68. There, the A was electron beam...
  16. yasotay

    Unknown Sikorsky tiltwing VTOL concept

    It is indeed a Sikorsky Tilt Wing. The picture above and the attached splendid pictures from our own CiTrus90 below, are of the transport version that had a crew of 2 or three and room for eight passengers. The design also had a twin seat (tandem) attack version as well. It was developed I am...
  17. F-14D

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    Well, your first choice is what I'd guess most are expecting. But you know, regarding the technology, Tilt-Rotor has got 10s of thousands of hours operating at its design speed and environment, which is a point in Bell's, and to a lesser extent Karem's favor. Although the ducted fan propulsors...
  18. yasotay

    Sikorsky S-97 Raider

    @Colonial-Marine - doubtful that Bell will move forward on 360. Most of the engineering team has likely moved onto FLRAA or the Tilt-fold technology program. Not even sure that Bell got to keep the engine as it was government furnished. Sikorsky got to keep the engine as they are supposed to...
  19. Colonial-Marine

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    Being a CT native I feel for Sikorsky but I think the tilt-rotor option had several things in its favor and their inevitable protest was ultimately doomed. I hope that perhaps they can interest some of our international allies in some form of the Defiant but time will tell. The Raider-X still...
  20. sferrin

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    Should have said, "X-Wing" instead of tilt-wing there at the end. :p
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