Search results for query: Sikorsky tilt

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  1. F-14D

    Sikorsky X2 family

    Sikorsky unveiled their X2 demonstrator February 24th. at the 2008 Heli-Expo. Although over a year behind schedule, Sikorsky still isn't committing to a first flight date, only stating that first flight will be, "as soon as we are ready to fly. We are chomping at the bit to get airborne,"...
  2. F-14D

    Boeing/Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche

    Basically agree. Points of contention would be that there wasn't much to indicate that a Tilt-Rotor would take longer to develop than a conventional brand new helo Sikorsky, BTW, originally proposed an ABC aircraft with a V-Tail, but that wouldn't have gone very far because of the high risk...
  3. F-14D

    Boeing Vertol BV-360 or "Boeing 360"

    Not quite how it happened. HXM survived multiple attempts to kill it or to have its requirements rewritten around the H-60. It was finally approved as a program, Bell did propose a Tilt-Rotor design, Boeing proposed a tandem rotor helo that could be considered the "father" of the Boeing 360, I...
  4. yasotay

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    I have to wonder if the folks at Kamov rolled their eyes or tried not to "snort tea" giggling when they first heard of the revival of the ABC system in the US. It will be interesting in the coming years to see what direction Sikorsky goes with advanced rotorcraft if Raider is not selected. They...
  5. F-14D

    Bell V-280 Valor

    That and they hired a high ranking executive from Sikorsky who made no bones about the fcct that he was not a Tilt Rotor fan.
  6. C

    Sikorsky X2 family

    The X2 Vertical Unmanned Aerial System is Sikorsky's contender for the US Marine Corps' VUAS requirement for a VTOL UAV. Bell plans to offer the Eagle Eye tilt-rotor UAV for this competition - when (and if) it gets going. Not sure what is going on at the tail - it looks like there is a secondary...
  7. Moose

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    Good news to see the protest denied. I also nominally consider Sikorsky my "home team" and I think everything we've seen publicly has made it clear Bell is the move here. Now, of course, they gotta execute. I think the thing Sikorsky should do, if they remain committed to the concept, is return...
  8. Stargazer

    Sikorsky models and designations

    Here is a list of as-yet undesignated Sikorsky projects and prototypes which I have pics of (by no means exhaustive!): Tests of parasol wings on biplane airframes: Curtiss Oriole fitted with Sikorsky UN-4 wing (Jul '25) Curtiss JN-4D fuselage with a Sikorsky-Gluhareff G-S-1 (UN-4) high-lift...
  9. Tailspin Turtle

    Unknown Sikorsky tiltwing VTOL concept

    That artist's concept isn't really viable, so much so that I'm surprised that it would be featured in a Sikorsky calendar. There are propellers on the wing tips, not rotors, which is why the design requires a fan in the tail for pitch control. However, because the wing blocks a significant...
  10. F-14D

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    True, but they've been flying Tilt-Rotors successfully for decades, and the V-280's been flying pretty much without problems for over two years and has demonstrated everything required for the JMR-TD phase and exceeded the requirements in a number of areas. Plus, AFAIK, there haven't been any...
  11. C

    US Joint Heavy Lift

    Those of you following the Joint Heavy Lift (JHL) proeject will know that the "dark horse" in the race is Karem Aircraft's Optimum Speed Tilt Rotor (OSTR). Abe Karem designed the precursor to the Predator UAV, and the A160 Hummingbird long-endurance unmanned helicopter with optimum speed rotor...
  12. S

    Design exercise: next generation carrier onboard delivery airplane for US Navy

    I missed the dimension. It's only a 5ft stretch to wings and fuselage, to allow for proprotors +5ft in diameter. And with some composite construction of the fuselage, I think it'll work, weight wise.
  13. F-14D

    Sikorsky X2 family

    Here's a different view of the attack concept. I can't see USMC having any interest since Tilt-Rotor is so far ahead and this offers no significant advantages I can see, even if it works. Keep in mind that X2 technology got eliminated in the JHL competition, and Sikorsky is thinking of...
  14. yasotay

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    HELI-EXPO: Bell will pitch third-gen tilt-rotor for JMR/FVL By: Dave Majumdar Las Vegas 11 hours ago Source: Flight Bell Helicopter will pitch a third-generation tilt-rotor design for the US Army's Joint Multi-Role/Future Vertical Lift (JMR/FVL) programme, a top company official...
  15. C

    Boeing/Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche

    Do you have the Operational Capability # 23 report, or at lest the specifications it requires? Iv been looking and nothing is coming up.
  16. Triton

    Bell V-280 Valor

    September 21, 2015 "Bell Helicopter exploring civilian market for new tilt-rotor aircraft" By Thomas Black Bloomberg News Source:
  17. yasotay

    Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey - Development and Proposed Variants

    It appears that DARPA has jumped back into rotorcraft. From Mr. Warwick's blog, and the thread elsewhere in this forum, it appears that there is a significant amount of concept work going on in disk technology as well. While the X-2 effort is slowed from the original schedule, I suspect that...
  18. TomS

    Boeing Vertol BV-360 or "Boeing 360"

    I know this is going back quite a ways, but is there any chance the image at the link below was the Sikorsky HXM? It's labeled as a 1970s design for an ABC helo in Marine colors and looks like it would be about the right size for an H-46 replacement. Not much in the way of details, though...
  19. F-14D

    Boeing-Sikorsky SB>1 Defiant (Model S-100)

    That would depend on whether or not LM has any corporate interest in getting back into the helicopter business. Sikorsky's next big money-maker, the CH-53K, is not going to be generating substantial profits for a while yet, and beyond that the potential is on FVL (if it survives), which is by...
  20. F-14D

    JMR (Joint Multi-Role) & FVL (Future Vertical Lift) Programs

    Well, before Army dumbed down the LHX specifications, Bell said their BAT would meet or exceed the LHX agility requirements, albeit requiring more power than a helo of the same size, so Karem is probably not being unrealistic.
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