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  • Before: 23 March 2011
  • Users: The Artist
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  1. The Artist

    US Lifting Bodies Studies - START (ASSET/PRIME), FDL, X-24, etc.

    The single engine would have been in the same location as the rocket engine on the X-24A. The picture posted by XP-67 Moonbat shows the intake location and type on the first of the SP-5J aircraft. Photos in Jay Miller's (Jay Miller so I can't post them here) The X-Planes X-1 to X-29 (and . . ...
  2. The Artist

    Owl as ideal aerodynamic shape

    Nobody bothered telling the owls that.
  3. The Artist

    DARPA Transformer (TX) vehicle program

    Re: AVX TX I can see where some police departments would like to have something like this.
  4. The Artist

    top secret america

    That's not a silly question. 'Trigger words' was the term used in the discussions I read back then. You are right that some people would use codes but some of the discussion had it that this was being used to watch for home grown terrorist activity as well as for catching other illegal...
  5. The Artist

    Biggest mistakes in aviation history? Which projects should have been built?

    I've just skimmed through this thread and saw that a few had brushed up against it but no one actually suggested it - the N/AW (2 seat) A-10. I remember reading somewhere that the Army would have loved to have seen the 2 seat warthogs being used for FAC. Also, I can't help thinking about the...
  6. The Artist

    top secret america

    I remember the talk about ECHELON and Carnivore. Some of the talk back then was that the U.S. and England had an arrangement to work around the laws - U.S. operators monitored the U.K. communications and they monitored ours. One of the other stories had it that (as Scott commented) everything...
  7. The Artist

    Letov L.115 "Delfin" postal/courier transport (possibly a hoax)

    I have no idea of what the name could be but I think I see some Siebel Si 204 influence in that design. You might try a general search using that as a starting point.
  8. The Artist

    Garber Smithsonian restoration facility- pictures, trivia, and ID request

    I just had another thought. Could those wings be from one of the COIN prototypes? Didn't the early OV-10s have a shorter wingspan?
  9. The Artist

    Garber Smithsonian restoration facility- pictures, trivia, and ID request

    My first thought on those wings was a Twin Otter but now I'm not sure as the engines look like they're too close to the wing tips to be a Twin Otter.
  10. The Artist

    Airport Paris-Nord

    Impressive, but would two towers be enough to handle that volume of movement through that tangle of taxiways and aprons? It seems to me that there would be blind spots caused by those parking towers.
  11. The Artist

    The F-35 No Holds Barred topic

    Thanks. This was the first time I had noticed that lump being clear with framing.
  12. The Artist

    The F-35 No Holds Barred topic

    What is this for?
  13. The Artist

    US Supersonic Transport(SST) Program post-1971

    While this will not add much to the discussions going on here, I thought I'd post this two page spread from Future Life, December 1980.
  14. The Artist

    Future Nazca Spaceship

    That is from the book Illustrated Transportation published in 1986 by Graphic-Sha. Illustrated Transportation is a themed collection of illustrations by illustrators working in a wide range of styles. That painting is by Hitoshi Ikematsu and is titled Space Shuttle In Nazca. The caption lists...
  15. The Artist

    seeking original photo of this

    Here is another one - found on one of the NASA sites. Edit- The "tail-less" image can be found at this NASA site. They acknowledge that it is a retouched image. I found a version with a vertical tail here...
  16. The Artist

    SENTURY II coming from Syd Mead

    I was looking through Diamond Distributing's Previews Catalog today and saw a listing for SENTURY II with a list price of $49.95. A quick check at the Syd Mead site revealed that it has a street date in October. Now I know there's got to be other Syd Mead fans here...
  17. The Artist

    McDonnell Douglas & Boeing BWB projects

    I came across this while searching for aerial views of the ground at and near Edwards for inspiration for the background for a painting. Anyway. I found the image in two sizes one at NASA and one on Wika.
  18. The Artist

    US Next Generation Bomber Studies

    Sorry. With you listed as the moderator for this category, you became the most likely person to be addressed with the comment.
  19. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    My understanding is that the sub-orbital flights would not have used the trans-stage but it, as with the orbital flights, would have had a small solid booster mounted in the forward end of the adapter shroud as an abort booster.
  20. The Artist

    US Next Generation Bomber Studies

    Hey SOC, You moved my posting to the thread with the nuclear discussion. My post belongs in this thread as it was in response to this comment posted by you. Edit: Thank you for moving it back. Mike
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