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  • Before: 23 March 2011
  • Users: The Artist
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  1. The Artist

    Mojave Airport in Google Earth

    Does anyone know if this is the Draken they used in an episode of The Pretender several years back?
  2. The Artist

    Northrop P-530 / P-600 / P-610 / YF-17 Design Evolution

    After seeing those delightful shots of the YF-17s, I figured I'd post this comparison shot of the YF-17 in the F-18L guise next to one of the early F-18s. This photo had been given to me back in the 80s when I was working on converting the Hasegawa F-18 back to the YF-17. I had the thing just...
  3. The Artist

    Starflight One- Space Flicks From Back In The Day

    Thanks for this info! I didn't know all this was available. The Space: 1999 Year 1 CD listed on that site is the one I talked about. Good to know that it is still available.
  4. The Artist

    Starflight One- Space Flicks From Back In The Day

    Possibly drifting a little off topic here but I thought it worth mentioning 3 audio CDs which some members here might find interesting and worth tracking down. First - Space: 1999 Year 1 Original Television Soundtrack. SILCD1157 Silva Screen Records Group / Granada Ventures. This is not the...
  5. The Artist

    Starflight One- Space Flicks From Back In The Day

    I wonder if anyone can come up with one that is cheesier than the one I just remembered - The Mouse on the Moon. IMDB info here Now that I think of it, I remember thinking about this movie when I saw Salvage 1. I guess it was that revolutionary low acceleration fuel.
  6. The Artist

    Starflight One- Space Flicks From Back In The Day

    Re: Starflight One Thanks!
  7. The Artist

    For Old Glory: Convair Super Hustler

    You're welcome. However, I stand corrected. I pulled out the users manual and I see that the program is from Macromedia - not Adobe. I haven't used the program in a while and I hadn't even gotten around to loading it on this computer. I did use it for a few projects on the old computer that this...
  8. The Artist

    For Old Glory: Convair Super Hustler

    Just thought I'd mention a useful program from Adobe called Fontographer. You can use this one to create your own fonts and to modify existing fonts. I'd think this one would be useful in the work you are producing - I mean with trying to reproduce those unique logo-types that have appeared on...
  9. The Artist

    B-29 books

    I could pick up a copy of the Squadron In Action book on the B-29 at the local hobby shop if you are interested. Mike
  10. The Artist

    Starflight One- Space Flicks From Back In The Day

    Re: Starflight One I've not seen that one but I can tell you that the movie with the Doppelganger was Journey to the Far Side of the Sun - at least, that's what it was called here in the states. By the way, there was another mirror Earth movie called The Stranger. This one had less in the way...
  11. The Artist

    US Supersonic Transport (SST) Program 1960-1971

    Thanks for the clarification. My mind was (and still is) in a bit of a fog after reading my way through this entire thread to be sure that these images had not been posted.
  12. The Artist

    US Supersonic Transport (SST) Program 1960-1971

    Source: The SST Here it comes, ready or not By Don Dwiggins, Doubleday & Co. Inc., 1968 Kelly Johnson's input on the SST and an illustration of a Continental Airlines SST. The caption is confusing on this one - citing the design as both Douglas and North American.
  13. The Artist

    LM-B/Space Tug

    Space Tug launch configuration found in Pioneering In Outer Space Heinemann Educational Books, London, Shakespeare Head Press, Scientific Services Pty., and S. T. Butler, 1971 From the book Apparently, Space Tug propulsion modules were to be used as the landing platforms for the lunar base...
  14. The Artist

    West German OPHOS 1E

    I found this in Rockets and Spacecraft of the World by Michael Chester W. W. Norton & Co. Inc. 1964 The caption with the image
  15. The Artist

    Nuclear Powered Spacecraft

    I found these two illustrations (credited to Lockheed) in Rockets and Spacecraft of the World By Michael Chester W. W. Norton & Co. Inc. 1964 From the book
  16. The Artist

    McDonnell-Douglas Display Model

    I have only my reaction to go on here but I see a single engined, delta winged F-18 or YF-17 variant in this model. Look at the combined shape of the canopy and nose. And, look at the suggested shapes of the intakes and ducting. Mike
  17. The Artist

    Curtiss XP-55 Ascender canard fighter (Model CW-24)

    Has there been any talk of flying it again? My understanding has been that the Smithsonian's policy is that when an aircraft comes into their collection it will never be flown again.
  18. The Artist

    Lockheed M-12 and D-21

    Or were they dispersed to museums? I've seen a D-21 in the Air Force Museum.
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