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  • Before: 13 February 2015
  • Users: The Artist
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  1. The Artist

    A-12 canopy at eBay

    I've given up trying to understand crazy "buy it now" prices. After seeing an Airfix 1/72 scale P-51 - the one that kind of looked like a P-51 if you squinted at it from across a darkened room - for "buy it now" $50.00 or seeing three common as in pick up for a couple of bucks at a swap-meet...
  2. The Artist

    MiG navy fighter (electromagnetic catapult)

    Funny that this thread popped into my view today. I have this issue (December 1993) and I was just looking at this picture this morning. I don't think this was a real concept model and here's why. When I look at this picture I see an inverted, heavily modified F-18 (Early - maybe ESCI) with the...
  3. The Artist

    Rockwell pre-ATF and ATF studies

    Thanks. GIGO got me again with the search. Maybe a moderator could merge this into the Rockwell pre-ATF / ATF thread.
  4. The Artist

    Arrowhead or Pumpkin Seed?

    I'm not sure what to make of this image. The caption reads 'Perhaps these "flying saucers" will be the airplanes of tomorrow.' I found this in Airplanes of the Future by Don Berliner, Learner Publications, 1987
  5. The Artist

    Rockwell pre-ATF and ATF studies

    I don't remember seeing this one before I found this book today and running some searches here has not turned up anything. Has anyone got any additional information on this? I found this in Airplanes of the Future by Don Berliner, Learner Publications, 1987
  6. The Artist

    Lockheed High Altitude Powered Platform (HAPP): sun-powered and unmanned

    I'm posting this here because this is a color copy of the version posted by Stargazer2006, and it is different from the color image posted by robunes. Notice that that vertical object (nose gear?) has been painted out on both the day and night depictions of the aircraft. I found this in...
  7. The Artist

    Sikorsky X-Wing Projects

    I found this in Airplanes of the Future by Don Berliner, Learner Publications, 1987. Posting this here because the black and white version is here and I didn't find a dedicated Boeing X-wing thread.
  8. The Artist

    Sikorsky X-Wing Projects

    I have found a source calling it "This Boeing Vertol "X"-wing convertiplane..." I'll soon post this image in color - unless my continued search finds it in another thread.
  9. The Artist

    The Chinese build weird stuff in the desert....

    I have to admit that my first thought was to make a rude comment about the Chinese not getting modern art, but as I looked at it I got this idea that it could be some kind of test pattern for a space based imaging system. Or more a pattern for testing an interpretative (possibly A.I. based)...
  10. The Artist

    Aviation, Imagination of the Future from the Past

    A couple space program futures from the past. This seems to be the place for them. Thanks Mark for bringing these to my attention.
  11. The Artist

    An early Phantom Gunship

    All I have so far is this picture and the caption. However, I may find more on it as I make my way through what will be a long project at the museum.
  12. The Artist

    An early Phantom Gunship

    From Aviation Week. April 4, 1966. An F-4C carrying clusters of GAU-2B/A Miniguns was being evaluated by McDonnell and the USAF at Eglin AFB. At the time this photo had been taken the aircraft had been flown in this configuration. Additional tests with 15 Miniguns were planned though the...
  13. The Artist

    Chengdu J-20 pictures, analysis and speculation Part I

    Yes, without the nozzles. I measured the model in its current state of construction. Perhaps I should clarify. The measurement was taken from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail booms.
  14. The Artist

    Trumpeter 1/72 scale J-20 "Mighty Dragon" kit

    As I said in the other thread, when I first opened the box and looked over the parts I found myself thinking about and making comparisons to the Su-47 Berkut more than about or to any of the other aircraft the J-20 was compared to in that other thread. Maybe someone else will see it in these...
  15. The Artist

    Trumpeter 1/72 scale J-20 "Mighty Dragon" kit

    Now shots with the Revell F-22 and with the DML YF-23. I see very little (if any) of the YF-23 in the J-20. I do see that the forward fuselage seems to have taken inspiration from the F-22. Note. Except for the cockpit, the F-22 kit is unpainted and the panel lines have been penciled in to aid...
  16. The Artist

    Trumpeter 1/72 scale J-20 "Mighty Dragon" kit

    Now for some comparison shots. Starting with the Italeri X-32 and X-35 kits. The shape of the J-20 wing seems closer to that of the X-32 than to the other aircraft discussed in the other thread. Close but not a copy. The intakes do seem to take some inspiration from the X-35/F-35.
  17. The Artist

    Trumpeter 1/72 scale J-20 "Mighty Dragon" kit

    Here is the last batch of detail shots for now, though others may follow as I continue the build. There are decals for the cockpit but with all that texture I'm not sure how they'd look when applied. (I didn't think to take a shot of the decals. Maybe next time.) The cockpit attaches to the...
  18. The Artist

    Trumpeter 1/72 scale J-20 "Mighty Dragon" kit

    Here are some shots looking at the surface details. Note that the upper and lower fuselage parts are not glued together in these shots - therefore you are seeing gaps where there shouldn't be any. You can see the tube I've added for the stand along with the hole for the tube's top anchor pin...
  19. The Artist

    Trumpeter 1/72 scale J-20 "Mighty Dragon" kit

    Here are some more kit parts and three selected images from the instruction sheet. Note the assembly instructions for the main gear. That part attaching the wheel to the bottom of the strut looks like a stress failure event waiting to happen for someone who handles their models a lot.
  20. The Artist

    Trumpeter 1/72 scale J-20 "Mighty Dragon" kit

    Here the two-piece engine exhausts have been assembled. The tabs seen in the profile shot are part of the sprue and will be removed before the exhausts are attached to the kit. One sprue is included twice in the kit - one in black and one in blue-gray. Here is the blue-gray one, though it's...
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