Search results for query: Orion

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  1. Michel Van

    Orion: Open question

    after watching Orion Tv-Doku,3282.msg26465.html#msg26465 (thank McTodd ;D) Freeman Dyson make some instresting remarks about ORION He say to launch Orion from open Sea, instat of Nevada Fields as launch option is this much "cleaner" as...
  2. Triton

    Orion test flight

    Published on Dec 2, 2014 The Orion spacecraft has completed its 22-mile, 6-hour journey from the Launch Abort System Facility at Kennedy Space Center, to launch pad 37 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida and was mated to the United Launch Alliance Delta IV. Orion is ready for its first...
  3. Nick Sumner

    Bristol Orion

    ...won’t mind me posting this here – the ‘Engines’ forum seems to be only about jets. There is some info about a Bristol aero engine named the Orion in 'Fedden - The Life of Sir Roy Fedden' by Bill Gunston published by the Rolls Royce Heritage Trust. Pages 244 - 248 has information, diagrams...
  4. Triton

    Lockheed P-3 Orion

    P-3 Orion 50th Anniversary video produced by Lockheed Martin
  5. Orionblamblam

    Project Orion's "Landing Boat"

    The single known image of the design meant to shuttle crews to and from the Orion "Battleship." Further discussion and reconstruction:
  6. uk 75

    The Lockheed Orion alternative

    I remember thinking when the Germans replaced their Breguet Atlantiques with P3 Orions that this aircraft could easily have become the West's only maritime patrol aircraft. France and the UK had both used the Neptune. Using Orions from the huge production run for the USN would have spared the...
  7. Orionblamblam

    The memo that killed Orion

    Project Orion died a slow death over a period of years, but this was pretty much that last nail.
  8. A

    Orion nuclear pulse - weird question

    World stockpile of nuclear weapons Simple question: how big an Orion could we build with all these nukes ? (circa 21 000 or so)
  9. C

    Apollo style mission for Orion/SLS??

    This concept from the blog is new for me! Seems a Apollo style mission for Orion/SLS.... You have information about this?
  10. XP67_Moonbat

    Orion Space Battleship- Soviet Style!

    Scott, this is for you, bud. This gentleman's website contained this rather interesting bit of artwork for a Soviet Orion-class space battleship. It is fictional but I wanted to post it here for you and everyone else here...
  11. C

    Laser style orion drives

    I have read in a few areas that one possible varient of the orion concept was to use lasers to fuse a hydrogen pellet in a combustion chamber and use the resultant exhaust to drive the ship--but haven't been able to find much in the way of information about it. Has anyone any links or other...
  12. C

    Vickers Viscount or Vanguard for P-3 Orion Role

    Hi Everyone! Were ever any plans for either the Vickers Viscount or the Vickers Vanguard to be converted into a maritime patrol aircraft in the way that the Lockheed Orion became the P-3? Chuck
  13. Orionblamblam

    Who wants to make some Project Orion artwork???

    I'm plugging away on part one of my Orion article series and I realized that I don't have any good cover artwork for the issue. Anybody hereabouts interested in creating some art? It'll be of the very earliest conception of Orion (similar in design to the artwork shown below), and does not need...
  14. A

    Could we have a single thread for Orion nuclear pulse spaceship ?

    ...scattered all over the forum... (there goes this forum moderator team weekend - evil grin) Let's start from this... And this amazing document from 1961...
  15. XP67_Moonbat

    HATV And RAND World-Circling Spaceship- Question for Orion

    Orion, I had noticed on Project 1947's website, in the article on the HATV and RAND's World Circling Spaceship, that the illustrations were attributed to APR. You wouldnt still happen to have any of that for sale by any chance?
  16. hesham

    Aerodis America/CRSS Orion, Rigel and Theta Projects

    From Indonesia, CRSS AA-200 Orion :four seat composite-built ligt aircraft powered by a 180 hp Textron Lycoming O-360 A4A engine. CRSS AA-300 Rigel :tandem two seat jet trainer aircraft powered by 1900 Ib Garrett TFE109-3 engine. CRSS...
  17. Orionblamblam

    Project Orion: APR V1N5 released

    ...Projects Review has been released. This is the biggest issue to date and includes a very large article on the 10-meter designs of Project Orion, both USAF and NASA. Stuff that almost certainly you've never seen before... Also: an article by Dennis R. Jenkins about a 1963 North American...
  18. Orionblamblam

    Military Orions (nuclear pulse propulsion)

    Busily working away on the next issue of Aerospace Projects Review, with the main article being on the 10-meter baseline Orion designs for the USAF and NASA. Part of the article deals with some suggested military roles for the smaller sized Orions, including ground-based command and control...
  19. novum

    Top secret DERA rocket designed by the Engel group at VA Pibrans - a basic concept for project orion? al, Ref. No. SAIC/38, NARA, the following statement can be found: Can it be, that this basic propulsion principle was reused in project Orion later on in the 50's by Teller et al? Here a sketch of the pusher plate principle used for project orion quoted from Mead et al, 1972...
  20. P

    US Navy Type Spec 146: rivals to the P-3 Orion

    Does anyone have any information, design designations, drawings and specifications on the designs submitted in the 1958 US Navy competition, that lead to the Lockheed P-3A Orion Anti-Submarine/Maritime Patrol Aircraft being declared winner? Regards Pioneer
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