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  • Before: 23 March 2011
  • Users: The Artist
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  1. The Artist

    Recovereble Saturn stage

    I overlooked two pages. These illustrations can be found in both editions of Frontiers Of Space. What follows is a summery from the text in the book. S-IVB Recovery phases This is a summery from Frontiers Of Space by Bono and Gatland First Phase - Ocean Recovery Modification kit weighing...
  2. The Artist

    Recovereble Saturn stage

    Recoverable S-IVB Stage images from Frontiers Of Space by Bono and Gatland. Blandford Press Ltd / Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. Image 1 is in both the 1969 and 1976 editions. Images 2, 3 and 4 were only printed in the 1969 edition. I should point out - in case anyone here is not aware - that...
  3. The Artist

    McDonnell Douglas Model 225 Painting

    Thank you all for your comments. The comments about it looking like a Tomcat pleases me. I selected this angle because of that look. I guess I should explain the proposal that I'm making to the museum. They have a small collection of company models (Mark Nankivil has posted photos of them.)...
  4. The Artist

    McDonnell Douglas Model 225 Painting

    This painting was done to illustrate a proposal I'm making to the Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum. Acrylic on 15 by 30 inch canvas panel. The Model 225 was McDonnell Douglas' entry in the Navy's VFX competition which resulted in the selection of the Grumman G-303 design as the F-14. Note...
  5. The Artist

    NASA HL-20 lifting body

    Very nice! Thanks for sharing.
  6. The Artist

    Survey: Ten Best US-made Aircraft

    While I'm not going to attempt a complete list of ten, I'd like to add my vote to Stargazer2006's for the North American NA-16 / T-6 Family. I seem to recall reading a comment somewhere that it taught the Free World how to fly. Exaggeration? Maybe, but look at how many nations used it and how...
  7. The Artist

    NASA HL-20 lifting body

    Last batch. Mike
  8. The Artist

    NASA HL-20 lifting body

    Third batch
  9. The Artist

    NASA HL-20 lifting body

    Second batch.
  10. The Artist

    NASA HL-20 lifting body

    Again, these were scanned from the 4 x 6 inch prints. I'll look for the negatives. Maybe they are still in with what I let Mark Nankivil borrow to scan - I'm still working my way through what he has returned.
  11. The Artist

    NASA HL-20 lifting body

    This seems to be the place to post these. I was lucky to have been at the Virginia Air and Space Museum on the day the HL-20 mock-up was delivered then again the next day when it had been placed on display. I just checked the floor maps on their website and it seems to no longer be on display...
  12. The Artist

    Martin P6M Seamaster

    Let's see if I've done this right. This is the kind of model I meant when I said the following in the Martin Model 282 Comanche thread. "Most of the models I remember were of common Martin designs and I got the impression that because those models were not of (then) current aircraft they were...
  13. The Artist

    British manned program in 60s?

    What is that from? That looks like something from Gerry Anderson.
  14. The Artist

    Poll : Reasons projects fail.

    A quick question first. Are you asking about military or civilian or both? I'd have different responses for civilian than I'd have for military. I know this isn't a scientific study, but I thought I'd ask. Mike
  15. The Artist

    Rules of Conduct and behaviour on the forum -please read.

    I'm still exploring and learning my way around here and this discussion seems like a good place to say a few things and ask a question. In reading rules then the initial discussion in the thread, I felt that I may have been guilty of one or two of the minor infractions. Yes. I did post an off...
  16. The Artist

    Politics' role in Unbuilt Projects.

    I'll bet ya can't follow me down those steps over there.
  17. The Artist

    Fairchild A-10 Projects

    I believe Kokoro was asking about the transition from the pylon to engine housing along the broad surface, not the front and back edges. Please do post a detail shot of the engines on the model as I'd like to get a better look at that for myself. Mike
  18. The Artist

    Fairchild A-10 Projects

    These are my photographs - 175th TFG, Maryland Air National Guard A-10s in the hanger. The first two show the pylon transition and I'm posting the other two because some of the warthog fans here might like them. Mike
  19. The Artist

    Fairchild A-10 Projects

    I think you're right. There should be a bit of a radius in the transition from the pylon. I think I have a shot somewhere to show this. If I can find it, I'll post it later. Mike
  20. The Artist

    Lockheed Archangel A-1 (pre-SR-71)

    There is a phrase I've heard a lot that seems to fit here. Form follows function. Mike
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