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  • Before: 23 March 2011
  • Users: The Artist
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  1. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    These photos had been sent to me many years back and I'm sorry to say that I've lost track of the person who sent them to me. Note that this is the mock-up in an earlier configuration. Wouldn't you love to be able to walk around in there and look at those displays in the background? The graphic...
  2. The Artist

    Avatar, asymmetric warfare, and US contribution to WW2

    Now that this has been moved here I feel I can step in with my comment. First I should say this. I have not seen it yet and when I do, I'm not going to try it in 3-D. That would be a waste as I've tested out as having a minimum level of depth perception. I find it interesting that this movie...
  3. The Artist

    C-2 Greyhound Replacements: N-G Greyhound 21, Fokker F.28, MDD C-9 and others

    Yes. Thanks. The illustration in the book is just a left profile drawing. A note on the placement of the nose gear. The nose gear strut is directly below the "U" of the word United in the profile drawing. Mike
  4. The Artist

    C-2 Greyhound Replacements: N-G Greyhound 21, Fokker F.28, MDD C-9 and others

    I understand that. What I was trying to say is that these drawings are not project drawings from the company, these are drawings done by a third party who has incorporated the copyright notice into the signature within the drawing - and that clearly makes them unsuitable for posting here. Mike
  5. The Artist

    C-2 Greyhound Replacements: N-G Greyhound 21, Fokker F.28, MDD C-9 and others

    I've looked at my copy of the Great Airliners DC-9 book and I can see that there may be a copyright issue with posting that image (and another one) here. The drawings of the C-9 COD and the ATEWS - Advanced Tactical Electronic Warfare System - are both clearly tagged with a copyright notice...
  6. The Artist

    Flights on Mars

    If you are talking funded proposal than you may be right. However, Wernher von Braun Made a proposal much earlier. These lo-res scans are from The Art of Chesley Bonestell by Ron Miller and Frederick C. Durant III, Paper Tiger, 2001. Mike
  7. The Artist

    Goodyear Ejection Capsule - posted for the flight of fancy it just left

    This flight of fancy is from an old issue of Aviation Week. If those are ramjets, how would the thing get up to speed? And if those are complete with all moving parts engines, how do those thin wings support them? What chance that the engines pivot and this is a VTOL Mach 3 concept? ;D I...
  8. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    While I'm not sure where Carmelo got those posted images, I can tell you that many of those images (not the 3DCG images) can be found in the Apogee book Dyna-Soar Hypersonic Strategic Weapons System. Though, some of them are quite small in that book. Mike
  9. The Artist


    Reproductions of that patch had been sold through Quest magazine. I don't know if they are still available new, but you might be able find one if you search regularly on e-bay. Mike
  10. The Artist


    Yes. But, what is wrong with those illustrations showing the capsule separating from the MOL assembly? Or, if there is nothing wrong with that picture, then please answer this question for me. Why carry a bundle of retro rockets into orbit if you are not going to use them? I don't have a...
  11. The Artist

    F-86 Sabre series

    What? To get the red out? This looks like one of the Sabre Dogs that had been painted red. Otherwise the exposure looks washed out and the chroma is a bit too strong. Mike
  12. The Artist

    Bell D188A and Model 2000 VTOL Fighters (Navy F3L / USAF "XF-109")

    I believe I've identified the movie but it may take a bit to confirm this as the movie is not currently available. "Project X" Directed by William Castle and released in 1968. Don't confuse it for the later movie about chimpanzee pilots. You can find the IMDB page here...
  13. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    If you will permit a little personal indulgence in this thread. Mike
  14. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    Thanks. That one looks much better in color.
  15. The Artist

    Douglas ROMBUS

    I came across this image while looking for the Dyna Soar stuff. From an old Douglas advertisement. Mike
  16. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    Is that on a modified Titan? Mike
  17. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    And last bit for this Dyna Soar flood. These two images seem to fit here. Both from Aviation Week. Mike
  18. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    This is from an advertisement so it may or may not be useful to you. Mike
  19. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    The acceleration rocket for Dyna Soar. From Aviation Week. The full piece has shots of manufacture and salt testing. Mike
  20. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    Just a few information pages. What I know of the source can be found in the images. Mike
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