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  • Before: 23 March 2011
  • Users: The Artist
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  1. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    Thinking outside the box? Mike
  2. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    True, but I think the intent of this image was to show the concept without giving away too much. Mike
  3. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    From Aviation Week. A shot of the wing pylon for the B-52 / Dyna Soar flights. Mike
  4. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    Air launching the Dyna Soar for orbital missions - from a NASA TM. Source information noted in the images. Mike
  5. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    Sorry about the poor quality of these. This little photo-copied packet had been given to me some time ago so I don't know any more of the source than what you'll see in image 1. Mike
  6. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    Sorry about the poor quality - this is from an old photocopy. The source is noted in the image. Mike
  7. The Artist

    Bell D188A and Model 2000 VTOL Fighters (Navy F3L / USAF "XF-109")

    Maybe not so good. I just checked that title in IMDB and Wikipedia and saw no mention of the events I remember. I'm going to keep searching. Mike
  8. The Artist

    Bell D188A and Model 2000 VTOL Fighters (Navy F3L / USAF "XF-109")

    I'm going to have to do some digging for the exact title, but I remember seeing either this mock up or a sound stage copy used in a low grade sci-fi film. I want to say that it was called "X - The Man With X-Ray Eyes" The main character develops the ability to see through things so he is...
  9. The Artist

    Convair XAB-1 atomic powered bomber

    Thanks for that information. Maybe that explains the extra long canopy on the fighter. I thought the thing was a two-seater at first, but then I noticed only one ejection seat triangle in the decal instructions. To be honest, I didn't bother checking the scale since I'm convinced that it is a...
  10. The Artist

    Convair XAB-1 atomic powered bomber

    This thread inspired me to build my old Hawk kit of the Beta-1 then use it to do this painting. That being the case, this thread seems to be the best place to show it. I've reached a point on this one where I have to leave it alone for a while then see what still needs to be done. I figured I'd...
  11. The Artist

    F-117 Developments ??

    I'll put forth two 'ifs' here. First. If you are willing to accept a reasonable accuracy in the Revell 1/72 F-22 and the Dragon 1/72 F-117. Second. If you are willing to accept the chaotic look of my painting table. Mike Correction that is the Academy kit. Sometimes I type faster than I think.
  12. The Artist

    Boeing TAV - was this speculation or a serious concept?

    Seeing this thread take off prompted me to go digging for the original image that I did that drawing from. (I don't have the best filing system - things get moved around depending on what I did with them last.) The rest of the article does not really address this design as it is about a White...
  13. The Artist

    FICON, Parasite Fighter, Tip-Toe and Tom-Tom programs

    Re: Convair B-36 parasite system You'll have to wait about a thousand years, then maybe I can tell you something. ;D Sorry, couldn't resist. Mike
  14. The Artist

    Convair XAB-1 atomic powered bomber

    I figured I'd post this here to give some contrast with a pair of designs that have been attributed to Convair. Mike
  15. The Artist

    Northrop SM-62 Snark Model

    I'm not sure that you'll find one document with exact marking specifications. I'm presenting these three cropped images in one frame to show the variations I've noticed in the striping on the Snark. I hope you find this useful. Mike
  16. The Artist

    Putnam Books We Need to See

    I'm sorry. I did not mean to imply that Curtiss-Caproni was part of the beginning of North American. Curtiss-Caproni built a plant in Dundalk but they never built anything there. That building was torn down during the'60s. I've checked my copy of Maryland Aloft and it confirms that the FLBs...
  17. The Artist

    Putnam Books We Need to See

    I believe there would be some crossover between the Fokker story and the North American stories. From Fokker Aircraft Builders to the World by Thijs Postma, English Translation by Jane's Publishing 1980. 1929: "In May, General Motors acquired 40 per cent of the shares. Fokker, who owned 20...
  18. The Artist

    Arsenal VG.20 (1/72 scratchbuilt model by CAO 700)

    Thanks for posting these in progress shots. I like being able to get a look at other people's building techniques. A very nice build.
  19. The Artist

    Arsenal VG.20 (1/72 scratchbuilt model by CAO 700)

    I believe the scale is listed in the subject header - 1/72. I too am curious about any kit-bashing in this project. Mike
  20. The Artist

    Convair XAB-1 atomic powered bomber

    Here is the opening paragraph in the instructions for the old Hawk plastic kit - Hawk Atomic Airplane, XAB-1 BETA 1. "Incorporated in the design of the Beta 1 are the engineering criteria established for an atomic airplane. The design, although hypothetical, is completely within the realm of...
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