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  • Before: 13 February 2015
  • Users: The Artist
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  1. The Artist

    What might have been in the GIUK

    I believe there are some mixes of fuel and oxidizer that will burn under water. The smoke and gases produced by those fires would rise to the surface.
  2. The Artist

    Ulyanovsk CVN

    They're looking good.
  3. The Artist

    What might have been in the GIUK

    From what I see, you have a strong command of color. I like it.
  4. The Artist

    A sample of reflected light and color

    In response to comments made by Scott in another thread, I'm going to talk a bit about how I try to paint reflected light and color on an aircraft. Said another way, this is how I try to make the aircraft look like it is flying within the background space. I'm using a painting of an early U-2...
  5. The Artist

    US space station

    I understand they used Syd Mead as a concept designer at one point and he certainly knew about O'Neil's concepts.
  6. The Artist

    The interlude/theme music you are touched by

    A piece I love hearing is the cut called Two Funerals on the Battlestar Galactica Season One soundtrack. I loved the way it was used in the show but it is even better for me in that cut. I like all the music from that series but that cut really gets to me. I also enjoy the two cuts Passacaglia...
  7. The Artist

    Amateur aerospace artist

    Fair enough. I've already sent the PM. I'll publish here the suggestions but not my direct comments about the painting in question. Look for paintings by Charles Thompson, Keith Ferris and Wilson Hurley (Wilson did mostly southwestern landscapes but he also did some aviation art) and look at...
  8. The Artist

    Amateur aerospace artist

    Very nice indeed. I'll be sending a PM with a minor critique and some suggested reading. To everyone else, my comments will be supportive with suggestions on how to improve on what she's done here. I just don't think those comments should be made in the open like this when she doesn't know...
  9. The Artist

    British manned program in 60s?

    Some elements of that are reminding me of the entry gliders from the old HAWK MOL kit - the one based on the Atlas booster. Then there's also the old Convair Space Shuttle kit...
  10. The Artist

    Light-Attack Plane Could Save USAF Millions of Dollars Per Year

    For the pilot, maybe, but not for the gunner.
  11. The Artist

    You, Them and Us

    Stargazer2006, The first image you posted is probably the most successful of the Loose Lips... theme. A whole novel's worth of a story reduced to three symbols and three words. Anyone looking at that image will have their version of the full story. And for the other part of the theme - The Enemy...
  12. The Artist

    You, Them and Us

    Thanks flateric. I was hoping my posting would get a Loose Lips Sink Ships propaganda thread going. I love that stuff - no matter which side created it.
  13. The Artist

    You, Them and Us

    Just a friendly reminder from the Cold War era. This poster is in the collection of the Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum.
  14. The Artist

    A-12 canopy at eBay

    Last Saturday I spoke with a friend who worked on the A-12 program. I mentioned these pictures and he replied "I doubt that it is. The A-12 program is still tied up in litigation so nothing should have been released." He did ask me to send a copy of the pictures. The next day he replied "That's...
  15. The Artist

    USN VFX Competition (Alternatives to the F-14)

    Another flood of pictures of the McDonnell Model 225 rib model. We are moving the model to a different display area and will try cleaning it and tightening some of the loose screws. With the model down on a table I was able to focus on the articulated details on the model. 23 pictures total sent...
  16. The Artist

    TV documentary series about re-building Ancient engineering wonders??

    Would one of these be what you are looking for? The Re-Inventors Discovery Channel: Doing DaVinci or Discovery Channel: Super Weapons of the Ancient World
  17. The Artist

    Iran military downs US RQ-170 Sentinel spy drone

    Those do look like narrow windows to me.
  18. The Artist

    Robert McCall space plane concept

    It kind of looks like an ASSET stretched to the size of the X-24B. At the same time, the shapes of the top side are reminding me of something European - maybe one of the Sanger concepts from the 60s or 70s. I'll have to do some digging.
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