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  • Before: 23 November 2009
  • Users: The Artist
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  1. The Artist

    F-117A prior to unveiling: artists impressions and kits of the 'F-19 Stealth Fighter' in mass culture

    I'm not sure how to get the photo into the quote but the pic is on the first page of this thread. Not too long ago I played around with the Academy 1/72 scale F-117 kit in trying to recreate the viewing angle in that first USAF official photograph. This was done with the mark-1 eyeball so I...
  2. The Artist

    F-117A prior to unveiling: artists impressions and kits of the 'F-19 Stealth Fighter' in mass culture

    Now, The theory I'm proposing is based on a conversation I had several years back with friends in the Gateway IPMS chapter. (some of those friends worked for Big Mac - now McBoeing - at one time or another) What if the shape developed for the Testors kit was derived from either photos or...
  3. The Artist

    Boeing TAV - was this speculation or a serious concept?

    Back in 1985 Aviation Week ran a piece of Boeing art with an article on a White House Aeronautics policy. The art depicted what I took to be a transport TAV in Boeing house colors. This attachment is a drawing I did when I saw that article and I'm posting it here to support my question. Does...
  4. The Artist

    less-known Titan variants

    Here they are. Martin Denver art from America's Mightiest Missile by Lloyd Mallan, Edited by Larry Eisinger 1961 ARCO Publishing The book dates to 1961 but Martin Denver's dates for the art may be earlier.
  5. The Artist

    less-known Titan variants

    Somewhat cleaner copies of these illustrations can be found in the book America's Mightiest Missile edited by Larry Eisnger, ARCO Publishing 1961. The caption on one states "Above is Martin Co. design for an even more powerful Titan with 3 stages and recoverable 1st stage that can be flown back...
  6. The Artist

    The 'Middle River Stump Jumper'

    Does anyone know the colors this flew in? In some pictures the under surfaces looks to be natural metal while the upper surfaces look to be a deep green, but I've only seen black and white shots of it. Thanks, Mike
  7. The Artist

    TR-3 My Impression

    Thanks for this information, quellish. I'll look into that but before I try any art from it, I'm itchin' to try something with either the Republic TFX or the Martin Model 316. Either would look good in natural metal, but we could also have seen either of them in SEA Camouflage . . .
  8. The Artist

    TR-3 My Impression

    Well, I stand corrected and I'm not sure I should feel as good about this one. I found the article in my scrap-file and I saw that it did not include a 3-view drawing. The article - Triangular Recon Aircraft May Be Supporting F-117A by William B. Scott, Aviation Week & Space Technology, June...
  9. The Artist

    To the Moon by Gemini?

    About that picture in replies # 7 & 8. Climbing a vertical wall a distance of three to four stories? Even on the Moon, or Mars, a fall could cause problems. Still. I guess this is not as bad as that image of the troops disembarking from the Ithacus Rocket Transport in the Bono / Gatland book...
  10. The Artist

    TR-3 My Impression

    Thank you to everyone who commented on the painting. I'm not sure if I still have that article on file. If I do it's tucked away in my scrap files. The aircraft down below are F-117s - at least, an attempt to free-hand them into the scene. The article that inspired this painting suggested...
  11. The Artist

    TR-3 My Impression

    This acrylic painting was developed from the information and 3-view line drawing included in an Aviation Week article back around 1990. This is an old painting but it seems the most appropriate of my current work for this forum. With all the 3-views and bits of information available on this...
  12. The Artist

    Convair XAB-1 atomic powered bomber

    There was an old Hawk kit of this design. In this case the word 'was' is a good thing because Hawk is back in production and they seem to be working their way through reissuing the old kits. There is hope for seeing this little beauty on the hobby shop shelves again. Mike
  13. The Artist

    1/96 scale Tin Can Space Tug Plans

    Sixth drawing. The small tube sections at the top and bottom of the model are attach points. The bottom to put it on a stand and the top to show it docked to something like a space station.
  14. The Artist

    1/96 scale Tin Can Space Tug Plans

    Fifth drawing.
  15. The Artist

    1/96 scale Tin Can Space Tug Plans

    Number four.
  16. The Artist

    1/96 scale Tin Can Space Tug Plans

    Third drawing.
  17. The Artist

    1/96 scale Tin Can Space Tug Plans

    The second drawing.
  18. The Artist

    1/96 scale Tin Can Space Tug Plans

    Okay. My first attempt to post these did not work so I'm going to try posting them one at a time. Six drawings. Several years ago I started working on a model of the tin can space tug that had been featured in a lot of NASA's post-Apollo program concept art. Someday I may get around to...
  19. The Artist

    Martin Model 282 Comanche

    Here are two low-res quality color pictures. Maybe Mark will be able to clean them up a little with the negatives - when I can find them. Mike
  20. The Artist

    Late 1960s Space Tug

    I'm sorry about the poor quality of these images. They were copied back when the black & white copy machine was the only choice. That is except for the concept drawing with the visible tankage - that one was a frame grab from one of the NASM Laser Disks. The following are excerpts from "An...
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