Search results for query: isinglass

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  1. A

    Boeing & North American Rockwell "Windjammer"SSTO

    Marcus Lindroos old website. I spend six months hooked to it back in 2002... Windjammer was Len Cormier's baby. It had six ISINGLASS XLR-129 engines and was sled-lauched. It led to SAMSO Boeing RASV five years later. Also Langley / Gene Love studies with Martin Marietta and Boeing. Many...
  2. A

    Convair KINGFISH - Secret Zone

    Pyroceram ;) I googled a bit on this material, seems it was used on Terriers SAMs... Is the mach 6 / 125 000 ft bird linked to the ISINGLASS project ? ???
  3. archipeppe

    McDonnell Douglas Model 192 - ISINGLASS

    Urged by XP_67Moonbat I realized the following drawings about the topic:,382.msg140326.html#msg140326 Enjoy them... ;)
  4. A

    2001: A Space-Time Odyssey

    ...never sent deep inside Soviet airspace was that nuclear SA-2s and SA-5s locked it way above 100 000 feet and way above Mach 4. See the ISINGLASS RHEINBERRY thread: Convair started at mach 4.5 and ended at Mach 9; 90 000 ft to 130 000 feet. When they pitched ISINGLASS to the NRO the spooks...
  5. quellish

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    The NB-52 dropped the SRB-DTV, which was 48,000 pounds. That should be the heaviest thing it's carried on the pylon, and is right up to the aircraft's limits. The X-51 vehicle is pushing the 52H right up to the limits of its performance envelope as is. So 132k does sound pretty big.
  6. S

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    Interesting, agreed! One of ISINGLASS's legacys seems to be light-weight structure and TPS concepts. This is documented by the AIAA paper on the joint 2001-02 NASA-Air Force 120 Day Reusable Launch Vehicle study, as discussed in AIAA 2004-3731, presented at the 2004 Joint Propulsion...
  7. B

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY A bat outta Hell: the ISINGLASS Mach 22 follow-on to OXCART by Dwayne Day Monday, April 12, 2010 Soon after the U-2 was flying in the latter 1950s, the CIA began work on a successor that eventually resulted in the A-12 OXCART, better known because...
  8. Dynoman


    Thanks Blackstar, I agree. I jumped the gun by stating (USAF/NRO) :-\ The NRO doesn't seem to be interested in the ISINGLASS program until later either, when the CIA begins looking for funds and pitches the program to the NRO. A redacted individual of the Aug 14, 68' memo by John Parangosky (in...
  9. D

    Aurora - a Famous Speculative Project

    It's likely the distinction is between 'early' GD studies of '64-'65 and the MCAIR effort thereafter. Now, how & when Rheinberry fits into this...
  10. LowObservable

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    Way cool stuff. New material on the intended timeline, and strong hints that either explanation for the demise of Isinglass - either problems with distortion caused by heat on the camera window, or the NRO winning a battle and getting full funding for KH-10 - could be accurate. And it had TWO...
  11. A

    Dark Moon Rising: Archibald space TL

    ...much a mix of all three. See attached picture: it is a brand new "niche" - as were the Ryan drones and spy satellites that year, 1962. ISINGLASS and RHEINBERRY did overlap, but they were vastly different animals. ISINGLASS kind of pushed beyind the SR-71: ramjets and airbreathing, but...
  12. S

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    Hi Dynoman. I don't believe that Paul was discussing ISINGLASS at all, except for a few jabs at 'classified' shapes and then it isn't clear what program he 'might' have been talking about, with such references, as MOL was very classified as well. I'm sure there were others as well. Remember...
  13. SpaceMonk

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    Why do you need orbital velocity for a spyplane?
  14. A

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    ...! Do you have the pdf and could you attach it ? Otherwise I should be able to find it with its ID number on the page. I often forget that ISINGLASS got a brief reprieve in the year 1968 - long after Schriever departure and pretty close from the Space Shuttle opening salvos by George Mueller...
  15. A

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    what I don't understand quite right with this mash up (?) document: was plasma stealth project KEMPSTER B related in anyway to RHEINBERRY? A. PS) real nice find
  16. prolific1

    Aerospace art request

    EWR VJ 101-D it is. It's a little more information to show than ISINGLASS and it fits in the confines of my book subject. BTW...I'd really like to finish that book but I'm short on all the material needed. In order to create a sample chapter for any prospective publisher I'd have to offer a...
  17. Stargazer


    ...described as a "small, inexpensive, non-expendable remotely piloted aircraft". This could very well be it (only thing is, it is given as a USAF, not CIA program, but I guess the CIA was never mentioned as a direct contractor, anyway, and used the USAF as a go-between, like they did on ISINGLASS).
  18. B

    Project ISINGLASS & Project RHEINBERRY

    No. But the documents do indicate that it was definitely supposed to be manned. They also indicate that it was McD (not General Dynamics). You can see that by downloading the pdf posted earlier in the thread and looking through them and you'll find McD's name, not GD.
  19. S

    General Dynamics Convair Division Boost-Glide Vehicle (BGV)

    That sounds so weird... running an Sanger-Bredt boost glider as an intercept missile?!? "Why are there 3 different programs for the same job?" "Because they're NOT the same job, Congressman." Though it looks like the USN and USAF programs, both being ground strike, could have been combined...
  20. A

    Dark Moon Rising: Archibald space TL

    ...000 feet, airbreathing. With a Marquardt RJ59 ramjet... also found on Convair FISH that lost to Lockheed A-12. Later the FISH returned as ISINGLASS. X-7, FISH, ISINGLASS, SA-5, A-12 all converge toward airbreathing limits. Long story short: Mach 3.4 or Mach 4.31, 95 000 feet or 106 000...
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